Growing Greener, Environment Ed, Help for Watershed Groups
Gov. Rendell this week signed the legislation into law laying out how the $625 million environmental bond issue approved by voters in May will be spent. The legislation also reallocates funds to different programs from the original Growing Greener Program.
Bills on Governor’s Desk/Introduced
The last of the environmental bills on the Governor’s desk were signed into law this week…
Environmental Bond, Spending Restructuring Bill Signed Into Law
Gov. Rendell this week signed into law the legislation to implement the $625 million environmental bond issue voters passed in May. The legislation also reallocates existing environmental spending from Growing Greener’s Environmental Stewardship Fund to other programs.
Technical Help Available for Abandoned Mine Drainage Projects
Trout Unlimited in Pennsylvania is offering technical assistance to watershed and other groups involved in abandoned mine drainage projects throughout Pennsylvania fund by a Growing Greener grant.
Chesapeake Bay Small Watershed Grants Awarded
Over $1.1 million in grants were awarded this week through the Chesapeake Bay Small Watershed Grant Program administered by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
Porous Payment Parking Lot, Stream Work Continues in Erie County
Northeast Borough in Erie County is now home to a new porous pavement parking lot, thanks in part to a $150,000 Growing Greener grant.
Conservation Plan Meetings Set for Red Bank Creek
The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy in cooperation with Sandy Lick Conservation Initiative, North Fork Watershed Association, local municipalities, agencies, and individuals have scheduled public meetings on the Watershed Conservation Plan for Red Bank Creek and its tributaries in Clearfield, Jefferson, Armstrong, and Clarion counties.
2004 Mine Reclamation Report to General Assembly Now Available
This week the Department of Environmental Protection provided the Senate and House environmental committees with copies of the 2004 Remining Incentives Report which details how programs like financial guarantees, bond credits, mine operator assistance, government-financed reclamation contracts and other initiatives have promoted the remining and reclamation of abandoned mine areas.
Funds Help Reuse Abandoned Coal Land for Motorized Recreation
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources this week presented a $1,025,000 grant to the Cambria County Conservation and Recreation Authority to start development of the Rock Run Recreation Area, a 6,000- acre tract offering improved riding opportunities for owners of all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles.
DEP Introduces Online Training Center for Water Plant Operators
The Department of Environmental Protection this week announced it has launched EarthWise Academy, an online training and information center for certified water and wastewater system operators.
Participate in New Diversity in Environmental Ed. in Higher Education Initiative
The Pennsylvania Consortium for Interdisciplinary Environmental Policy and the Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education are partners in a new initiative to increase diversity in environmental education and environmental content at institutions of higher education.
PA Center for Environment Ed EE Connections Newsletter Now Available
The Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education's July newsletter, EE Connections, is now available online.
Applications For President’s Environmental Youth Award Due July 31
July 31 is the deadline for submission of projects for the 2005 President's Environmental Youth Awards sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Environmental Educators Conference March 24-26 in Ligonier
Start planning now to attend the Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators conference March 24-26 in Ligonier. The theme of the conference is “Pennsylvania’s Harmony – Celebrate the Wonder of Pennsylvania’s Environment.
EPGA 2005 Power Generation Conference September 7 & 8
The Electric Power Generation Association will hold its annual conference on September 7 and 8 in Hershey. This year’s theme is Achieving Operational Excellence and Environmental Compliance.”
Pennsylvania Litter Summit Set for October 5 in Harrisburg
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, its member organizations and the Department of Environmental Protection have scheduled a Litter Summit for October 5 in Harrisburg.
Fish & Boat Commission’s Austen Leads National Fish Habitat Effort
Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Executive Director Dr. Douglas Austen has been selected to chair the National Fish Habitat Initiative, a national workgroup developing a strategy to protect aquatic habitats and fisheries across the country.
Art and Nature Mingle in Upcoming Shows at Ned Smith Center, Middle Creek
If you enjoy wildlife art, make plans to attend one or both of the upcoming festivals and shows at the Ned Smith Center and Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area.
Wildlife Art Available from PA Game Commission
Wildlife enthusiasts can enjoy owning wildlife art and help support programs that benefit Pennsylvania's wildlife at the same time by purchasing any of the wildlife prints and patches offered by the Pennsylvania Game Commission.
DCNR Announces Improvements to State Park Reservation System
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources announced this week it will be expanding its state park reservation to include a web-based reservation system for the first time. Visitors will also be able to charge reservations to their credit cards.
DEP Publishes New Public Participation Policy for Permit Reviews
The Department of Environmental Protection is implementing a new policy that provides enhanced forums for meaningful participation by any and all of the parties involved in DEP permitting decisions and ensures an especially high level of involvement by residents interested in projects proposed for their communities.
DEP’s Citizens Advisory Council Welcomes Three New Members
The Department of Environmental Protection’s Citizens Advisory Council Chair Walter N. Heine this week announced the appointment of three new members to council-- Gail Conner, Joyce Hatala and Curtis Kratz.
Spring Creek Phase II Restoration Completed In Dauphin County
Restoration of an additional 2,200 feet of Harrisburg’s Spring Creek was completed in June, utilizing natural channel design (Rosgen) methodology to improve stream flow and provide additional habitat for the stream’s wild brown trout population.
Pittsburgh Youth Action Board Wins Environmental Advocacy Award
By: Ben, Marlon, Marcus, Dianna, Candy, and Michael, Earth Force Youth Action Board members
North Versailles Teen Wins Awards for Air Pollution Experiments
Melissa Meighan, an East Allegheny High School student in Pittsburgh, won a series of awards for her project testing air quality at playgrounds in North Versailles, Wilmerding and Wilkesburg in Allegheny County.
Students Take Environmental Message to the Streets in Erie
You can be a Solution to Pollution! is the message Northwest Pennsylvania Collegiate Academy Advanced Biology students are sending to Erie citizens through their Lake Erie-Allegheny Earth Force project.
Quick Clips
A sampling of NewsClips from around the state on environmental topics...
Watershed NewsClips
NewsClips on watershed issues from around Pennsylvania...
The Department of Agriculture is proposing to amend regulations establishing the CHEMSWEEP Pesticide Disposal Program.
Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of final changes to three policy documents—public participation in permit review, PA Natural Diversity Inventory and a correction to a prior notice about community water systems.
Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - DHess@crisciassociates.com or go to www.PaEnvironmentDigest.com .