Scrapbook Photo 02/17/25 - 139 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
August 1, 2022 Issue #941
* 91 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA

Here are 91 new stories in the PA Environment Digest about individuals, groups, local governments, farmers, businesses, watershed groups and many more working all across Pennsylvania to restore and protect the environment and show others the beauty that surrounds us.

* This Week’s Examples Of Going The WRONG WAY On Environmental, Energy Issues

While PA Environment Digest’s priority is to highlight positive examples of environmental and energy leadership, 2022 is an election year which demands accountability to voters.

* All Articles & NewsClips In This Week’s Digest By Topic

PA Environment Digest Is Putting The Best Links To Environment & Energy Articles and NewsClips Here.   Are You Telling Your Story?

* Gov. Wolf Announces Evaluation Of How DEP Regulates Conventional Oil & Gas Drilling & The Industry’s Compliance With Environmental Safeguards

On July 30, Gov. Wolf directed the Department of Environmental Protection to conduct an evaluation of how it regulates conventional oil and gas wells to prevent new abandoned wells, tighten review of permit transfers, review compliance with environmental safeguards and make recommendations for changes and actions, including criminal sanctions.

* Environmental Health Project: PA’s Natural Gas Boom - What Went Wrong? Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do Better To Protect Public Health?

On July 21, the Environmental Health Project and HealthFirstPA held an educational webinar entitled-- Pennsylvania’s Shale Gas Boom: How Policy Decisions Failed to Protect Public Health and What We Can Do to Correct It.

* Environmental Health Project Profile: Dr. John Stolz, Duquesne University - Monitoring Impact Of Shale Gas Extraction On Private Water Wells, Groundwater In SW PA

When seeking data about the impact of shale gas development on groundwater and private well water supplies in western Pennsylvania, residents turn to John Stolz, director of the Center for Environmental Research at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, and his team of graduate student researchers.

* AG Shapiro: Southeast Directional Drilling Pleads Guilty To Contaminating Water Supply In Washington County, To Pay $15,000 Fine

On July 22, Attorney General Josh Shapiro announced Southeast Directional Drilling, a subcontractor of National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation, pleaded guilty to polluting an Unnamed Tributary to St. Patrick’s Run as well as groundwater in the area of Route 22 near 121 Campbell Road, Bulger, Washington County during the installation of transmission lines, which were intended to transport natural gas.

* 16 Oil & Gas Facility Spill, Soil, Water Contamination Cleanups Under Act 2 Land Recycling Program During July

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of these 16 oil and gas facility spill, soil and water contamination cleanup final reports and intents to remediate under the Act 2 Land Recycling Program in the PA Bulletin during July.

* Penn State Study: Potential Pollution Caused By Road Dumping Conventional Oil & Gas Wastewater Makes It Unsuitable For A Dust Suppressant, Washes Right Off The Road Into The Ditch

On July 25, Dr. William Burgos, lead author of a new Penn State University study of road dumping conventional oil and gas wastewater released in May, told DEP’s Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board the potential pollution caused by road dumping makes it unsuitable for a dust suppressant.

* House Committee Meets Aug. 2 To Disapprove Final Reg. Reducing VOC/Methane Emissions From Unconventional Oil & Gas Facilities; Blocking The Rule Will Mean Loss Of Federal Highway Funds

The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee is scheduled to meet on August 2 to vote on a concurrent resolution disapproving of Part I of a final Environmental Quality Board regulation reducing VOC/methane emissions from unconventional (shale) oil and gas facilities.

* Appalachian Voices: Bipartisan STREAM Act Passes U.S. House To Address Long-Term Mine Drainage Cleanup

On July 27, advocates for abandoned mine clean up and clean water across the country celebrated as the U.S. House passed the Safeguarding Treatment for the Restoration of Ecosystems from Abandoned Mines (STREAM) Act.

* AP: U.S. Senate Democrats, Sen. Manchin Agree On Largest Single Investment In Measures To Fight Climate Change, Assess Methane Leak Fees On Oil & Gas Facilities

On July 27, the Associated Press reported U.S. Senate Democrats and Sen. Manchin (WV) agreed on a package of investments that would make the largest single investment in measures to fight climate change in the United States.

