Scrapbook Photo 02/17/25 - 139 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
February 7, 2022 Issue #916
* 47 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA

Here are 47 new stories in the PA Environment Digest about individuals, groups, local governments, farmers, businesses, watershed groups and many more working all across Pennsylvania to restore and protect the environment and show others the beauty that surrounds us.

* This Week’s Examples Of Going The WRONG WAY On Environmental, Energy Issues

While PA Environment Digest’s priority is to highlight positive examples of environmental and energy leadership, 2022 is an election year which demands accountability to voters.

* All Articles & NewsClips In This Week’s Digest By Topic

PA Environment Digest Is Putting The Best Links To Environment & Energy Articles and NewsClips Here.   Is Your Story Being Told?

* Gov. Wolf Proposes $450 Million Growing Greener III Initiative Funded By Federal American Rescue Plan; Bipartisan Support Building For Conservation Allocation

On February 2, Gov. Tom Wolf proposed allocating $450 million from the federal American Rescue Plan recovery funding to make investments in cleaning up our rivers and streams, repair and expand recreational facilities and other local conservation projects.

* General Assembly Diverted $3.602 Billion From Environmental Infrastructure Projects And Programs Into State Budget Black Hole

The collapse of the bridge near Frick Park in Pittsburgh is only the latest and most vivid example of the ‘Rob Peter To Pay Paul To Fund Mary’ infrastructure funding policies implemented by the people who now run the General Assembly.

* DEP To Report $4.7 Million, 17.6% Deficit, In Funding Oil & Gas Regulatory Program To EQB Feb. 15; Conventional Drillers Only Pay 0.4% Of Their Regulatory Costs

On February 15, the Environmental Quality Board will hear a presentation from DEP that will show a $4.7 million-- 17.6 percent deficit-- in FY 2022-23 funding needed to support the Oil and Gas Program that regulates both conventional and unconventional wells.

* Guest Essay: Commonwealth Budget Should Fully Fund Environmental Protection

By Rep. Greg Vitali, Minority Chair House Environmental Committee

* DEP Announces $4.7 Million In Growing Greener Watershed Restoration Grants In Southcentral PA

On January 31, the Department of Environmental Protection announced 13 projects in eight Southcentral Pennsylvania counties, aimed at watershed restoration and protection, have been awarded more than $4.7 million in funding through this year’s Growing Greener Grants.

* DEP Receives First $25 Million From Federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law For Plugging Oil & Gas Wells Abandon By Conventional Drillers

On January 31, Gov. Wolf announced Pennsylvania was awarded its initial allocation of $25 million from the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to plug oil and gas wells abandon by conventional well drillers.

* PA American Water Accepting Applications For 2022 Environmental Grant Program

On February 1, PA American Water announced applications are now being accepted for the company’s 2022 Environmental Grant Program.  Applications must be postmarked by March 31.

* South Mountain Partnership: Sign On To Letter Asking Counties To Invest Federal American Rescue Plan Funds In Local Conservation, Recreation And Place-Based Revitalization

The South Mountain Partnership is asking organizations to sign on to a letter urging Adams, Cumberland, Franklin, and York counties to invest federal American Rescue Plan funds in local conservation, outdoor recreation and place-based revitalization projects.

* DEP Citizens Advisory Council To Hear Update On PA Chesapeake Bay Watershed Cleanup Initiatives Feb. 15

The DEP Citizens Advisory Council is scheduled to meet on February 15 to hear an update on Pennsylvania’s efforts to cleanup its portion of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

* Cumberland County Planning Dept. Issues RFP For Farm Conservation Planning & Technical Assistance Services

The Cumberland County Planning Department has issued an RFP for Conservation Planning and Technical Assistance Services to enhance stewardship and conservation practices on farms preserved under the county's Agricultural Conservation Easement Program.

* Chesapeake Bay Journal - Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited’s Limestone Dosing Keeps Fish Habitat Livable For 36 Years

By Ad Crable, Chesapeake Bay Journal

* CBF Blog: Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Partners Create Unique Watershed Restoration Plan For Halfmoon Creek In Centre County

By B.J. Small, Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA

* Ducks Unlimited Celebrates 85 Years Of Wildlife Conservation, Restoring Or Protecting More Than 15 Million Acres Of Habitat In North America; Over 28,300 Acres In PA

On February 2, Ducks Unlimited celebrated World Wetlands Day by recognizing 85 years of their efforts with many partners to restore and conserve wildlife habitat.

