Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
March 3, 2025 - Issue #1,073
* 151 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA

Here are 151 new stories in the PA Environment Digest about individuals, groups, local governments, farmers, businesses, watershed groups and many more working all across Pennsylvania to restore and protect the environment and show others the beauty that surrounds us.

* Stories You May Have Missed Last Week: PA Environment & Energy Articles & NewsClips By Topic

PA Environment Digest Puts Links To The Best Environment & Energy Articles and NewsClips From Last Week Here By Topic--

* In Memoriam: Former Sen. Mary Jo White, Republican Chair Of The Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee

Mary Jo White, 83, who served more than a dozen years as the  Republican Chair of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, passed away on February 21.

* PA Parks & Forests Foundation Announces 2025 Award Winners; Award Celebration Set For May 13 At Little Buffalo State Park In Perry County

On February 25, the PA Parks and Forests Foundation announced their 2025 award winners that honor the people that make a difference through their work and volunteerism in Pennsylvania's State Parks and Forests.

* Senate DEP Budget Hearing Focuses On Permit Reviews; Governor’s Lightning Energy Plan; Bringing On More Baseload Power Generation; Firing ‘Intractable’ DEP Employees

At the February 25 Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on DEP’s budget request, Senators discussed a variety of topics, but came back to talking about speeding permit reviews, the Governor’s Lightning Energy Plan and related issues like RGGI [Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative] most often.

* DEP Budget Testimony: DEP Moving At The Speed Of Business; Lightning Energy Plan; Most Inspections; Commitment To Environmental Justice

DEP Acting Secretary Jessica Shirley submitted this written testimony to the Senate and House Appropriations as part of the annual budget hearing process.

* DEP House Budget Hearing: Democrat Rep. Vitali Raises Concerns About Whether DEP Has The Resources To Fulfill Its Mission When Workloads Have Increased Dramatically

During the February 27 House Appropriations Committee hearing on DEP’s budget request, Rep. Greg Vitali (D-Delaware) raised concerns about whether DEP has the staff and funding to fulfill its mission in the face of workloads that have increased dramatically in the last decade, particularly in the Oil and Gas Program.

* House DEP Budget Hearing: Republican Rep. Kail Says It Is ‘Outrageous’ DEP Has A Process Where Citizens Can Petition Their Government For Changes In Regulations

While much of the House hearing on DEP’s budget request Thursday was a repeat of the Senate hearing, Rep. Joshua Kail (R-Beaver) said he thought it was “outrageous” DEP has a process where any citizen can petition the agency for a change in its regulations.

* DCNR House Budget Hearing Testimony: Making Strategic Investments To Grow Pennsylvania’s $19 Billion Outdoor Recreation Industry

On February 27, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn appeared before the House Appropriations Committee to answer questions about her agency’s 2025-26 budget request.

* Gov. Shapiro Announced Federal Funds Identified In State Lawsuit Are No Longer Frozen - Mine Reclamation, Conventional Well Plugging, Water Infrastructure

On February 24, Gov. Josh Shapiro announced “every dollar” of the $2.1 billion in federal funds identified in a February 13 lawsuit against the federal government are no longer frozen.

* Chesapeake Bay Foundation: President's Proposed 65% Cut In EPA Budget, Coming Mass Layoffs Spell Disaster For Chesapeake Bay

On February 27, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation said a new memo issued on February 26 by the new Administration in Washington directing federal agencies to prepare for mass layoffs spells disaster for the Chesapeake Bay.

* What The Shale Gas Industry Is Leaving Behind: Coterra Energy Spills 12,600 Gallons Of Wastewater From Shale Gas Well Pad In Bridgewater Twp., Susquehanna County

The Department of Environmental Protection posted a February 20 inspection report this week saying there was a spill of an estimated 12,600 gallons of wastewater at the Diaz Family Shale Gas Drilling Well Pad 2 owned by Coterra Energy, Inc. in Bridgewater Township, Susquehanna County.