* PennDOT, DEP Highlight Commitment To Clean Transportation By Sheetz, Pittsburgh Clean Cities, PPL; Update On Federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding

On July 28, the departments of Transportation and Environmental Protection – along with partners from Pittsburgh Region Clean Cities, Sheetz, and PPL – highlighted Pennsylvania’s forward momentum in its work related to electric vehicles (EV), putting the Commonwealth in a solid position to maximize new funds available to support EVs through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).

* Electrification Coalition Applauds PA For Submitting Plan To Build EV Charging Infrastructure Under Federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

On July 28, the Electrification Coalition applauded the Department of Transportation for submitting its National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) state plan.

* Pennsylvania, 18 U.S., Canadian Jurisdictions Push Ahead With Action Plan For 100% Electrification Of Medium, Heavy-Duty Vehicles By 2050

On July 27, Pennsylvania joined 18 U.S. and Canadian jurisdictions participating in the Multi-State Medium and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) initiative released an action plan to help fight rising diesel exhaust pollution and greenhouse gas emissions by accelerating the transition to zero-emission trucks, vans, and buses.

* EQB Meets Aug. 9 On Final Reg. Setting Manganese Toxics Water Quality Standard, RACT For Major Sources Of Nitrogen Oxides

The Environmental Quality Board is scheduled to meet August 9 final regulation setting a science-based manganese standard of 0.3mg/L as a Water Quality Criteria for Toxic Substances to protect public health and environment and make the point of compliance for the standard at the point of discharge into a river or stream.

* DEP Environmental Justice Advisory Board Meets Aug. 18 In Johnstown To Hear From Communities In Southwest PA

The DEP Environmental Justice Advisory Board is scheduled to meet on August 18 in Johnstown to hear from community and nonprofit organizations in Southwestern Pennsylvania, according to the latest DEP Environmental Justice newsletter.

* Latest DEP Chesapeake Bay Update: DEP Sees Significant Increases In Large Area Farm BMP Implementation

On July 29, DEP’s Chesapeake Bay Office reported significant increases in large area farm Best Management Practice implementation within Pennsylvania’s part of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

* Agriculture Accepting Applications For $13 Million In Farm Conservation Tax Credits - First Come, First Served

On July 29, Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding announced the availability of $13 million in tax credits to Pennsylvania farmers for measures to improve soil and water quality.

* Penn State Master Watershed Stewards Install Downspout Planters, Naturalize Stormwater Basins, Plant Live Stake Nursery With KPB, The GIANT Company Healing The Planet Grant

In 2021, the Penn State Extension Master Watershed Steward Program received a $10,000 Healing the Planet Grant from The GIANT Company and Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful

* Lancaster Clean Water Partners Celebrate Recent Grants; Accepting Watershed Leadership Academy Applications

The latest newsletter from the Lancaster County Clean Water Partners features articles on these topics--

* Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition: Passing The Internship Torch From Older To Younger Brother; Partnership With Grove City College

The following articles appeared first in the Butler County-based  Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition July, 2022  newsletter--

* North Branch Land Trust Receives PPL Foundation Grant For 'Loving Our Local Waters - Amando Nuestras Aguas Locales'; Bilingual Stewardship Sign Contest Open

On July 29, the Luzerne County-based North Branch Land Trust announced it has received a $1,500 grant from the PPL Foundation. These funds will support the Land Trust’s Loving Our Local Waters/ Amando Nuestras Aguas Locales water stewardship program.

* Delaware River Basin Commission To Hold Aug. 10 Hearing, Sept. 8 Business Meeting

The Delaware River Basin Commission is scheduled to hold a public hearing August 10 on proposed water withdrawal requests and its regular business meeting September 8.

