Scrapbook Photo 10/07/24 - 148 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
April 21, 2008
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 4/21/08
* 16,000 Miles of Polluted Streams Add Urgency to Call for Clean Water Funding
Clean water is a right, not an option, yet a newly released report shows that more Pennsylvania streams are losing the battle against pollution this year than in past years, according to the Department of Environmental Protection, adding urgency to the call last week for a PA Fair Share for Clean Water funding plan.
* Support Ends for Watershed Snapshot Water Quality Monitoring Events
The Department of Environmental Protection and the Delaware River Basin Commission announced on their websites they will no longer support volunteer water quality monitoring events that are part of the annual Watershed Snapshot.
* On the Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced
Here’s what’s coming up on the Senate and House agenda for next week, as well as the voting session schedule through June 30.
* Earth Day NewsClips
April 22 is Earth Day and to help celebrate PA Environment Digest will set aside this special section to highlight Earth Day-related programs, projects and events. Send your stories to: . And look at these special Earth Day NewsClips--
* Earth Day - PUC Calls on Pennsylvanians to Make Earth Day Pledge to Conserve
The Public Utility Commission this week asked each Pennsylvania utility customer to make an "Earth Day Pledge" to conserve energy and water this Earth Day, April 22.
* Earth Day - Family Oriented Great Green America Fest May 3-4
The Great Green America Fest is "green and growing" and this year will be held on May 3-4 near Manheim, Pa at the site of the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire.
* Earth Day - Highmark Blue Shield Announces Sustainable, Eco-Friendly and Green Strategy
As Kermit the Frog says, "It's not easy being green." But Highmark Blue Shield recognizes the impact of our business decisions on the environment and the community, and has created and is in the process of implementing sustainable, eco-friendly and green (SEG) business practices.
* Earth Day - Multiple Community Cleanups Scheduled Throughout the State
Many community and watershed groups have scheduled litter cleanup events over the next several weeks. Go to the Great PA Cleanup! website to find locations near you or look here for local events…
* Earth Day - Have We Met Before? More Than Seven Billion Pepsi Cans To Promote Recycling
Wonder why that can of Pepsi you're holding feels so familiar? It could be because it's been in your hand before.
* Earth Day - Senator Mary Jo White Provides Earth Day Environmental Update
Sen. Mary Jo White (R-Venango), Majority Chair of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, provided an Earth Day update on environmental legislation pending and passed in the General Assembly.
* Earth Day Video Feature - Go Wild! By Landscaping With Native Plants
Spring is for planting and what better way to help celebrate Earth Day than to use native plants as part of your next landscaping project.
* Governor's Task Force On Water Infrastructure Meets
Members of the Sustainable Water Infrastructure Task Force announced by Gov. Rendell in February convened for the first time this week and began the work of addressing the estimated $20 billion funding shortfall needed to upgrade Pennsylvania's aging and deteriorated drinking water and wastewater treatment infrastructure.
* EFC Sustainable Infrastructure Forum Set for May 20-22 in Philadelphia
The Environmental Finance Center is sponsoring a Sustainable Infrastructure for Water and Wastewater Forum in Philadelphia on May 20-22 for system operators in the states covered by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regions 3 and 4.
* $72 Million in Water Infrastructure Loans/Grants Announced
The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority this week approved $72 million in low-interest loans and grants for 19 brownfields, drinking water, wastewater and storm water projects in 15 counties.
* Growing Greener Grant Application Information Meeting April 22 Harrisburg
The Department of Environmental Protection will hold an informational session at 1 p.m. on April 22, in Harrisburg to help watershed groups, municipal officials and community planners apply for 2008 Growing Greener I and II grants.
* Fairview Township Uses Nutrient Credits to Help Meet Mandates
Fairview Township, York County, this week became the second municipality to use nutrient credits to help reduce its costs for meeting mandates calling for the reduction of nutrients going into Pennsylvania waters flowing to the Chesapeake Bay.
* Oyster Project Honored for Work in Delaware Bay
The Delaware Bay Oyster Restoration Project was honored with the 2008 Government Award at the 26th Annual Recognition Dinner hosted this week in Philadelphia by the Water Resources Association of the Delaware River Basin.
* Delaware River Basin Parties Agrees to Lower NYC Reservoirs
Gov. Rendell this week said officials from New York, New Jersey, Delaware and the federal government have agreed to a plan that will better protect Delaware River basin communities from the threat of flooding.
* PEMA Reminds Municipalities, Citizens to Clear Debris to Prevent Flooding
The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency is urging municipalities and citizens to take steps now to protect themselves and their property from potential flood damage this spring and summer.
