House, Senate Celebrate 10th Anniversary of the PA Senior Environment Corps
This month marks the 10th anniversary of the Pennsylvania Senior Environment Corps and the House and Senate are both celebrating with the resolutions commemorating May as “Pennsylvania Senior Environment Corps” month.
Video Blog Feature - The PA Senior Environment Corps in Action!
To help celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Pennsylvania Senior Environment Corps, PA Environment Digest recently went along on water sampling runs by two teams from the Capital Area Senior Environment Corps to let them show you how it’s all done.
On the Senate/House Agenda/Bills Introduced
The Senate and Senate return to voting session May 7.
Other Senate/House Bills Moving
Here’s a quick rundown on other bills moving this week…
Ethics Panel Rules Against Rendell Nominees, Senate Sets Vote
The state Ethics Commission ruled unanimously this week that grants awarded to non-profit groups that ended up employing the spouses of DEP Secretary Kathleen McGinty and DCNR Secretary Michael DiBerardinis were a conflict of interest under state law, if they happened in the future.
Senate Committee Moves Storage Tank, Nuclear Power Plant Fee Bills
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee this week reported out legislation to raise fees on nuclear power plants and to change the Storage Tank Act. The bills include:
Game Commission to Launch Education Campaign on Deer Management
Testifying before the Senate Game and Fisheries Committee this week, Carl Roe, Executive Director of the Game Commission, said the Commission will be launching a public education program later in the year to explain its approach to managing Pennsylvania’s deer herd.
House Committee to Consider Climate Change, Energy Office, Electronics Recycling
House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee meets May 8 to consider several bills related to climate change, creating a State Energy Office, promoting electronics recycling and benefits for certain agency employees. The bills are:
PA Senior Environment Corp Volunteer, Others Named Leadership Fellows
David Schogel, a retired social worker, and an active member of the Center in the Park/Senior Environment Corps, was named one of 24 Fellows in the Environmental Leadership Program Delaware Valley Regional Network Fellowship Program for Emerging Leaders.
West Branch Susquehanna Sympoisum Attracts Over 140
More than 140 people participated in the two-day West Branch Susquehanna Restoration Symposium III, including federal, state, and local government agencies, watershed groups and Trout Unlimited chapters, policy-makers, students, and technical experts.
Valley Creek Trustee Council Announces Grant Opportunity
The Valley Creek Trustee Council, consisting of the Fish and Boat Commission and the Valley Forge National Historical Park, have announced the availability of a new grant program for restoration of natural resources within the Valley Creek Watershed.
DEP to Hold Public Meeting on AMD Treatment Plant in Cambria County
The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public meeting May 21 to discuss the relocation of the Barnes and Tucker Dumans Acid Mine Drainage Treatment Plant to the West Branch of the Susquehanna River near the village of Watkins.
Stream Buffer Planted at Arbor Day Celebration in Bellfonte
Over 50 volunteers, including 35 Bellefonte High School students, braved drizzly conditions and planted over 700 native trees, shrubs, and live dogwood stakes within Joseph A. Masullo Memorial Park in Bellefonte Borough creating a much needed 25 foot wide riparian buffer along approximately 600 feet of stream.
PUC Commemorates National Drinking Water Week, “Be Water Wise”
Showing consumers how to “Be Water Wise,” the Public Utility Commission will commemorate National Drinking Water Week, May 8-10, in the Commonwealth Keystone Building Atrium in Harrisburg.
Overbrook Environmental Education Center Opens in West Philadelphia
A former quarry and commercial site was transformed into the Overbrook Environmental Education Center, which opened recently for the first time.
Philadelphia Sustainability Awards Winners Announced
Ten Winners and one People’s Choice Winner were awarded in the first-ever Philadelphia Sustainability Awards this week to honor those who are making the Philadelphia region a better place to live – now and for future generations.
New EPA Website Makes It Easier To Be Good Environmental Stewards
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week launched a new Environmental Stewardship website to help business, government and private citizens make intelligent choices on sustainable environmental benefits.