* What The Shale Gas Industry Is Leaving Behind: DEP Issues Violations For Abandoning 11 More Shale Gas Wells; Shale Gas Well Owner Fails To Comply With Plugging Order

The Department of Environmental Protection issued violations to Anegada Energy LLC and Taft Operating LLC for abandoning and not plugging 11 shale gas wells in Butler and Greene counties.

* PA Oil & Gas Weekly Compliance Dashboard - Feb. 22 to 28 - 11 More Abandoned Shale Gas Wells; 12,600 Gallon Wastewater Spill; Failure To Comply With Shale Well Plugging Order

From February 22 to 28, DEP’s Oil and Gas Compliance Database shows oil and gas inspectors filed 886 inspection entries. 

* PA Oil & Gas Industrial Facilities: Permit Notices, Opportunities To Comment - March 1

The following notices were published in the March 1 PA Bulletin related to oil and gas industry facilities.  Many of the notices offer the opportunity for public comments.

* Protect PT Hosts In-Person March 9 Living Near Shale Gas Workshop In Westmoreland County

Join Protect PT on March 9 for a free workshop about Shale Gas development and how to keep you, your family, and your community safe.

* Delaware Currents: Federal Judge Dismisses Wayne County Land & Mineral Group Lawsuit Against Delaware River Basin Commission Over Fracking Ban

By Chris Mele, Delaware Currents

* DEP Issues Air Quality Permit For Nova Energy LLC Cryptocurrency Data Center In Venango County

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the March 1 PA Bulletin announcing the approval of an Air Quality Permit for the Nova Energy LLC Cryptocurrency Data Center in Frenchcreek Township, Venango County.  (PA Bulletin, page 1859)

* Independent Fiscal Office Reports 2024 PA Natural Gas Production Down 1.8%, PA Natural Gas Price Up 19.1% In Last Year

On February 25, the Independent Fiscal Office reported 2024 natural gas production decreased by 1.8% over 2023 and the Pennsylvania spot hub price of natural gas increased 19.1% over the last year.

* Penn State, Project InnerSpace Report: Leverage Oil & Gas Workers To Generate Enough Geothermal Energy To Meet 100% Of Pennsylvania's Electricity, Heating, Medium Industrial Process Needs

On February 26, a new report concludes that if Pennsylvania takes steps now to fully access the geothermal heat that exists underground, the Commonwealth could leverage the know-how of its oil and gas workers to generate enough energy to meet 100% of its electricity, heating and low- to medium-temperature industrial process needs in as few as 10 years.

* Guest Essay: Significant Electricity Load Growth Can Be Accommodated Without A Stampede To New Natural Gas Generation Just By Increasing Efficiency At Existing Power Plants

By John Quigley, Senior Fellow, Kleinman Center For Energy Policy

* Evangelical Environmental Network: Congress Repeals Cost-Effective Oil & Gas Methane Pollution Reduction Program Safeguarding Children's Health

On February 27, the Congress voted to rescind a market-based methane pollution fee designed to incentivize large oil and gas operations to install readily-available and cost-effective innovations to plug natural gas leaks and end unnecessary practices that waste our natural resources and emit health-harming pollution.

* Beaver County Marcellus Awareness Community Launches Eyes On Air Webpage To Provide Real-Time Air Quality For Beaver County

On February 27, the Beaver County Marcellus Awareness Community (BCMAC) announced the launch of their new webpage-- Eyes on Air-- designed to provide free, real-time air quality data to all Beaver County residents.

* DEP Now Accepting Industrial Decarbonization Grant Applications For $396 Million In Federal Funds Under RISE PA To Create Jobs, Cut Energy Costs For Medium, Large Industries

On February 26, the Department of Environmental Protection announced it is now accepting grant applications from medium and large industries for the Reducing Industrial Sector Emissions in Pennsylvania (RISE PA) Program.

