Rep. Stern, Sen. Wenger: Conservation Assistance for Farmers Needed
Being "green" means more than fighting sprawl, said Rep. Stern (R-Blair) and Sen. Wenger (R-Lancaster) as they introduced innovative legislation to provide tax credits for farmers who invest in proven conservation practices.
Senate Agriculture Committee Sets Meeting on Conservation Tax Credit Bill
Sen. Waugh (R-York), chairman of the Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, announced the Committee will hold an informational meeting on conservation districts and Senate Bill 1286 (Wenger R-Lancaster, Waugh R-York, O’Pake D-Berks), the conservation tax credit legislation.
PEC Sponsors Special Program on Investing in Clean Technologies
The Pennsylvania Environmental Council will host a special panel discussion on clean technologies investment strategies September 13 in Harrisburg. The program will feature a keynote address by Winston Hickox, head of environmental initiatives for the California Public Employees Retirement System.
Coldwater Heritage Partnership Invites Grant Applications
The Coldwater Heritage Partnership announced it is now accepting applications for the next round of Coldwater Conservation Grants Program to protect and conserve the health of Pennsylvania’s coldwater ecosystems.
EPA Invites States to Apply for Targeted Watershed Grants
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week invited states to submit applications for Targeted Watershed Grants totaling $16 million. Grant applications are due November 13.
Watershed Organization Capacity Building Grant Applications Due
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is soliciting proposals for watershed organization capacity building grants from groups with expertise in training and capacity building. Proposals are due October 16.
Apply Now for Club-Fostered L.L. Bean Stewardship Grants
Thanks to the generous support of L.L. Bean, the American Canoe Association is offering grants to local paddling clubs for volunteer-driven stewardship projects through its Club-Fostered Stewardship Program.
BASF Invasive Vegetation Management Grant Program Proposals Due Now
The BASF Invasive Vegetation Management Matching Grant Program is now accepting proposals for grants of up to $200,000 as non-federal matching funds for on-the-ground programs that include herbicide use for control of terrestrial and aquatic invasive plants.
PUC Adopts Revised Policy on Water/Wastewater Acquisition Incentives
The Public Utility Commission this week adopted a policy statement on water and wastewater system acquisition incentives which enhances the Commission’s goals to promote water system viability and regionalization.
2006 “The Future of Water in PA” Water Resources Symposium October 11
The Pennsylvania Council of Professional Geologists will hold its 2006 Water Resources Symposium on October 11 at the Radisson Penn Harris Hotel in Camp Hill, across the river from Harrisburg.
Philadelphia Park Fest 2006 Celebrates Pennsylvania’s Southeast Coastline
In keeping with the City of Philadelphia’s “World-class Events” initiative, three recreational events have partnered to form a creative new venture: Park Fest 2006 on September 16 at the Fairmount Water Works Interpretive Center.
Volunteers Needed for Conestoga River and Lancaster Cemetery Cleanups
Rep. Mike Sturla (D-Lancaster) this week invited community volunteers to help local organizations clean up the Conestoga River and Lancaster Cemetery from 8:30 a.m. to noon September 9, which is also the United Way Day of Caring.
PA Organization for Watersheds and Rivers Open House October 10
The Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers invites friends and members to an open house at its office in Harrisburg on October 10.
USDA Agricultural Air Quality Task Force Holds Hearing in Harrisburg
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Air Quality Task Force will hold a meeting August 30-31 in Harrisburg to discuss current issues facing agriculture and the potential impacts to air quality from agricultural operations.
PUC Adopts Rule to Connect Solar, Wind, Renewables to Distribution System
The Public Utility Commission this week adopted the rules for how custom-generators – who use technologies such as solar panels or fuel cells – connect to the electric distribution system.
Reducing Electricity Use Stretched Power Supplies, Lowered Costs During Heat Wave
Conservation during heat waves not only stretched power supplies, but saved money during the recent heat wave, reports PJM Interconnection, operator of the regional electric power grid.
Hard to Recycle Collection Event in Pittsburgh September 16
Take advantage of the September 16 collection event for hard to recycle materials at Construction Junction in Pittsburgh from 10:00 to 2:00.
New Goodwill Industries Computer Recycling Program Available in Southwest
Goodwill Industries of Pittsburgh and Dell this week introduced Reconnect Pittsburgh, a free drop-off program for recycling of unwanted computers by area residents.
Newspaper Recycling Program Nets $7,418 for Scholarships at Penn State
With ongoing recycling efforts related to the Newspaper Readership Program at University Park, $7,418 this year has been raised for a recycling scholarship that is part of the Board of Trustees Matching Scholarship Program.
2006 Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Summit Set for September 20-21
Register now for the 2006 Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Summit in Harrisburg, which this year has the theme, “Enchanted Natural Wonder & Vibrant, Livable Communities!”
National Children and Nature Conference Set for September 7-10
The National Children and Nature Conference will be held in Shepherdstown, West Virginia September 7 to 10 with the theme, “Focusing the Relationship of the Built Environment to Children and Nature.”
EPA Offers Sustainability Grants to Teams of College Students
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency plans to award up to $1.25 million in grants to teams of college students under the agency’s People, Prosperity and the Plant competition.
Metlab Potero Saves $270,200 by Reducing Environmental Footprint
Metlab Potero, a heat treatment company, in Montgomery County saved over $270,000 and reduced their water use by 3.7 million gallons and saved 4.1 million cubic feet of natural gas by installing a new cooling water collection and recovery system at its facility in Wyndmoor.
Regional Environmental Compliance Conferences Set for October, November
The Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry is sponsoring three regional Environmental Compliance Issues Conferences in Monroeville, October 19, Harrisburg October 25 and in Valley Forge November 8.
DEP Citizens Advisory Council Publishes Summer 2006 Advisory Newsletter
DEP’s Citizens Advisory Council published its Summer 2006 Advisory Newsletter this week highlighting the Council’s regional meetings in Southwest Pennsylvania, federal abandoned mine fee legislation, a new PA Conservation Directory and much more.
Attention Deer Hunters: Game Commission, DCNR Post DMAP Information
Hunters looking for new antlerless deer hunting opportunities are encouraged to review the list of Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) properties webpage.
House Democratic Policy Committee Hearing on Local Climate Change Action Plans
The House Democratic Policy Committee held a hearing this week on House Bill 2744 (Vitali-D-Delaware) that would provide state grants for the development and implementation of local climate change action plans in the state.
Jill Gaito Named Acting Deputy for Community Revitalization at DEP
Jill Gaito was appointed acting DEP Deputy for Community Revitalization and Local Government Support this week.
See & Hear - Meet the Seeley Family, Bringing Sustainable Practices to Dairy Farming
Learn how the Seeley family of Troy, Bradford County are managing their dairy farm using sustainable farming practices that are less harmful to the land, water and the environment through this Rough Terrain feature of the GreenTreks Network.
Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state.
Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
Regulations - Mercury Rule Comments Due August 26, Meeting to Review Comments August 31
The comment period on the Department of Environmental Protection state-only rule to reduce mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants will end on August 26. DEP announced this week it will convene key advisory groups on August 31 to review the comments (3,000 so far) and draft concepts for a final rule.
The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of a water quality standards review for Tannery Hollow Run, Cameron County.
Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published a notice of availability for a Plan Approval/Operating Permit for landfill gas filed turbines.
Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - DHess@crisciassociates.com or go to www.PaEnvironmentDigest.com .
Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Association
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association.