EPA Says 2006 Results Show Downward Trend of Air Pollution Continues
An early look at air quality and emissions data for 2006 shows continued improvement in the nation's air quality over the long term, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reported this week.
DEP to Again Monitor, Issue Advisories for Unhealthy Ozone Days
The Department of Environmental Protection this week announced the beginning of the 2007 ozone season, which runs through mid-September.
Recycling in Pennsylvania Up Slightly to Just Over 4.8 Million Tons
Pennsylvanians recycled a record 4.86 million tons of municipal waste in 2005, saving consumers and industries nearly $263 million in disposal waste costs and providing materials to businesses with an estimated market value of $577 million.
2nd Annual Greater Pittsburgh Recycled Crafts Competition
In recognition of Earth Day on April 22, the Mall at Robinson partnered with the Pennsylvania Resources Council and the Air & Waste Management Association to host a recycled craft competition for elementary, middle and high school students in the Greater Pittsburgh Area.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event Nets 115,063 Pounds of Material
The Southwestern PA Household Hazardous Waste Task Force collected 115,063 pounds of material for safe disposal from 1,322 participants at their April 28 event.
First Falcon Egg Hatches in Harrisburg!
On May 3 the first of five eggs laid by the peregrine falcons nesting on the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg hatched. At regular intervals the remaining eggs should hatch over the next few days.
Grants Available From DCNR for Protecting Non-Game Species
People and organizations who work to protect Pennsylvania’s non-game animals, native plants and their habitat are invited to apply for a share of $1 million in grants from the Wild Resource Conservation Program.
Moraine State Park to Host Wild Resource Festival May 12
Buoyed by success at other state parks, organizers of the Wild Resource Festival this week announced plans to broaden the scope and audience of their annual salute to nature by hosting a festival at Moraine State Park in Butler County on May 12.
Take a Hike! Over 100 Hikes Scheduled Across Pennsylvania May 26-June 3
After setting a lofty goal of finding ways to tell Pennsylvanians “to take a hike,” organizers of the May 26 to June 3 Hiking Week this week announced they have surpassed the 100-hike mark.
Two Pennsylvania Teams to Compete in 2007 Solar Decathlon
Teams from Carnegie Mellon and Penn State universities are among 20 selected by the U.S. Department of Energy to compete in the third annual Solar Decathlon competition to be held October 12-20 on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
Rep. Swanger to Hold Biofuels Seminar May 18 in Lebanon
Rep. RoseMarie Swanger (R-Lebanon) and the Penn State Cooperative Extension will hold a free biofuels seminar May 18, at the Penn State Extension Office in the Lebanon County Agricultural Center, 2120 Cornwall Road, Lebanon.
May 11 Workshop in Norristown on Energy Harvest, PEDA Grant Writing
The Southeast Office of the Department of Environmental Protection will hold a grant writing workshop for Energy Harvest and PA Energy Development Authority grants on May 11 starting at 9:00 a.m.
Spotlight - Penn State Program: Climate Change, Climate Justice
"We can't all have the things we want and grow to a population of nine billion and continue to survive," Nancy Tuana warned.
Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state…
Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of changes to the ozone nonattainment area for Clearfield/Indiana and York/Adams counties. The Fish and Boat Commission published notice of additions to the Class A Wild Trout Streams and changes to the Classification of Wild Trout Streams. The Public Utility Commission published advance notice of proposed rulemaking on implementation of the Confidential Security Information Disclosure Act.
Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published three new guidance documents this week on coal and mineral industry inspections, incidental coal extraction and a final policy on oil and gas well bonds as well as general permits for Beneficial Use of Alternative Fuels and Waste Foundry Sand and a general permit covering Earth Disturbance Associated with Oil and Gas Exploration. Details below…
Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - DHess@CrisciAssociates.com or go to www.PaEnvironmentDigest.com .
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PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association.