Scrapbook Photo 01/13/25 - 104 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
March 19, 2007
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 3/19/07
* Middle Creek Home to Thousands of Migrating Birds, Video Blog Special
Each year the Game Commission’s Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area on the Lebanon-Lancaster county line near Kleinfeltersville, PA hosts hundreds of thousands of migrating geese, swans and ducks.
* Video Blog - Exhibitors Show Off Watershed Initiatives at Schuylkill Watershed Congress
Dozens of exhibitors at the 2007 Schuylkill Watershed Congress show how they work to protect and restore their local piece of the Schuylkill River Watershed. Watch this series of Video Blog stories to learn more….
* Video Blog - Chesapeake Bay Foundation Promotes Help For Farmers and the Environment
Lamonte Garber, Senior Agricultural Consultant with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, presented comments before the Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee this week supporting a state tax credit program to help farmers install conservation practices (REAP) and additional financial help for nutrient and sediment reduction in the proposed federal Farm Bill.
* On the Senate/House Agenda/Bills Moving/Bills Introduced
The Senate and House both return to voting session on March 19
* Senate Committee OKs DiBerardinis for DCNR, Moves Bills
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee unanimously reported out the nomination of Michael DiBerardinis to be Secretary for Conservation and Natural Resources with a recommendation it be approved by the full Senate as well as these three bills March 13—
* Senate Committees Recommend Confirming Other Rendell Cabinet Picks
Several other nominees picked by Gov. Rendell to lead state agencies were also given positive recommendations for confirmation this week by Senate Committees. They included the Secretaries for Agriculture, Transportation, Community and Economic Development and Health.
* House Democrats Lay Out Priorities for This Year
House Democratic Leaders Rep. DeWeese (D-Greene) and Rep. McCall (D-Carbon) this week, flanked by the chairs of all the House committees, announced a series of more than 60 issues they plan to address this year.
* House Consumer Affairs Committee Looks at Electric Deregulation, Rate Caps
The House Consumer Affairs Committee this week held two informational meetings on electric deregulation, rate caps, energy conservation and other issues related to public utilities in Pennsylvania.
* Study of Forest Regeneration Shows Little Recovery from Deer Browsing
A new study by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources shows deer herd size in State Forests still does not allow adequate recovery of forests from over-browsing by deer.
* Deer Density and Carrying Capacity Workshop Set for March 24
The Penn State Cooperative Extension in cooperation with the DCNR’s Bureau of Forestry will present a Deer Density and Carrying Capacity workshop on March 24 at the Governor Dick Park Environmental Education Center in Mt. Gretna, Lebanon County.
* Woodcock Festival to Put Spotlight on Vanishing Habitat on March 31
The declining American woodcock and the migratory game bird's vanishing habitat will be showcased at a public program March 31, at Bald Eagle State Park, Centre County.
* Pennsylvania Declares March 18-24 Wildfire Prevention Week
Warming temperatures and drying March winds have again combined to prompt a call for increased vigilance of rising fire dangers across Pennsylvania's as part of Wildfire Prevention Week March 18-24.
* Rep. Stern, John Dawes Receive Susquehanna Watershed Protection Awards
The Susquehanna River Basin Commission this week presented its Frederick L. Zimmermann Award to Rep. Jerry Stern (R-Blair) and the William W. Jeanes, Sr. Award for Environmental Excellence to R. John Dawes of the Western Pennsylvania Watershed Program.
* Bay Foundation Sponsors Lancaster Town Meeting on Funding Farm BMPs
On March 22, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation will sponsor a town hall meeting in Lancaster to discuss how Pennsylvania can encourage farmers to install best management practices on farms through the proposed Resource Enhancement and Protection Act (REAP).
* PA Conference on 2007 Farm Bill By National Wildlife Federation
On April 21, the National Wildlife Federation will sponsor a conference in Harrisburg about the Congressional reauthorization of the federal Farm Bill.
* Apply Now for State Wildlife Grants To Improve Habitat
The Fish and Boat and Game Commissions this week announced they are again accepting applications for the State Wildlife Grants Program to help address conservation needs for high-priority conservation projects for endangered, threatened and at-risk species across Pennsylvania.
* Chesapeake Bay Trust Pioneer Grant Program Requests Pre-Proposals
The Chesapeake Bay Trust is accepting pre-proposals for requests up to $150,000 for the Pioneer Grants Program.
* Applications Due for Tulpehocken, Quittapahilla Creek Watershed Grants
The Fish and Boat Commission announced that $109,400 is now available through a grant process for stream restoration, habitat enhancement and recreational enhancement activities on streams located in the Tulpehocken and Quittapahilla Creek watersheds.
