Scrapbook Photo 02/17/25 - 139 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
April 23, 2007
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 4/23/07
* Game Commission Keeps Healthy Forest, Healthy Herd Formula for Deer Mgmt.
The Board of Game Commissioners this week gave final approval to hunting and trapping seasons and bag limits for 2007-08, including increased antlerless deer seasons in the state's three most developed Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) 2B, 5C and 5D and also set antlerless deer license allocations for all 22 WMUs.
* Earth Day Activities
April 22 is Earth Day, Here's a Listing of Earth Day Events from Around PA …
* Online Training - New EPA Tool to Accelerate Watershed Planning, Webcast May 2
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has released the Watershed Plan Builder, an interactive, web-based tool to improve efforts by states and local communities in protecting and restoring local water resources.
* On the Senate/House Agenda/Bills Introduced
The Senate and House return to session April 23, and here’s what’s on the agenda…
* House Environmental Committee Moves Brownfield Covenants Bill
The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee this week reported out House Bill 43 (Rubley-R-Chester) that establishes a uniform environmental covenant for brownfield sites.
* Senate Committee Moves on Energy Assistance, Rulemaking Petitions, More
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee this week reported out several pieces of environmental legislation without changes—
* Other Senate/House Bills Moving
Here’s a quick rundown on other bills moving this week…
* House Environmental Committee To Consider Mine Safety, Reactor Fees Bills
The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee meets this week to consider bills to create the Mine Families First Program and to increase fees on nuclear power plants, including:
* Finalists for Philadelphia Sustainability Awards Announced
Nineteen finalists for the first ever Philadelphia Sustainability Awards were announced this week to honor progress towards becoming a sustainable region.
* Two Philadelphia Schools Honored With Environmental Community Service Award
Two Philadelphia schools have won a region-wide competition competing with 45 schools from Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania to receive the Environmental Community Service Award and a $5,000 grant to further their studies.
* EPA Recognizes North Area Environmental Council in Allegheny County
EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson this week honored the North Area Environmental Council with the President’s Volunteer Service Award in recognition of the group’s more than 30 years of volunteer work in addressing environmental issues in the North Hills area of Allegheny County, Pa.
* Innovative Municipalities, Individuals Recognized with Governor's Awards
Gov. Rendell this week praised local government officials and community stakeholders during the 11th annual Governor's Award for Local Government Excellence for taking action to improve their municipalities.
* Pittsburgh’s Bayer Corp Honored by Rachel Carson Homestead Association
Bayer Corporation was honored at a special ceremony this week by the Rachel Carson Homestead Association that kicks off a yearlong series of special events commemorating the centennial of the birth of author and ecologist Rachel Carson.
* Wanted – Green Business Award Nominess in Chester County
Retail, manufacturing, small business, corporations and institutions are invited to participate in Chester County’s “Green Business” Award program.
* Parks & Recreation Foundation Awards Dinner Set for April 24
The Parks and Recretarion Foundation will hold their awards dinner on April 24 at the Harrisburg Country Club beginning at 5:30.
* Presque Isle Bay Gets Environmental Boost as EPA Lifts Water Quality Impairment
The recovery of Presque Isle Bay in Lake Erie reached a milestone this week when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced it has lifted one of two water quality impairments for the bay due to improvements in sediment contamination.
* Chesapeake Bay Report Shows Degraded Waters, But Restoration Advances
The Federal/State Chesapeake Bay Program partnership this week released its Chesapeake Bay 2006 Health and Restoration Assessment reports saying significant advances were made in restoration efforts through newly-focused programs, legislation and/or funding, but year-to-year results were mixed and the overall health of the Bay remains degraded.
* DEP Publishes Notice of Completed TMDL for Berks County Watershed
The Department of Environmental Protection this week published notice of a completed Total Maximum Daily Load Plan (TMDL) for Bernhart Creek in Berks County. (PaB page 1922)
* EPA, PennVEST Recognize Mine Cleanup Work, Bristol Drinking Water Facility
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week recognized AMD Reclamation, Inc., Greene County, and the Bristol Drinking Water Facility, Bucks County, their for work in protecting the environment with 2006 PISCES awards.
* April 26 Town Meeting Set on Helping Farmers Install Conservation BMPs
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation, the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau and other partners will hold a town meeting on April 26 at the Progress Grange Hall in Centre Hall, PA to talk about a new proposal to provide farmers tax credits to install best management practices to reduce nutrient and sediment runoff called the Resource Enhancement and Protection Act.
* Property Management for Cleaner Streams Workshop April 25
The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, in affiliation with the Philadelphia Water Department and The Friends of the Poquessing Watershed, is hosting a local workshop entitled “Property Management for Cleaner Streams” on April 25.
