Scrapbook Photo 09/09/24 - 120 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
August 1, 2005
* Short Summer Break – Next Issue August 15 - PDF of this Digest
PA Environment Digest will be on a short, summer break next week.
* Environmental Chairs Question Go It Alone Strategy for Mercury Emissions
Three of the four chairs of the Senate and House Environmental Resources and Energy Committees wrote to DEP Secretary Kathleen McGinty this week expressing concerns about “pursuing individual state action on a pollutant that is a national and even global problem.”
* Act 46 Increases Reimbursement for Districts Building Green Schools
When Gov. Rendell signed the omnibus education bill-- House Bill 628 -- into law as Act 46, the legislation included specific provisions reimbursing school districts at higher rates for refurbishing and expanding existing buildings to meet the LEED green building standards.
* Pennsylvania Student Team Wins 2005 Canon Envirothon
For the tenth time in eighteen years, Pennsylvania’s Envirothon Team won the national Canon Environthon competition. This year’s team was made up of five students from the Penncrest High School in Delaware County.
* Pittsburgh Solar Decathlon Project Team Heads for Washington
In September, Pittsburgh Synergy, a multi–disciplinary team of students from Pittsburgh, will head to the National Mall in Washington, D.C. for a “constructive demonstration” of solar energy in the second U. S. Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon competition.
* Student, Teacher Win Honors in National Environmental Competition
A teacher and student from Pennsylvania were selected for inclusion in the 2005 Igniting Creative Energy’s “Excellence in Student Creativity” notebook.
* Poster Contest, Scholarship Winners Announced by Conservation Districts
The PA Association of Conservation Districts this week announced the winners of their “Celebrating Conservation” and “Nature in Your Neighborhood” poster contest for students in kindergarten through twelfth grade.
* Nominations Due for 2006 EnergyValue Housing Award August 6
The EnergyValue Housing Award honors builders who voluntarily incorporate energy efficiency into designing, constructing, and marketing new homes.
* Applications for Alternative Fuel Incentive Grants Due October 3
The Department of Environmental Protection this week announced it will be accepting applications for Alternative Fuels Incentive Grants through October 3.
* Biodiesel Facility Receives Site Planning Grant
Enviro Biodiesel received a $165,000 planning grant for predevelopment plans and site assessment and design of a large-scale biodiesel production plant in Paint Township, Clarion County.
* Learn About Saving Energy, Solar and Other Clean Alternatives
The Sustainable Development Fund and GreenTreks Networks have teamed up to present an interactive website to educate people on how easy it is to save energy and look for cleaner sources of power for their homes and businesses.
* Animal Feeding Operation Air Agreement Signup Period Extended
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced it is extending the sign-up period for the Animal Feeding Operation Air Compliance Agreement, until August 12.
* Ohio River Watershed Celebration Attracts 800 Participants, Awards Presented
Hundreds of participants spend more than four hours networking, talking about new projects and looking a exhibits as the Gateway Clipper sailed on the Allegheny and Ohio rivers around Pittsburgh.
* Pennsylvania Welcomes World to Pittsburgh for Bassmaster Classic
Pennsylvania has long been recognized as offering some world-class fishing opportunities, so it’s only fitting that the Keystone State this week hosts 47 top professional anglers seeking competitive bass fishing’s top honors-- the 35th CITGO Bassmaster Classic July 29 - 31.
* Streamside Cleanup Workshops Coming in September, October
Join the Susquehanna River Basin Commission for a Streamside Cleanup Training Academy Workshop on one of three dates in September and October.
* EPA’s Welsh Praises Coatesville Brownfields Partnership
Donald S. Welsh, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regional Administrator this week lauded the efforts of the brownfields partnership effort that is redeveloping the former steel manufacturing facility in the city of Coatesville, Chester County.
* No Agreement on Federal Abandoned Mine Fund, Program Extended 1 Year
There was no agreement on how to extend and allocate funding from the Federal Abandoned Mine Land Fund in the waning days of Congress before its summer recess, so they decided to extend the existing arrangements through June 2006.
* DEP CAC Elects Officers and EQB Representatives
The Citizens Advisory Council to the Department of Environmental Protection recently held elections for officers and Environmental Quality Board representatives for the coming year.
* Help Wanted - Recycling, PENNTAP, Stream Buffer, Enviro. Ed Positions
A number of environmental job opportunities are now available in recycling, technical assistance, stream buffer program and environmental education. See the individual announcements below.
* PA Habitat: Fairmount Park Named 82nd Pennsylvania Important Bird Area
by Rhonda Poe, Director of Development, Audubon Pennsylvania
* PA Habitat: In Defense of Dead Trees – Protecting Habitats for Wildlife
By the Pennsylvania Game Commission
* Opinion: Protecting Our Soil and Water: County Conservation Districts Need Our Support
By Susan Fox Marquart, PA Association of Conservation Districts
* Opinion: Developing a Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan
By Rep. Douglas Reichley
* George B. Wolff Receives State Conservation Commission Service Award
Agriculture Secretary Dennis Wolff this week presented the State Conservation Commission's Distinguished Service Award to George B. Wolff (no relation to Sec. Wolff) for a lifetime of agricultural and conservation achievements.
* Quick Clips
NewsClips from around Pennsylvania on environmental topics
* Watershed NewsClips
A sampling of NewsClips from around the state on watershed issues.
* Regulations
The Environmental Quality Board is scheduled to meet on August 16, check here for the agenda. Also included here are notes on actions by the Independent Regulatory Review Commission and the Public Utility Commission related to the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
No guidance documents were published this week.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .

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