* 2007 Watershed Snapshot Looking for Volunteers in April
The 2007 Watershed Snapshot will be held from April 20-29 in Pennsylvania and around the United States and you and your watershed group or organization are invited to participate by the Department of Environmental Protection.
* Regional Water Management Task Force Releases Phase I Report, Meetings Set
The Institute of Politics' Regional Water Management Task Force at the University of Pittsburgh has released a report summarizing the research completed since the task force's inception last summer.
* Tour of Blue Valley Fish Culture/Acid Mine Drainage Treatment Plant March 25
There will be a public tour of the Blue Valley Fish Culture/Acid Mine Drainage Treatment Plant in Brandy Camp, PA (near Brockway) starting at 2:00 p.m.
* Youth Fishing, Aquatic Education Get Boost from Fish & Boat Commission Grants
Sport fishing, boating and aquatic resource education programs aimed at youth received a boost this week with the awarding of more than $67,000 in grants from the Fish and Boat Commission.
* Students Head to Spring Break for a Different Kind of Sand, Water
One student group's Spring break this week involves sand and water, but it won't include the revelry that's normally associated with this annual rite of college.
* NOAA Offers Chesapeake Bay Summer Science Camp for Students
July 9-13 the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office and Nauticus National Maritime Center in Norfolk, Va. will co-sponsor a summer science camp for children ages 9-12 to explore the life of the bay on a kayaking trip following the footsteps of Capt. John Smith of the Jamestown Settlement.
* Call for Presentation Proposals for October 3 Rivers Wet Weather Conference
The organizers of the 2007 3 Rivers Wet Weather Conference are seeking proposals for presentations at the October 3-4 event in Pittsburgh.
* ClearWater's 11th Annual Watershed Cleanup Day April 21
Each year, the ClearWater Conservancy participates in the world-wide recognition of Earth Day by organizing a Watershed Cleanup Day to eliminate the excess waste plaguing Centre County’s watersheds. This year the Cleanup will be held April 21.
* Reminder: Register Now for Great PA Cleanup – Let’s Pick It Up PA!
Cleanups are already underway across Pennsylvania, but there is still time to register for the 4th Annual Great PA Cleanup, and get free cleanup trash disposal for your group.
* Philadelphia Recycling Education Campaign Features Teens
Beginning March 19, Philadelphians will meet the future of recycling as the Philadelphia
* Organics Recycling Workshop Set for March 26 in Susquehanna County
The Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors, Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania, the Northern Tier Coalition, the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center, DEP and DCED are sponsoring an organics recycling workshop in Susquehanna County on March 26.
* Philadelphia Public Schools to Undergo Voluntary Environmental Review
The School District of Philadelphia is the first public school district in the nation to voluntarily sign up for a comprehensive environmental health check of its school buildings under an agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
* Berks Conservancy Honors PA Environmental Council for Local Work
The Pennsylvania Environmental Council has received a 2007 Community Excellence Award from the Berks County Conservancy for the Council’s work to expand the Environmental Advisory Council Network in Berks County.
* 4 Townships Receive EAC Achievement Awards, Climate Change Issue Highlighted
Four Environmental Advisory Council Achievement Awards were presented to townships in Southeastern Pennsylvania last weekend at the Pennsylvania Environmental Council’s Tenth Annual Regional EAC Conference.
* DCNR Carbon Sequestration Advisory Group Considers Policy Options
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ Carbon Management Advisory Committee met again this week to review proposed policies designed to allow Pennsylvania to take advantage of opportunities for carbon sequestration to reduce climate changing greenhouse gases.
* EPA Workshop to Help Small Businesses Get Funds for Tech Research
Small, high-tech firms interested in developing and commercializing cutting-edge energy and environmental technologies can attend a free workshop on March 22 to learn how to win funds to hone their concepts.
* Spotlight - Small Business Solutions for Combating Climate Change
By Christopher J. Lynch, Pennsylvania Small Business Development Centers
* Spotlight - Strengthening Pennsylvania Agriculture, Protecting Water Quality
By Lamonte Garber, Chesapeake Bay Foundation
* Feature - Wood Ducks Spring Spectacle Almost Passes Unnoticed
By Patrick McShea, Carnegie Museum of Natural History
* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state…
* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
* Regulations
The Independent Regulatory Review Commission published proposed changes to its practices and procedures and notice it has received the final Environmental Quality Board Air Quality Rule on New Source Review. The Department of Environmental Protection published a revised list of companies certified to perform radon-related activities. (Pa Bulletin p. 1272)
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published final guidance on conducting Underground Storage Tank Inspections.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .
* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Association
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association.

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