Scrapbook Photo 12/16/24 - 110 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
November 22, 2004
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 11/22/04
* Blizzard Hits Harrisburg… of Environmental Bills That Is!
After four straight days of 2 and 3 a.m. adjournments, the General Assembly ended its two year session in the usual flurry of legislation, frustration and business left undone.
* Advanced Energy Portfolio Standards Adopted by General Assembly
Legislation passed the Senate (32-15) and House (161-35) this week which requires electric distributors and generators that sell directly to retail customers to have 18 percent of the energy they sell be from renewable or sources other than coal and nuclear power by 2019. The bill is now on the Governor’s desk.
* House/Senate Act on Two Other Alternative Fuels Initiatives
Final action was taken this week on Senate Bill 255 (Tomlinson-R-Bucks) making changes to the Alternative Fuels Incentive Program to include stationary power projects. The bill also authorizes a one-time $10 million transfer to the Energy Development Authority that was included in this year’s budget.
* Help With Reducing Energy Costs
Here's information on a new guide to help businesses with energy efficiency choices and a workshop for small businesses on energy management.
* General Assembly Finishes Water, Wastewater Funding Program
The last piece of Gov. Rendell’s economic stimulus package proposed in March 2003 was given final action by the General Assembly this week to fund $350 million in water and wastewater projects and implement the bond issue passed by voters in the Spring.
* Green Ribbon Commission Continues Work on Spending Proposal, Priorities
Members of the Green Ribbon Commission continued to work on a more comprehensive environmental spending proposal this week, even as this year’s session ended.
* Legislation Given Final Action/Sent to Governor
The Senate and House took final action on these bills and resolutions:
* Senate Adopts Resolution to Promote Recognition of PA Environmental Heritage
The Senate this week unanimously passed Senate Resolution 324, sponsored by Sen. Earll (R-Erie), Sen. Ray Musto (D-Luzerne) and others, encouraging the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission to create a special Conservation Heritage Initiative to recognize the citizens, events and historically significant places in Pennsylvania that have contributed to the environmental heritage of the Commonwealth and the United States.
* Left on the Table
These and other items were left on the table without final action when the General Assembly went home at 3:00 a.m. on Sunday.
* Environmental Synopsis Focuses on Recycling, Green Commission, Hardwoods
The most recent issue of Environmental Synopsis produced by the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee features stories on recycling, the Green Ribbon Commission and a presentation on Pennsylvania’s hardwoods industry.
* PUC Seeks Comments on Connecting Alternative Energy Sources to Grid
The Public Utility Commission (PUC) this week started the process for establishing uniform rules on how small power generators - using technologies like fuel cells and micro-turbines - would connect to the electric distribution grid.
* Comments Due on TMDLs in Elk, Lycoming, Sullivan, Clearfield, Centre
The Department of Environmental Protection is asking for comments on Total Maximum Daily Loads plans for four watersheds. Comments are due January 19.
* Pennsylvania Game Commission Releases Statewide Fall Foods Survey
Pennsylvania's wildlife fall food conditions are average or above-average in most areas of the state, according to a recently-completed survey of the Pennsylvania Game Commission and Department of Conservation and Natural Resources field employees.
* Taking Positive Action - 2004 Waste Watcher Winners

* Taking Positive Action - GE Transportation Joins Climate Leaders, Wirerope Reduces Waste
Here are two more examples of companies taking positive action that benefits the environment.
* Watershed NewsClips
Find out what other watershed groups are doing in these NewsClips from this week--
* Regulations
Find out what regulations were proposed or finalized this week--
* Technical Guidance & Permits
Find out what technical guidance and permits were proposed or finalized this week.
* Calendar of Upcoming Events
Some events that might be of interest to you...
* Helpful Links
Consult these links often for the latest information
* Contributions Invited - About the Digest
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