* Governor’s Office Posts Updated Agency By Agency Regulatory Agenda Of Regulations In Development

The Governor’s Office published a notice in the July 30 PA Bulletin announcing the availability of an updated agency-by-agency Regulatory Agenda showing the latest status of regulations in development.  (PA Bulletin, Page 4340)

* DEP Posts Updated Non-Regulatory Agenda Of Technical Guidance In Development

On July 30, the Department of Environmental Protection posted an update to its Non-Regulatory Agenda showing the status of technical guidance in development.  (formal notice)

* Enter Now! PA Resources Council Invites Submissions To Lens On Litter Photo Contest

The PA Resources Council invites submissions for its Lens On Litter Photo Contest to capture ugly and avoidable examples of littering across Pennsylvania.  The deadline for submissions is October 31.

* Giangiulio Family Partners With Natural Lands To Preserve 113 Acre Farm In Chester County

On July 26, Natural Lands announced the successful preservation of the 113-acre Castle Rock Farm that straddles West Bradford and Newlin Townships, Chester County.

* Western PA Conservancy Protects 110 Acres Of Forestland, Wetlands In French Creek Watershed, Erie County

On July 27, the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy announced the permanent protection of two forested properties with stream frontage in Erie County—a 40-acre property in Union Township and 70 acres in Venango Township.

* Open Space Institute Expands Appalachian Landscapes Protection Fund To Support Conservation Of Climate Critical Pennsylvania Forests

On July 28, seeking to further harness the capacity for strategic land protection to counter climate change and its impacts, the Open Space Institute announced a major new effort of its Appalachian Landscapes Protection Fund to conserve key forested areas in western and central Pennsylvania. 

* Allegheny National Forest Tionesta Scenic & Research Natural Area Added To Old-Growth Forest Network In McKean County

On July 25, representatives of the U.S. Forest Service and the Allegheny National Forest celebrated the addition of the Tionesta Scenic and Research Natural Area in McKean County to the Old-Growth Forest Network.

* U.S. Forest Service Cancels DCNR's Keystone Crew Deployment To Sugarloaf Wildfire In Wyoming; Crew Returning To Await Another Assignment

On July 27, the U.S. Forest Service canceled the deployment of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources's 20-member Keystone Wildland Fire Crew to the Sugarloaf Wildfire in Wyoming.

* DCNR Blog: Celebrating Parks And The People Who Make Them Possible

July is Park and Recreation Month in Pennsylvania. As many Pennsylvanians head outside to parks, pools, and playgrounds, there’s no better time to celebrate the state’s many outdoor opportunities -- and the people who make them possible.

* DCNR Invites Comments On Draft E-bike Policy

On July 25, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources this week will outline a draft internal policy on the use of electric bicycles (e-bikes) on DCNR lands to the Conservation and Natural Resources Advisory Council for public comment.

* DCNR Awards $955,500 In ATV/Snowmobile Trail Project Grants To Support 7 Projects; New Grant Round Opens Aug. 1

On July 26, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn announced new grant funding totaling $955,500 for all-terrain vehicle (ATV) and snowmobile facilities and trails in Pennsylvania.

* DCNR Announces Sustainable Trail System Project In Mountain Creek Watershed, Michaux State Forest, Cumberland County

On July 27, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources State Forester Ellen Shultzabarger announced that DCNR is undertaking a project in the Michaux State Forest in Cumberland County to build a sustainable trail system that serves different types of users and protects water quality and vulnerable species and habitats.

* DCNR Helps Celebrate Completion Of The Northwest River Trail In Lancaster County

On July 27, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Deputy Secretary Mike Walsh today helped cut the ribbon on the final section of the 14-mile Northwest River Trail that spans five municipalities in Lancaster County.

* DCNR Surveying Visitors On Their Experiences In Gallitzin, Rothrock State Forests

On July 29, Department Conservation and Natural Resources State Forester Ellen Shultzabarger announced the department is resuming a partnership with Penn State University to survey visitors about their experiences in two state forests.

* July 29 Take Five Fridays With Pam From PA Parks & Forests Foundation

The July 29 Take Five Fridays With Pam is now available from the PA Parks & Forests Foundation.

* Susquehanna Greenway Partners Name Winners Of 2022 Photo Contest

On July 28, the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership  announced the winners of the 11th Annual Photo Contest, Treasured Towns and Landscapes of the Susquehanna Greenway. 