* May 3-4 Volunteer Monitoring Summit Cancelled By DEP
The Department of Environmental Protection announced this week the May 3-4 Volunteer Monitoring Summit in Gettysburg, PA is cancelled, but may be rescheduled depending on available funds.
* Dirt and Gravel Road Program Celebrates 10th Anniversary
It was 10 years ago this month that the state Dirt and Gravel Road Program was created as a result of work done by the Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited whose members documented the pollution that washed into exceptional value and high quality streams from unpaved roads.
* EPA, State, Environmental Groups Promote "Green Infrastructure" Solutions
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Stephen Johnson celebrated Earth Day by signing a statement of intent at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh with four environmental organizations to promote the use of "green infrastructure" approaches, such as rain-catching roofs and gardens, to lessen sewer overflows and runoff after storms.
* Game Commission Finalizes Wind Energy Cooperative Agreement
The Game Commission this week signed cooperative, voluntary agreements with 12 companies to avoid, minimize and potentially mitigate any adverse impacts the development of wind energy may have on the state's wildlife resources.
* Free Energy Harvest, PEDA Grant Writing Workshop April 27 in Norristown
The Southeast Office of the Department of Environmental Protection will hold a grant writing workshop for Energy Harvest and PA Energy Development Authority grants on April 27 starting at 9:00 a.m.
* May 3 Workshop in Williamsport on Energy Harvest, PEDA Grant Writing
The Northcentral Office of the Department of Environmental Protection will hold a grant writing workshop for Energy Harvest and PA Energy Development Authority grants on May 3 starting at 10:00 a.m.
* Only Two More Communities Can Qualify for Free Solar Energy System
There are only two free solar energy systems left as part of the Pennsylvania Clean Energy Communities Campaign which have already been awarded to 18 communities.
* Giant Eagle Store Uses 20 Percent Less Energy Than Traditional Supermarket
It’s not just the produce that is green in Giant Eagle Inc.’s remodeled store in Pittsburgh’s Shadyside neighborhood. The whole building is now certified “green” for its energy efficiency, high air quality, water conservation, and even a living “green” roof.
* 100th Annual Conference of the Air & Waste Management Association In Pittsburgh
The Air & Waste Management Association’s Annual Conference & Exhibition, scheduled for June 26 -29 in Pittsburgh, will celebrate 100 years of environmental stewardship.
* Wildlife for Everyone Foundation, Game Commission Announce Land Purchases
The Board of Game Commissioners this week approved four options that will increase the State Game Lands system by about 87 acres and the Wildlife for Everyone Endowment Foundation announced a donation of 30 acres adjacent to the Flight 93 Memorial.
* Game Commission Awards Funding for Priority Wildlife Projects
The Game Commission this week approved two projects that will benefit northern goshawks and eastern red bats funded from an allocation provided by the State Wildlife Grant Program and regional endangered species funds, administered through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Federal Aid Program.
* May 19 Native Plant Sale in York, Take a Walk on the Wildside
The Mid-Atlantic Ecological Landscapes Partnership (MAEscapes) announced it is sponsoring the 11th Annual Native Plant Sale on May 19, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at Nixon County Park, York County.
* DCNR Explores Innovative Soil Solutions to Boost Survival of Urban Trees
City life is tough on trees, but the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is exploring ways to change that.
* Pennsylvania First State to Preserve 350,000 Acres of Farmland
Pennsylvania set a national record this week by becoming the first state in the nation to preserve 350,000 acres of farmland. The goal was reached by the approval of 70 farms for preservation under the Farmland Preservation Program.
* Earth Day Celebration Brings Agriculture to Urban Philadelphia Students
Students from the West Philadelphia Achievement Charter Elementary School grew green thumbs and learned about agriculture’s role in preserving the environment at an Earth Day celebration this week in Philadelphia.
* High School Students Compete in 22nd Annual Westmoreland Envirothon
You might say its “April Madness,” as students from 11 area high schools and one home-school program move into the final weeks of preparation for the annual countywide environmental competition in Westmoreland County.
* EPA Staff Served As Teachers for Students at Upper Darby Middle School
Nearly 100 employees from EPA’s joined and other organizations acted as substitute environmental science teachers at the Beverly Hills Middle School in Upper Darby, Pa., to celebrate Earth Day 2007.
* Help Wanted: PA Organization for Watersheds and Rivers Seeks Executive Director
The PA Organization for Watersheds & Rivers is seeking a full-time Executive Director responsible for employee management and supervision, financial management, program direction, fundraising, compliance with federal and state laws, and implementation of the group’s strategic plan.
* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state…
* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
* Regulations
The Department of Environmental Protection is seeking an upgrade to the Ozone Designation for the Harrisburg-Carlisle-Lebanon area, the Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton Area and the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Area.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published a notice recinding certain drinking water system related guidance. Here are the details…
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .
* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Association
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association.

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