Scrapbook Photo 09/16/24 - 98 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
April 4, 2005
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 4/4/05
* Calendar Feature Added to Digest
We are pleased to announce the addition of a new Calendar feature to the PA Environment Digest website.
* April Deadline Coming! No, the Growing Greener II Ballot Question
Gov. Rendell set an April 17 deadline for the General Assembly to have a bill with the Growing Greener II bond issue ballot question on his desk, but some counties this week said that may be too late for the question to be included in absentee ballots they must mail out weeks ahead of the May 17 election.
* House Has “Open Space Preservation” Week
The House took final action this week on several bills related to preserving open space, as well as legislation to finance security improvements to water systems, tax incentives for hybrid and zero emission vehicles. Here’s a quick summary—
* Joint Conservation Committee Environmental Synopsis Features Annual Report
The Joint Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee published its March edition of the Environmental Synopsis newsletter that includes an overview of the Committee’s 2004 Annual Report as well as articles on clean air cars, federal brownfields efforts, Great Lakes conditions, Northeast efforts to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions and a summary of the Committee’s recent Environmental Forum on nutrient trading.
* BP Solar Panels Provide Backup Power In Governor’s Residence
The Department of Environmental Protection and BP Solar unveiled a new 2.8-kilowatt solar power system on the south roof of the Governor's Residence that will provide at least 22 hours of backup power to critical infrastructure in the event of a blackout.
* Alternative Energy Financing Applications Due May 13
The Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority is now accepting applications for financial assistance for electric generating projects which use: solar energy; wind; low-impact hydropower; geothermal; biologically derived methane gas, including landfill gas; biomass; fuel cells; coal-mine methane; waste coal; integrated gasification combined cycle, and; demand management measures, including recycled energy and energy recovery, energy efficiency and load management.
* Two New Resources Now Available for Air Emission Information
The Department of Environmental Protection now has available two new sources of air emission information—facility by facility emission inventory statements and 43 ambient air monitoring stations.
* EPA Offering Community Grants to Reduce Toxic Exposure
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is now accepting applications for the CARE (Community Action for a Renewed Environment) grant program, a new community-based, community-driven, multimedia demonstration program.
* Applications Accepted for Recycling Grants Thru June 17
The Department of Environmental Protection is accepting applications for Section 902 community recycling grants through June 17.
* PennVEST Sets Deadlines for Infrastructure Grant, Loan Applications
The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority announced the deadlines for applying for drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, brownfield and other financial assistance through 2006.
* Shenango River Watershed Conservation Plan Review Set for April 5, 7, and 13
The public is invited to provide comments on the Watershed Conservation Plan for the Shenango River watershed during public meetings on April 5 at Mercer County Cooperative Extension Office, April 7 at Neshannock High School Cafeteria, and April 13 at the St. Phillip Church Social Hall in Linesville.
* Call for Entries: National Smart Growth Achievement Award
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is now accepting applications for the fourth annual National Award for Smart Growth Achievement.
* Frances H. Flanigan Environmental Leadership Award Nominations Due
The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay is seeking nominations for its annual Frances H. Flanigan Environmental Leadership Award.
* Earth Day 2005 Activities From All Over Pennsylvania
Here’s a sampling of just a few of the Earth Day 2005 events going on around Pennsylvania in April, plus links to find events in your area.
* PA CleanWays Highlights Cleanups, Anti-Dumping Education Efforts
Before you head out to become part of the Great PA Cleanup! on April 23, take a look at the Spring newsletter of PA CleanWays to get an idea of what other groups have done around the state to not only cleanup their streams and roadways, but keep them clean.
* Pennsylvania League of Angling Youth Turns 25 Years Old
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission’s premiere fishing club for youth is no longer a kid itself. March marked the 25th anniversary for PLAY – the Pennsylvania League of Angling Youth.
* Falcon Lays Full Clutch of Eggs in Harrisburg, Pittsburgh Falcon Pair Ahead
Now that the female Peregrine Falcon on the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg has laid her clutch of four eggs, both the male and female will take turns tending the eggs. The eggs are expected to hatch around May 8 – Mother’s Day—as in past years.
* Game Commission Announces $2.85 Million Reduction in Services
In the face of a $3 million deficit in the 2004-05 fiscal year budget caused by unanticipated expenses and shortfalls in timber revenues, Pennsylvania Game Commission this week announced cuts and reductions in current operations of $2.85 million.
* Robert M. Ross Retires as President of Pennsylvania American Water
Robert M. Ross, president of Pennsylvania American Water and regional managing director of the Southeast Region of American Water, retired on Thursday, March 31, after 45 years of service.
* Taking Positive Action - William Jeanes Environmental Excellence Award Presented to PPL Project Earth
The Susquehanna River Basin Commission this week presented the Commission's third William W. Jeanes, Sr. Award for Environmental Excellence to PPL Project Earth for its support of the Susquehanna Basin Streamside Cleanup Program.
* Taking Positive Action - Sawmill Will Cut Costs, Pollution With Financial Help From DEP/DCED
S&D Lumber of Hallstead, Susquehanna County, will use funding received from the Small Business Pollution Prevention Assistance Account to install a new electronically controlled fuel injected diesel generator to provide power toits sawmill.
* Feature - The Lenape Nation: A Tradition of Caretaking— People and the Environment
When people think of Native Americans, few think about the Lenape Nation here in Pennsylvania. Fewer still know the Lenape as environmental educators.
* Quick Clips
NewsClips on environmental issues from around the state.
* Watershed NewsClips
A sampling of NewsClips from around the state on watershed issues.
* Regulations
The PUC asked for comments on a specific request to determine the ownership of alternative energy credits and the Department of Environmental Protection filed a challenge to EPA's mercury rule.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
No new guidance published this week.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops and events, plus links to other online calendars. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Contributions Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .

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