* Rendell Administration Recognizes Achievements of PA Local Governments
Lt. Governor Catherine Baker Knoll and Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary Dennis Yablonsky praised the efforts of eight municipal organizations and nine local leaders this week during the 12th annual "Governor's Award for Local Government Excellence" award ceremony.
* PPL Educational Grants Program Encourages Environmental Action
To help empower students to make a difference, PPL is accepting applications for its 2008 Environmental Education Grant Program which focuses on renewable energy and energy conservation projects.
* Pennsylvania Resources Council Invites Entries in Lens On Litter Photo Contest
The Pennsylvania Resources Council invites student and adult amateur photographers from the around the state to be part of the 24th annual Lens On Litter Contest designed to highlight litter and illegal dumping problems in the Commonwealth.
* PROP Offers Composting Practical Science Courses June 18, 19
The Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania, in conjunction with the Department of Environmental Protection and Penn State Altoona, are once again offering their class on the basics of large-scale composting June 18-19 in Pittsburgh.
* Agriculture Secretary Applauds Brubaker Farms For New Manure Digester
Agriculture Secretary Dennis Wolff this week helped unveil a new anaerobic manure digester at Brubaker Farms in Lancaster County which generates more than 4,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per day, or enough to power more than 150 homes.
* DEP Now Accepting Applications for BioFuels Subsidy Grants
The Department of Environmental Protection is now accepting applications for biofuels subsidy grants of up to five cents per gallon under the Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Program. Applications are due June 20.
* PA Energy Harvest Grant Applications Now Being Accepted By DEP
The Department of Environmental Protection is now accepting PA Energy Harvest Grant applications for innovative energy deployment projects addressing air quality and watershed protection issues.
* Applications Due for Innovative Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency Grants
The Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority is now soliciting grant applications for innovative, advanced energy projects, demand side management projects and from businesses interested in locating advanced energy operations in the Commonwealth.
* Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Grants Available in Duquesne Light Area
The Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority is now accepting applications from local governments for energy efficiency and renewable energy premium power grants of up to $100,000 in the Duquesne Light service territory.
* Earth Force Initiative to be Launched in the Northern Allegheny Region
The Pennsylvania Environmental Council and Lake Erie Allegheny Earth Force announced this week they will be launching an Earth Force environmental education initiative in the Northern Allegheny River region with an open house on April 22.
* Seedlings For Schools Program Invites Elementary Schools to Participate
The Wildlife For Everyone Endowment Foundation and the Game Commission are inviting elementary schools to participate in the new Seedlings for Schools Project.
* DCNR Invests $12 Million to Protect Natural Resources, Open Space
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources this week announced $12 million in grants to promote land conservation and other projects that are designed to create trails and protect open space and greenways.
* Pennsylvania Achieves Farmland Preservation Milestone
The Pennsylvania Farmland Preservation Board set a new record this week by preserving the state's 3,500th farm, the Department of Agriculture announced.
* Annual National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Says Emissions Dropped 1.1 Percent
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week released the national greenhouse gas inventory which reports overall emissions during 2006 decreased by 1.1 percent from the previous year.
* Environmental Professionals: Climate Change-PA Perspective Conference
The Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Professionals will hold its annual conference with the theme “Adapting to Global Climate Change: A Pennsylvania Perspective” on May 7-9 in Grantville, near Harrisburg.
* Audubon’s Tim Schaeffer Moves to Fish & Boat Commission as Policy Director
Audubon Pennsylvania Executive Director Dr. Timothy Schaeffer will be moving to the Fish and Boat Commission as the Director of Policy, Planning and Communications starting April 21.
* Spotlight - Springtime Alert: Do Not Disturb Young Wildlife
Whether hiking in the woods, driving through the countryside or simply enjoying nature, Game Commission officials encourage outdoor enthusiasts to leave wildlife alone and not remove it from the wild, especially young of the year.
* Feature - High Potentate of the Allegheny River – John Hummel
Sen. Rob Wonderling (R-Montgomery) recently spoke with Venango County grassroots environmentalist John Hummel about the evolution of the environmental movement and the role of citizens, environmental organizations, and business in cleaning up our air, water and land.
* Grants & Awards
This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for grants and financial assistance as well as nominations for awards and other recognition programs. NEW means from last week—
* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state
* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
* Regulations
The Environmental Quality Board published proposed regulations regulating nitrogen oxide emissions from glass melting furnaces and cement kilns. The Department of Environmental Protection published a notice of pending and approved nutrient credits under the Nutrient Credit Trading Program.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
No new policy documents were published this week.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. NEW indicates new from last week. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .
* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

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