* DEP Citizens Advisory Council To Hear Presentations From PA Solar Center, DCED On Housing Action Plan March 11

The DEP Citizens Advisory Council is scheduled to meet on March 11 to hear presentations from the Pennsylvania Solar Center on solar energy programs and the Department of Community and Economic Development on the state Housing Action Plan.

* PA Solar Center, Partners Host PA Renewables Summit & Lobby Day In Harrisburg March 24-25

The Renewables Work for PA Coalition, PA Solar & Storage Industries Association and Pennsylvania Solar Center will host the 11th Annual PA Renewables Summit and Lobby Day on March 24-25 in Harrisburg.

* DEP Releases Test Results From SPS Technologies Industrial Fire In Montgomery County: No threat To Air Quality Or Drinking Water

On February 25, the Department of Environmental Protection posted environmental testing results from the SPS Technologies fire in Montgomery County online today.

* Registration Now Open For Keep PA Beautiful 2025 Pick Up Pennsylvania! Organize Your Litter Pickup, Beautification Events Now

Registration is now open for the 2025 Pick Up Pennsylvania! - Pennsylvania’s largest community improvement program!

* DEP Bans Sale Of Impecca Electronics Products For Violating PA’s Electronic Waste Recycling Law; E-Waste Recycling Law Broken

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the March 1 PA Bulletin announcing that Impecca is prohibited from selling its products in Pennsylvania as a result of its violation of the state electronics waste recycling law.  (PA Bulletin, page 1866)

* Delaware River Basin Commission Climate Resilience Plan Public Input Sessions Scheduled Thru June

The Delaware River Basin Commission has started the process of developing a Climate Resilience Plan to address the impacts of changes in the frequency, duration and geographic distribution of severe storms, floods and droughts brought on by climate change. 

* PA Master Well Owner Network, Penn State Extension Updates Online Drinking Water Results Interpretation Tool

Each year, thousands of homeowners get their water tested through accredited testing labs. The resulting laboratory reports often include complex language, symbols, and information, making it difficult to determine if drinking water meets established safety standards.

* Penn State Extension Hosts April 21 In-Person Private Water Supply Education, Water Testing Workshop In Cumberland County

On April 21, the Penn State Extension will host an in-person Private Water Supply Education and Water Testing Workshop at the Penn State Extension Office in Carlisle, Cumberland County from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

* Penn State Extension Hosts March 19 Webinar On Green Infrastructure's Many Functions

The Penn State Extension will host another in its series of Water Cooler Talk webinars March 19 on Green Infrastructure's Many Functions from Noon to 1:00 p.m.

* Registration Open! Pennsylvania Groundwater Symposium May 6-7 In Harrisburg

Groundwater professionals, natural resource managers, educators, and anyone interested in the management and protection of water resources are invited to attend the 12th annual Pennsylvania Groundwater Symposium happening May 7 at the Best Western Conference Center in Harrisburg, preceded by an optional day-long field trip to several acid mine drainage treatment sites in the Shamokin Creek watershed. 

* Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy, Partners Host Stormwater Symposium March 14 At Ursinus College, Montgomery County

The Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy and its partners will host a March 14 Stormwater Symposium - Unraveling The Stormwater Challenge in Olin Hall at Ursinus College in Collegeville, Montgomery County from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

* Master Watershed Stewards Take Part In Winter Salt Stream Snapshot

The Penn State Master Watershed Stewards took part in a winter salt stream snapshot during Winter Salt Week 2025, a multi-state effort to raise awareness about the harmful impacts of excessive salt and deicing chemicals used on roads, sidewalks, and parking lots.

* Rain Barrel Kits Now Available At Select Master Watershed Steward Program Offices

The Penn State Extension Master Watershed Steward Program now offers rain barrel kits for purchase at select county Extension offices.

* Penn State Extension, PA Sea Grant, Partners Host April 28, April 29 In-Person Educator Workshops On Watershed Literacy & Tree Plantings In Lancaster County

Join Penn State Extension, the Agriculture and Environment Center, Pennsylvania Sea Grant, and fellow educators from across the Commonwealth for two days of immersive, hands-on watershed learning through the Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE) curricular framework.