* Pike Conservation District: Source Water Protection And The Pocono Source Water Protection Collaborative

By Ellen Enslin, Pike Conservation District

* USGS: PA Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network Finds 64% Of Wells Exceed Radon Standard, 36% Manganese, 32% Iron

A new USGS study, in cooperation with the Department of Environmental Protection, explains 2015-2019 results from the Pennsylvania Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network of 28 wells across the Commonwealth.

* AG Shapiro Charges Energy Transfer Partners With Environmental Crimes Over Revolution Natural Gas Pipeline Explosion

On February 2, Attorney General Josh Shapiro, in conjunction with the 46th Statewide Investigating Grand Jury, announced the Office of Attorney General Environmental Crimes Section has charged ETC Northeast Pipeline LLC (ETC), a subsidiary of Energy Transfer, LP (Energy Transfer), with nine counts of environmental crimes related to their conduct during the construction of the Revolution Pipeline.

* DEP To Hold March 8 Virtual Hearing On Sunoco Pipeline Mariner East II Pipeline Erosion & Sedimentation Permit For Marsh Creek Lake Remediation, Chester County

On February 5, the Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the PA Bulletin that it has received a complete application for amendments to the Chapter 102 Erosion and Sedimentation permit for the Sunoco Pipeline Mariner East II Pipeline Marsh Creek Sediment Remediation Project in Upper Uwchlan Township, Chester County.  (PA Bulletin, page 904)

* DEP Invites Comments On Renewal Of Sunoco Pipeline LNG Pumping Station Air Permit In West Goshen Twp., Chester County

The Department of Environmental Protection published a notice in the February 5 PA Bulletin inviting comments on the proposed renewal of an Air Quality permit for the Sunoco Pipeline liquefied natural gas pumping station located in West Goshen Township, Chester County.  (PA Bulletin, page 867)

* SEEDS, Northern Poconos Chamber Name Highlights Foundation 2022 Green Business Of The Year In NE PA

On January 30, the Sustainable Energy Education & Development Support of Northeastern PA and the Chamber of the Northern Poconos announced The Highlights Foundation in Boyds Mills, Wayne County has been awarded the 2022 Green Business of the Year Award.

* AP: DEP Files Lawsuit Against Reference Bureau To Publish Final RGGI Carbon Pollution Reduction Regulations; PA Could Lose Air Pollution Reductions, $283 Million

On February 3, the Associated Press reported the Department of Environmental Protection filed a lawsuit in Commonwealth Court to compel the Legislative Reference Bureau to publish the final RGGI Carbon Pollution Reduction Regulations covering power plants in the PA Bulletin so they can become effective.

* Guest Essay: Solar Means Business In America: Here’s What That Looks Like In Pennsylvania

By: Scott Elias, Mid-Atlantic Director, Solar Energy Industries Association

* Guest Essay: Environmentalists Say 'No' To Nacero Natural Gas To Gasoline Refinery

By Karen Elias, Lock Haven

* DEP Posts Update To Non-Regulatory Agenda Showing Status Of Technical Guidance In Development

On February 5, the Department of Environmental Protection posted an update to its Non-Regulatory Agenda showing the status of technical guidance in development.  (formal notice)

* PA Environmental Council: In Case You Missed It In January

The PA Environmental Council In Case You Missed It In January is now available featuring articles on--

* DCNR Now Accepting Applications For ATV/Snowmobile Project Grants

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is now accepting applications for ATV/Snowmobile Project Grants.  The deadline for applications is March 31.  (formal notice)

* Feb. 4 Take Five Fridays With Pam Now Available From PA Parks & Forests Foundation

The February 4 Take Five Fridays With Pam is now available from the PA Parks & Forests Foundation.

* Dept. Of Agriculture Adds 3 More Invasive Plants To Noxious Weed List

The Department of Agriculture’s Controlled Plant and Noxious Weed Committee took action on January 20 to add three more invasive plants to the noxious weed list to control their distribution in Pennsylvania.  (formal notice)

* Joel Burcat To Release Another Environmental Legal Thriller: Strange Fire

Joel Burcat, a novelist and environmental and energy lawyer, will release another environmental legal thriller called Strange Fire about a dangerous battle over fracking.

* Manada Conservancy Names Anita Pritchett Interim Executive Director

Dauphin County-based Manada Conservancy has named Anita Pritchett interim Executive Director after an extensive external recruitment process.

* Help Wanted: Manada Conservancy Land Protection Director

The Dauphin County-based Manada Conservancy is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Land Protection Director.

