Scrapbook Photo 01/27/25 - 104 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
March 7, 2005
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 3/7/05
* Budget Cuts by Rendell “Run Deep”
DEP Secretary Kathleen McGinty said budget cuts proposed in Gov. Rendell’s budget request for next fiscal year “run deep,” which makes taking action on his Growing Greener II proposal all the more urgent.
* DEP Budget Cuts “Run Deep,” Push Is On For Growing Greener II
DEP Secretary Kathleen McGinty told the House Appropriations Committee the cuts proposed in the Governor’s Budget Request for the Department of Environmental Protection “run deep,” but the agency is juggling resources to “deliver the services Pennsylvanians count on to protect their health and preserve their environment.”
* Governor Hears “Buzz” on Black Fly Spraying Program
According to a spokesperson for Gov. Rendell this week, the Governor heard the “buzz” about his decision not to recommend funding the Black Fly Spraying Program next fiscal year. He notified House Appropriations Chairman Rep. Brett Feese (R-Lycoming) that he now would fund the program in the coming year.
* DCNR Looks at Inns, Lodges, Expanding PA Wilds, Wind Energy Opportunities
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Michael DiBerardinis told the Senate and House Appropriations Committees this week, that in spite of an over all $4 million cut in his budget and having to use some existing Growing Greener Program dollars to cover administrative costs, “we will not close any parks, lay off any full-time staff, or eliminate any full-time positions.”
* New Watershed Resource Guide Available, DEP Sets Workshops
The Department of Environmental Protection this week published a new “Watershed Stewardship: A Planning and Resource Guide” that is available two ways-- free online or on a CD upon request.
* Targeted Watersheds Nominations Due to DEP March 10
On February 18 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency invited states to submit nominations for its Targeted Watersheds Grant Program. (See Feb. 18 PaED)
* Federal Recovery Grants Available for Floodplain Relocation, Debris Removal
The Department of Community and Economic Development announced this week the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development is making available $2.5 million in Community Development Block Grants for disaster recovery activities related to severe storms and hurricanes that hit Pennsylvania in 2003 and 2004.
* Kettle Creek TMDL Available for Public Comment
The Department of Environmental Protection and the Susquehanna River Basin Commission are inviting comments on the Kettle Creek Watershed Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) in Clinton and Potter counties. A public meeting will be held March 15 in Renovo. Comments are due May 4.
* Sign Up Now for Watershed Snapshot 2005 -- April 15–24
Join the thousands of volunteers participating Watershed Snapshot 2005 and help educate the public about water quality in their own backyards.
* Protecting Streams from Underground Mining
DEP Draft Guidance on Protecting Streams/Wetlands From Deep Coal Mining
* West Branch Susquehanna River AMD Restoration Project Symposium Set
On May 6 & 7 the West Branch Susquehanna Watershed Task Force will hold a symposium in State College to discuss cooperative efforts to deal with acid mine drainage problems across the entire watershed area in Northcentral Pennsylvania.
* Kettle Creek Landowner Stewardship Workshop April 2
The Kettle Creek Watershed Association, Trout Unlimited and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation are holding their third annual Kettle Creek Landowner Stewardship Workshop on April 2 in Germania.
* The Chesapeake Club Shows How to Adopt a “Chesapeake Lifestyle”
A new program launched in the Washington, D.C. area is taking a holistic view of educating people on what they can do for the environment by adopting a “Chesapeake Lifestyle.”
* Investigating Watershed Issues: Supporting Student Research - April 14 Program
Join the Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition, professionals in the fields of mine reclamation and ecosystem recovery, educators and watershed organizations for an evening showcasing student research at Westminster College on April 14.
* Conservation Youth Camp Registration Still Open
Rivers Conservation and Fly Fishing Youth Camp Registration Still Open
* DEP Will Not Accept Land Recycling Requests for Cleanups on Agricultural Land
Environmental Protection Secretary Kathleen McGinty this week issued a statement to “clarify” DEP procedures under the state’s Land Recycling Program saying DEP will not accept remediation reports submitted for properties formerly used as agricultural or orchard land and slated for development.
* Reminders: Shades of Green Nominations Due, April 7 Building Solutions Summit
Just a reminder, the Shades of Green Leadership nominations are due to the Green Building Alliance in Pittsburgh by March 10.
* EPA Host Air Program for Schools
EPA Hosting Indoor, Outdoor Clean Air Programs for School Officials
* Forest Lands Beautification Program Cleans Up 33 Dumps, 287 Tons of Trash
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources this week said nearly 287 tons of trash and other debris were removed during 33 cleanups on state forest and parklands in 2004 as part of Pennsylvania's Forest Lands Beautification Program.
* EPA Recognizes Limerick Township For Environmental Performance
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week presented the Limerick Township Municipal Authority, Montgomery County, with a regional award for excellence in operation and maintenance of its wastewater treatment facility.
* Display at Philadelphia Flower Show Highlights Native Species
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s exhibit at the 2005 Philadelphia Flower Show will feature native plants in a coastal seashore garden. Visitors will see unique plants that are unlike those from any previous EPA exhibit.
* New Report Shows Bioenergy Could Increase Farm Profits by $5 Billion
The Biotechnology Industry Organization this week released news of two special reports saying new policies to promote biofuels made from ethanol and other crop residues could increase farm profits $5 billion nationwide.
* Think Spring! Watch the Peregrine Falcon Nest Online Video Starting March 7
From the Department of Environmental Protection Falconwire this week: The new male has become much more comfortable with his new surroundings on the Peregrine Falcon nest on the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg.
* Look for Migrating Birds Coming to A Location Near You
March winds and snow may still be howling, but a blizzard of another kind is moving in and out of the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area in Lebanon County.
* A Springtime Adventure: Vernal Pools
By Kate Brandes, Environmental Scientist, Wildlands Conservancy
* The Chemistry of Saving Anderson Creek
What began as a project by a high school chemistry teacher and his students to document water quality has developed, six years later, into a watershed association supported by dozens of partners with one goal—saving Anderson Creek.
* Contribute Your Photographs to the Digest Gallery
We’ve had a number of requests to list the special photographs we’ve featured in past issues of the PA Environment Digest, so we’re doing just that with this issue.
* Quick Clips
NewsClips from around the state on Methane Wells, Transit, Hybrid Vehicles, Open Space, Suburvan Renewal, PPL, Bethlehem Museum, Carbon County Natural Areas, $2.50 Gas, Furniture Recycling, Saving Water Treatment Costs.
* Watershed NewsClips
NewsClips on watershed issues from around the state.
* Regulations
Agendas for upcoming meetings of the Independent Regulatory Review Commission and the Delaware River Basin Commission.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of several final and draft changes to policy guidance this week related to coal mining, operator certification and drinking water permits—
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, workshops and events, plus links to other calendars
* Contributions Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .

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