* Health/DEP/DCNR Urge Pennsylvanians To Fight The Bite And Protect Themselves From Mosquitoes To Prevent West Nile Virus

Summertime is for swimming pools and lemonade, not for mosquito bites and diseases like West Nile Virus, so the Office of Physician General and the departments of Health, Environmental Protection and Conservation and Natural Resources are encouraging residents to Fight the Bite and protect themselves.

* Richard King Mellon Foundation Issues RFP On Stopping, Slowing Spread Of Invasive Plant Species

The Richard King Mellon Foundation has issued a request for proposals (RFP) aimed at stopping or slowing the spread of harmful, non-native plant species. Proposals are due September 9.

* Help Wanted: Audubon Society Of Western PA Buffalo Creek Watershed Coordinator

The Audubon Society Of Western PA is seeking qualified candidates to fill the position of Buffalo Creek Watershed Coordinator.

* Environment & Energy Educational Opportunities For Students & Adults

Opportunities to learn more about environmental and energy issues affecting Pennsylvania for students and adults--

* DEP Opens Next Round Of Environmental Education Grants Aug. 1

The Department of Environmental Protection will begin accepting applications for the next round of Environmental Education Grants August 1.  The deadline to apply is December 9.  (formal notice)

* PA Outdoor Writers Association Awards $9,000 In Youth Education Grants To 14 Recipients

On July 27, the PA Outdoor Writers Association announced the 2022 recipients of its Kermit Henning Youth Education Grants.

* Stroud Water Research Center: Teen's Experiment To Monitor Local Water Quality Wins At Science Fair

By Diane Huskinson, Stroud Water Research Center

* Penn State Extension: July Is Lake Appreciation Month In Pennsylvania; Interpreting Water Tests; Field Guide To Aquatic Plants

By Susan Boser, Extension Educator 

* Call For Presentations: Bucknell University's 17th River Symposium Nov. 4-5

The Center for Sustainability and the Environment at Bucknell University is now accepting presentation abstracts for the 17th River Symposium to be held November 4-5 at the University in Lewisburg, Union County.

* PA Resources Council Releases August Workshop & Webinar Schedule For Southwest PA Residents

In August, the Pennsylvania Resources Council will host environmental education webinars to teach southwestern PA residents principles of backyard composting, methods for protecting watersheds including using rain barrels and options for recycling a wide variety of materials. 

* Washington & Jefferson College Hosts Oct. 4 Harnessing Hydrogen: Exploring Local & Regional Opportunities In Appalachia

The Washington & Jefferson College Center for Energy Policy & Management will host an in-person program October 4 on Harnessing Hydrogen: Exploring Local & Regional Opportunities in Appalachia from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the College in Washington, PA.

* Game Commission Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area Art Show Returns Aug. 5-7, Lancaster County

The Middle Creek Wildlife Art Show will return this year from August 5-7 at the Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area Visitors Center in Stevens, Lancaster County.

* News From PA House & Senate

The information you need to follow legislation in the House and Senate- starting with articles and NewsClips from last week--

* The Feds

Articles and NewsClips about federal actions impacting Pennsylvania--

* NRCS-PA: Apply Now For Climate Smart Agriculture And Soil Health Conservation Innovation Grants

On July 25, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced it will invest $25 million this year for the Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) On-Farm Conservation Innovation Trials Program.  The deadline for applications is September 22.

* U.S. Dept. Of Energy Accepting Applications For Up To $165 Million To Advance Domestic Geothermal Energy Deployment

On July 28, the U.S. Department of Energy announced up to $165 million to expand U.S. geothermal energy deployment.

* Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events

Click Here for a list of public participation opportunities and a calendar of events.

* Grants & Awards

Click Here for grants, awards, recognition programs and contest deadlines.

* PA Bulletin

Highlights of the environmental and energy notices in the latest PA Bulletin--

* Stories Invited - About PA Environment Digest

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Supporting Member PA Organization For Watersheds & Rivers; PA Outdoor Writers Assn.; PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the PA Organization for Watersheds & Rivers, PA Outdoor Writers Association, PA Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

Previous PA Environment Digests