* Environment & Energy Educational Opportunities For Students & Adults

Opportunities to learn more about environmental and energy issues affecting Pennsylvania for students and adults--

* DCNR State Parks Offers Environmental Education Activities & Updates For February

DCNR’s Bureau of State Parks February Environmental Education newsletter is now available featuring these activities and opportunities--

* Stroud Water Research Center Hosts Feb. 22 Virtual Educator Workshop - Wild & Scenic Rivers In The Face Of Climate Change: An Immersion In White Clay Creek

The Stroud Water Research Center will host a February 22 virtual educator workshop on Wild & Scenic Rivers In The Face Of Climate Change - An Immersion In White Clay Creek from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

* PA Resources Council Hosts Feb. 17 Recycling & Waste Reduction Webinar

The PA Resources Council will host a Recycling and Waste Reduction webinar on February 17 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

* Washington & Jefferson College Hosts Feb. 16 Webinar On First in the World: An Airport That Generates Its Own Power [Spoiler, It’s Pittsburgh]

The Washington & Jefferson College Center for Energy Policy and Management will host a free webinar “First in the World: An Airport That Generates Its Own Power” at 11:00 a.m. February 16 as part of its Energy Lecture Series.

* PA Solar Center Webinar: Feb. 11 Agrivoltaics And Dual-Use Solar Applications To Promote Food Production, Energy Generation, Grazing, Pollinator Habitats, More

The PA Solar Center is hosting a February 11 webinar on Agrivoltaics and Dual-Use Solar Applications from Noon to 1:15 p.m.

* PA Interfaith Power & Light, Jewish Earth Alliance Host Feb. 9 Webinar On Methane Emissions And Our Health

The PA Interfaith Power & Light and the PA Jewish Earth Alliance will host a February 9 webinar on Methane Emissions And Our Health starting at 7:00 p.m.

* Millersville University Engage For Change Journal - Environmental Justice Issue

The Millersville University Engage for Change Journal has devoted its entire Spring 2022 issue to Environmental Justice.

* News From PA House & Senate

The information you need to follow legislation in the House and Senate- starting with articles and NewsClips from last week-- 

* House Environmental Committee To Hold Feb. 7 Information Meeting On DEP’s Oil & Gas Well Plugging Program For Wells Abandon By Conventional Drillers

The House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee is scheduled to hold an informational meeting February 7 on DEP’s program to plug oil and gas wells abandoned by conventional well drillers and the federal taxpayer funds available for plugging these wells.

* The Feds

Articles and NewsClips about federal actions impacting Pennsylvania--

* PA Lawmakers Join Other Elected Officials Calling On EPA To Prevent Chemical Disasters, Protect Workers, Prioritize Environmental Justice

On January 26,  a letter was sent by over 70 elected officials from 16 states and territories, including 14 representing Pennsylvania, to EPA Administrator Michael Regan urging meaningful reform of the federal policy that is intended to prevent chemical disasters.

* PA State Treasurer Garrity Calls On Biden To Withdraw Fed Nominee Because She Advocates For Sustainable Investments And Is A Threat To Oil, Gas, Coal Companies

On February 2, Republican PA State Treasurer Stacy Garrity joined other conservative state fiscal officers calling for President Biden to withdraw his nominee to become the federal government’s top banking supervisor, Sarah Bloom Raskin, because she advocates for “sustainable investments principles that do not depend on carbon and fossil fuels” as advocated by Ceres.

* U.S. Dept. Of Interior: Comments Invited On American Conservation & Stewardship Atlas To Track Stewardship, Restoration Efforts

The U.S. Department of the Interior, in coordination with the Departments of Agriculture and Commerce and the Council on Environmental Quality, invites public comment regarding the development of the American Conservation and Stewardship Atlas, a new tool that will be used to reflect baseline information on the lands and waters that are conserved or restored.

* Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events

Click Here for a list of public participation opportunities and a calendar of events.

* Grants & Awards

Click Here for grants, awards, recognition programs and contest deadlines.

* PA Bulletin

Highlights of the environmental and energy notices in the latest PA Bulletin--

* Stories Invited - About PA Environment Digest

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Register Now! Keystone Coldwater Conference + PA Chapter Of American Fisheries Society Feb. 25-26

PA Environment Digest is a proud sponsor of the 2022 Joint Meeting of the Keystone Coldwater Conference and PA Chapter of the American Fisheries Society on February 25-26, 2022, at the Ramada Conference Center in State College.  Registration Open!

* Supporting Member PA Organization For Watersheds & Rivers; PA Outdoor Writers Assn.; PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the PA Organization for Watersheds & Rivers, PA Outdoor Writers Association, PA Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

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