* Sen. Culver Commends Progress Extinguishing Wilburton Coal Bank Fire In Columbia County

On February 24, Sen. Lynda Schlegel Culver (R-Columbia) said the Conyngham coal bank fire located in Wilburton Number Two in Columbia County remains active, but the operator and owner have made significant progress according to the Department of Environment Protection.

* DCNR Encourages Forest Landowners To Plan Now For Spring Spongy Moth Treatment; Populations Have Reached Outbreak Levels

On February 24, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources urged Pennsylvania’s forest landowners and woodlot owners to start planning now for spongy moth treatment this spring to protect their trees from severe damage.

* DCNR Upgrades Nolde Forest Environmental Center To Enhance Student, Visitor Experience In Berks County

On February 26, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn visited Berks County to celebrate the completion of a $436,000 renovation of C.H. McConnell Environmental Education Hall at Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center.

* WeConservePA: Call For Presentations - PA Greenways & Trails Summit Sept. 21-23

 WeConservePA has issued a call for presentation proposals for the PA Greenways and Trails Summit to be held September 21-23 in Harrisburg.  Proposals are due April 15.

* PA Parks & Forests Foundation Penn’s Stewards News Highlights Past & Future Of Pennsylvania Trails Movement; First Day Hikes; Friends Group Projects; More

The Spring issue of Penn’s Stewards News from the PA Parks and Forests Foundation highlights Pennsylvania’s trails movement, 2024 photo contest winners, skiing in state parks and forests, Friends Group projects and much more.

* Lebanon Valley Conservancy Partners With Brett & Janice Balmer To Preserve 34 Acres Of Forest Habitat In Lebanon County

On February 24, the Lebanon Valley Conservancy announced they recently partnered with Brett and Janice Balmer to establish a conservation easement on their 34-acre property in West Cornwall Township.

* North Branch Land Trust To Host 6 Open House Events To Give Landowners, Public An Opportunity To Learn About Land Conservation In Northeast

On February 28, the North Branch Land Trust announced it will be hosting a series of six open house events in Northeast Pennsylvania counties as part of its new Strategic Plan.

* North Branch Land Trust Dinner Committee Announces April 30 Annual Dinner & Auction Honoring The Tambur Family Foundation In Luzerne County

On February 25, the North Branch Land Trust announced its 2025 Annual Dinner and Auction  will take place on April 30, at the Westmoreland Club in Wilkes-Barre.

* Legislation Introduced To Promote Biodiversity Through Native Insect Conservation

By Nate Reagle, Certified Pollinator Steward

* Environment & Energy Educational Opportunities For Students & Adults

Opportunities to learn more about environmental and energy issues affecting Pennsylvania for students and adults--

* DCNR State Parks Environmental Educator Newsletter Highlights Winter Teaching Ideas; Educator Workshops; Black History Month Guides

The latest DCNR State Parks Environmental Educator newsletter includes winter teaching and outdoor activities, a long list of upcoming educator workshops, Black History Month and other inclusion activities and programs.

* News From PA House & Senate

The information you need to follow legislation in the House and Senate- starting with articles and NewsClips from last week--

* The Feds - New Administration

Articles and NewsClips about federal actions impacting Pennsylvania--

* Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events

Click Here for a list of public participation opportunities and a calendar of events.

* Grants & Awards

Click Here for grants, awards, recognition programs and contest deadlines.

* PA Bulletin Public Notices - March 1

Highlights of the environmental and energy notices in the March 1 PA Bulletin--

* Stories Invited - About PA Environment Digest

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn.; PA Trout Unlimited; PA Organization For Watersheds & Rivers

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the PA Outdoor Writers Association, PA PA Council Trout Unlimited, Organization for Watersheds & Rivers and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

Previous PA Environment Digests