Scrapbook Photo 09/16/24 - 98 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
January 21, 2008
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 1/21/08
* REAP Farm Tax Credit Program Receives $1 Million a Day in Applications
During the first 10 days of the application period for the Resource Enhancement and Protection Act (REAP) farm conservation tax credits, the State Conservation Commission received over $10 million in applications.
* Franklin & Marshall Professors Announce Legacy Sediments Article in Science
Franklin & Marshall College professors Robert C. Walter, Ph.D. and Dorothy J. Merritts, Ph.D. this week announced the publication of an article in the journal Science that outlines the contributions thousands of 17th to 19th Century milldams have made to causing sediment and nutrient pollution in today’s streams.
* Video Blog Feature - PA Center for Environmental Ed Director Kathleen Paul
The January 14 Environmental Issues Forum sponsored by the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee featured a presentation by Kathleen Cowles Paul, Director of the PA Center for Environmental Education.
* On the Senate/House Agenda/Bills Introduced
The Senate and House will return to voting session the week of January 28.
* Senate/House Bills Moving
The following bills of interest are moving in the Senate and House—
* Senate Committee Approves Deep Mine Safety Law Update
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee this week approved Senate Bill 949 (Kasunic-D-Somerset) making the first comprehensive revisions to the Bituminous Coal Mine Safety Act in 45 years, in-part based on recommendations made after the 2002 Quecreek Mine Rescue.
* Flood Mapping, Energy Price Resolutions OK’d By House Committee
House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee this week reported out resolutions urging an update of the state’s flood control maps and a Congressional investigation of energy prices. The resolutions include:
* House Appropriations Committee Schedules Harrisburg Budget Hearings
The House Appropriations Committee this week published a schedule of Harrisburg budget hearings, and Rep. Dwight Evans (D-Philadelphia) announced Appropriations Subcommittees will be going on the road to take comments on the budget in the field.
* Sen. Rhoades Introduces Home Heating Rebate Program for Seniors
Sen. James Rhoades (R-Schuylkill) announced this week he will introduce Senate Bill 2148, the Home Heating Rebate Program, so seniors citizens can receive additional state assistance to offset the skyrocketing costs of home heating fuel.
* Schuylkill Watershed Congress Set for March 2 at Montgomery Community College
The 2008 Schuylkill Watershed Congress will be held on March 2 at Montgomery County Community College Pottstown Campus.
* DEP Invites Comments on TMDLs for 4 Watersheds in Beaver, Fayette Counties
The Department of Environmental Protection invites comments on Total Maximum Daily Load Plans for watersheds in counties. (Pa Bulletin page 403) The watersheds include:
* Rivers Conservation Fly Fishing Youth Camp Applications Due March 15
The Rivers Conservation and Fly Fishing Youth Camp is now accepting applications for its 2008 camp to be held June 15-20 at the Allenberry Resort in Boiling Springs, Pa.
* PA Sea Grant Program March 13-14 Workshop on Ballast Water in Lake Erie
The Pennsylvania Sea Grant Program is sponsoring a workshop in Erie on ballast water policy on March 13-14 at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center, Presque Isle, Erie.
* First Professional Crop Producers’ Conference March 4-6
The first annual Professional Crop Producers’ Conference will be held on March 4-6 in State College, combining a number of annual meetings by several groups.
* DRBC Extends Comment Period on New York City Reservoirs Management Plan
Delaware River Basin Commission Executive Director Carol R. Collier has announced that the period for submitting written comments on proposed regulations to implement a Flexible Flow Management Program for operation of the three New York City Delaware Basin reservoirs will be extended through March 3.
* Youth Wildlife Leadership Adventures Program Now Accepting Applications
Spend a week in the field learning about deer from some of the top wildlife biologists and managers in the state through the Wildlife Leadership Adventures Program.
* Group Unveils Plan to Manage Invasive Species in Raystown Watershed
Through funding provided to Southern Alleghenies Conservancy by the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, Natural Biodiversity has created a comprehensive management plan that is designed to prevent and control the spread of invasive and noxious weeds that are threatening the Raystown Watershed.
* Project Weed Whack, 8 Different Invasive Species Control Events
The Southern Laurel Highlands Plant Management Partnership has organized eight different invasive species eradication events throughout Western Pennsylvania they call the 2008 Project Weed Whack.
* DEP, DCNR Encourage Participation in January 28 Grant Workshop
The departments of Environmental Protection and Conservation and Natural Resources are encouraging municipal officials, community planners and watershed group representatives to attend a grant workshop open house on January 28 at the Jennings Environmental Learning Center, Slippery Rock, Pa.
* Energy Management Institute Identifies $50,000 in Annual Savings for Company
A recent study for Construction Specialties resulted in the identification of several significant cost reduction opportunities, one of which is a heat containment system on an anodize line that is being implemented and will save the company $50,000 annually.
* PECO Launches Competitive Procurement for Renewable Energy
PECO is inviting alternative energy producers to submit bids to sell alternative energy "credits" to help the company fulfill renewable energy requirements set by Pennsylvania's recent Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards legislation.
* PPL to Expand Holtwood Hydroelectric Plant in Lancaster County
A proposal to more than double the amount of clean, renewable electricity produced at PPL’s Holtwood hydroelectric plant took a major step forward when the company this week asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for permission to expand the Lancaster County, Pa., plant.
* PUC Says Help Make Martin Luther King Day a "Day of Utility Service"
The Public Utility Commission this week reminded Pennsylvania utility customers to make Martin Luther King Day, January 21 a "Day of Utility Service," as well as a "Day of Service," by helping people in their community to save energy and "Prepare Now" for winter heating bills.
* 2008 The Business of Brownfields Conference Set for April 17-18 in Pittsburgh
The Engineers’ Society of Western Pennsylvania will hold the 2008 Business of Brownfields Conference on April 17-18 in Pittsburgh.
* Pennsylvania’s Forestlands Stable But Composition Changing
The U.S. Forest Service in December posted an anticipated report on the state of Pennsylvania’s forests from 2000 to 2004. The Pennsylvania Forest Inventory Report shows the Commonwealth’s forest land-base is stable, but the data also outlines some cause for concern.
* DCNR Aerial Photography Now Featured on Google Earth
More people will get a clearer birds eye view of Pennsylvania now that a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Geologic Survey has been reached that will put the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources' PAMAP high-resolution aerial photography on Google Earth, free of charge.
* Help Wanted: PRC Environmental Program Specialist
Pennsylvania Resources Council is seeking a qualified candidate to conduct its scenic issues and environmental stewardship technical assistance programs at its Newtown Square, Delaware County, office.
* Spotlight - Cross Fork Brook Trout Habitat Project, Potter County
By Amy Wolfe, Trout Unlimited
* Grants & Awards
This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for grants and financial assistance as well as nominations for awards and other recognition programs. NEW means from last week—
* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state
* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
* Regulations
No new regulations were published this week. Pennsylvania Bulletin – January 19, 2008
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of proposed guidance fecal coliform reporting and a final policy on disinfectant residuals related to the Safe Drinking Water Program. Also published was an update to the list of those certified to perform Radon-related activities (Pa Bulletin page 401)
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. NEW indicates new from last week. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .
* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Association
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association.

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