Scrapbook Photo 01/27/25 - 104 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
December 12, 2005
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 12/12/05
* Watershed Groups Are “Active Environmentalists,” Not “Environmental Activists”
A new profile of community-based watershed groups by the Center for Rural Pennsylvania says they play a critical role in improving water quality, building strong environmental coalitions and get results through education, collaboration and positive action, not confrontation or litigation.
* On the Senate/House Agenda
Both the Senate and House are in regular and special voting session again starting December 12. Here’s a rundown on what’s on their Calendars and committee agendas.
* Bills Moving in Senate/House
Here’s a quick rundown on several environmental bills that moved in the Senate and House this week, plus one new bill introduction.
* Energy Producers Tell House Committee About Natural Gas, Electric Prices
The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee heard from energy producers this week on Pennsylvania’s energy needs, pinch points and barriers to solving the state’s energy problems.
* Environmental Issues Forum Puts Focus on Recycling Market Development
The Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee’s December 12 Environmental Issues Forum will hear a presentation on the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center.
* Other News - EPCAMR Testifies Before U.S. House on Watershed-Based Mine Reclamation Needs
Ed Wytovich, President of the Eastern Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation, appeared before the U.S. House Subcommittee on Conservation, Rural Development and Research this week to outline the successes and needs of watershed-based reclamation efforts in Pennsylvania.
* Conservation Districts Receive Water, Watershed Education Grants
The Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts, Inc. this week announced nineteen conservation districts received grants under the 2005-06 Chesapeake Bay and Non-Point Source Educational Mini-Grants Programs.
* Next Rachel Carson Forum Focuses on Water Credit Trading
The next Rachel Carson Forum on the Future of the Environment on December 15 will examine the potential of water credit trading programs to make improvements in water quality at lower costs
* EPA Sponsors Free Audio Webcast on Water Credit Trading December 14
The Watershed Academy is sponsoring a free audio webcast on December 14 entitled, “Introduction to Trading for Water Quality Protection.”
* Paxton Creek Conservation Plan Released in Dauphin County
The Paxton Creek Watershed and Education Association this week made its Paxton Creek Rivers Conservation Plan available to the public. The Plan outlines a strategy to achieve watershed protection goals over the next 20 years.
* Plan to Clean Up Mine Drainage in Chartiers Creek To Be Presented
The Chartiers Nature Conservancy is holding a public meeting on December 13 in Carnegie, Allegheny County to report on a plan for eliminating abandoned mine drainage from Chartiers Creek.
* New Guidebook Details Control of Urban Runoff
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week released a new guidebook on managing runoff pollution caused by urban activities.
* Commission Taking Survey of Fishing Skills Education Programs
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission is asking groups and individuals offering fishing skills education programs to fill out a special survey.
* PA Energy News Website Provides Updates on Energy Issues in PA
The Pennsylvania Electric Power Generation Association has launched a new website—PA Energy News—designed to keep policymakers and the public up-to-date on energy issues affecting Pennsylvania.
* Solar Energy Leader Honored by Society of Women Environmental Professionals
Sarah Hetznecker, P.G., President of Mesa Environmental Services, Inc., is the winner of the 2005 Touchstone Award from the Society of Women Environmental Professionals.
* What’s Your Carbon Footprint? Calculate Your Energy Use Impacts
In connection with its new carbonless/ low carbon energy initiative called BP Alternative Energy, BP this week launched an interactive calculator that allows families to understand the environmental impacts of their energy use.
* Scholarships for Women in Environmental Fields - Undergraduate and Graduate
The Society of Women Environmental Professionals of Greater Philadelphia is accepting applications until December 16 for two scholarships for women studying for environmental careers at Philadelphia area schools.
* December Center for Environmental Education Newsletter Now Available
The Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education's December newsletter, EE Connections, is now available online.
* Environmental Question of the Week a Hit with Teachers, Students
The Environmental Question of the Week feature attracted over 37,000 hits on the Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education’s website last month from students and teachers anxious to learn more about the environment.
* New Web Gateway to PA Natural Diversity Inventory for Public, Professionals
A new online tool for screening the impact a proposed project will have on threatened and endangered species in Pennsylvania is now available on-line.
* EPA Accepting Air Innovations Grant Applications Through January 6
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is seeking proposals for two $50,000 Innovations Grants for projects that reduce air pollution. Proposals are due January 6.
* Making Water Supply Systems More Secure Topic of January 11 Seminar
The Pennsylvania Section of the American Water Works Association is sponsoring a seminar in Mayfield, in Northeast Pennsylvania, on how to make water supply systems more secure.
* HELP WANTED – Fish & Boat Commission Seeks Fisheries Biologists
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission is looking for individuals interested in a career in fisheries management or fisheries research.
* HELP WANTED – PA Conservation Districts Association Educator
The Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts is seeking a part-time Education Specialist. Applications are due December 31.
* Honoring Exellence - DRBC Honors Pioneering Ecologist Dr. Ruth Patrick
The Delaware River Basin Commission this week named its to-be-developed office building courtyard the “Ruth Patrick River Garden” in honor of the world-renowned environmental scientist and Philadelphia resident.
* Opinion - Pennsylvania Leads Again – Building a Sustainable Industry from Sustainable Energy
By Brent Alderfer, President and CEO Community Energy Inc.
* Winter Safety Tips - PEMA Urges Winter Weather Preparedness at Home, Traveling
Winter can be a beautiful time of year in Pennsylvania, but downed power lines, ice storms, frozen water pipes and blizzards can turn peaceful settings into dangerous situations at home and on the road.
* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state.
* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
* Regulations
The Department of Environmental Protection has cancelled the Mercury Rule Work Group meeting for December 16 and postponed consideration of an outline of a Pennsylvania mercury rule. The Independent Regulatory Review Commission received a final regulation from the Environmental Quality Board making changes to hazardous waste regulations.
* December EQB Agenda Includes Storage Tank, New Source Review Regs
The December 20 Environmental Quality Board meeting includes a comprehensive set of changes to Storage Tank regulations and revisions to New Source Review that will affect 700 sources of air emissions. Quick summaries follow—
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Fish and Boat Commission published notice of 2006 changes to the list of Class A Wild Trout Waters with comments due January 9. Streams in Blair, Clinton, Columbia, Cumberland, Elk, Clearfield, Luzerne, Potter, Cameron, Schuylkill and Tioga are being considered.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .

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