Youth Disconnected from the Outdoors – Potential Solutions
NOTE: We will be replacing our server Feb. 10 and 11. It could result in a short disruption of service.
On the Senate, House Agenda
The Senate and House are set to consider a variety of environmental bills and issues. Here’s the rundown…
Senate/House Bills Moving/Introduced
Legislation on the Chesapeake Bay Tributary Strategy, setting up a Forestry Task Force and a resolution urging Congress to reauthorize federal funding for abandoned mine reclamation were just some of the highlights of legislative activity this week. Here’s a rundown.
Senate Hears From Mine Workers, Industry, DEP on Deep Mine Safety
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee heard comments from the coal industry, mine workers and the current and former Secretaries of DEP on the issue of modernizing Pennsylvania’s 1961 bituminous mine safety law.
House Committee Reports Alternative Fuels Tax Credit, State Energy Office Bills
The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee reported out legislation creating a tax credit for alternative energy enterprises and to establish a State Energy Office.
Fish & Boat Commission Presents Annual Report to House Committee
The Fish & Boat Commission reported the number of licenses sold was down after last year’s fee increase, but revenue is up and efforts to promote habitat restoration, youth involvement in fishing and its projects funded by Growing Greener bonds are moving ahead.
Applications Invited for New Round of Funding for Conservation Projects
Pennsylvania Game Commission and Fish and Boat Commission this week announced they are accepting project applications for the State Wildlife Grants Program. The deadline for applications is April 7.
Applications Due for Meaningful Watershed Education Experiences Grants
The Department of Education is now accepting applications for the “Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences” Grant Program from schools by March.30.
CBF Offers Free Native Trees to Watershed Groups
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is offering free native trees and shrubs to watershed and community groups throughout South Central Pennsylvania through its “Trees for Streams” Program.
Reminder – 2006 Coldwater Conference February 24-25
The 2006 Keystone Coldwater Conference will be held in State College on February 24 and 25. Registration deadline is February 6.
Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy Announces Environmental Award Winners
The Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy has announced the winners of its 2006 environmental awards which honor those projects and organizations that have committed their time and energy to help protect the watershed.
Westmoreland Conservation District Wins National Award
The Westmoreland Conservation District’s communications efforts have been named the best in the United States by the National Association of Conservation Districts and the Association of Equipment Manufacturers.
York Watershed Alliance Hosting “Next Steps to a Sustainable York” Workshop
The Watershed Alliance of York County is sponsoring a free workshop on February 21 that invites individuals and groups for a discussion of projects that will promote the sustainability in the county.
McKean County Workshop Set on Wetlands, Stream Impact Issues
The Department of Environmental Protection is sponsoring a workshop February 21 in McKean County to help local government officials, contractors and developers better understand how wetland- and stream-related issues can impact developments.
Webcasts Offer Free Energy Saving Advice to Manufacturers
The U.S. Department of Energy's Industrial Assessment Centers will webcast a series of five lectures aimed at improving industrial energy management in February, March, April, May and June.
Fundamentals of Geology Seminars for Professional Geologists Set
The Pennsylvania Council of Professional Geologists is sponsoring a series of four Fundamentals of Geology seminars for professional geologists in February and March.
Federal Agencies Adopt High Performance, Sustainable Building Principles
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and several federal agencies, including the Department of Defense and General Services Administration, agreed to a set of guiding principles for designing, building, and operating federal facilities that will save energy and protect the environment.
Nominations Invited for PA CleanWays Litter Hawk Youth Award Program
PA CleanWays this week invited nominations for its Litter Hawk Youth Award Program for two age groups, 10 and under and 11 to 18. The deadline for nominations is March 31.
Student Interns Wanted - Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy is seeking applicants for several internships for the summer season at locations throughout Western Pennsylvania. The application deadline is March 15.
Environmental Education Workshops for Teachers Set for March, May
Two separate environmental education workshops have been set for teachers sponsored by Saint Vincent College and the Fish and Boat and Susquehanna River Basin commissions.
Bucks County Group Looking for Environmental Education Partners
Organizers of a new Bucks County Nature Center are looking for an existing nonprofit group with whom they can affiliate to create a four acre environmental education center.
Pittsburgh Voyager Announces Contest to Name New Green Vessel
In honor of the arrival of a new boat for the environmental education fleet of Pittsburgh Voyager, the organization is holding a “name that boat” and poster contest for students throughout Western Pennsylvania.
Students Invited to Enter Junior Duck Stamp Wildlife Art Contest
Students are invited to enter the federal Junior Duck Stamp Program Art Contest sponsored by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and hosted in Pennsylvania by the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum in Philadelphia.
Reminder -- 2006 Environmental Educators Conference March 24-26
Just a reminder the PA Association of Environmental Educators will hold their 2006 Conference in Ligonier from March 24 to 26.
Feature - Teaming Up for the Environment – Part I - Townships Collaborate with Conservation Districts
By Jennifer L. Hawbaker, PA Township News
Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state.
Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
The Governor’s Office published their semi-annual Regulatory Agenda which shows the schedule of regulations each agency should consider over the next six months, the Public Utility Commission published its proposed Net Metering rule under the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards for comment, and the Department of Environmental Protection published notice of opportunity to comment on proposed 2006 nitrogen oxide set-aside allocations.
Technical Guidance & Permits
No new technical guidance was published this week.
Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - DHess@crisciassociates.com or go to www.PaEnvironmentDigest.com .