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Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
September 22, 2008
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 9/22/08
* Improvements Needed To Nutrient Credit Trading, Clean Water Coalition Says - Video Blog
Members of the Pennsylvania Fair Share for Clean Water Coalition testified at a state Senate hearing this week that action is needed quickly on legislation to improve the state’s Nutrient Credit Trading Program in order to reduce the cost of complying with federal and state clean water mandates, provide farmers with the help they need to install conservation practices and allow for future growth.
* Video Blog Feature - DEP’s John Hanger Talks About Climate Change At PEC Members Meeting
Acting Department of Environmental Protection Secretary John Hanger talked about implementing the new PA Climate Change Act (Act 70) during the PA Environmental Council’s 39th Annual Members meeting in this Video Blog story.
* Video Blog Feature - Special Schuylkill River Watershed Profile Looks at Present, Future Challenges
The Reading Eagle this week published a three-part series on the Schuylkill River Watershed, including State of the Watershed, Protecting the River and the Schuylkill's Future segments.
* On the Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced
The Senate and House committee meeting schedules and floor Calendars are listed here--
* Senate/House Bills Moving
The following bills of interest saw action in the House and Senate this week—
* House Committee OKs Bill No One Wants To Become Law on Electric Rate Caps
After many members said they did not want it to become law, the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee this week reported out Special Session House Bill 54 (George-D-Clearfield) that would extend electric rate caps.
* Senate Environmental Committee OKs Bill To Create State Energy Office
The Senate Special Session Committee on Energy Policies this week amended and reported out Special Session House Bill 36 (George-D-Clearfield) establishing a State Energy Office to promote energy development and conservation, according to Sen. Mary Jo White (R-Venango), who serves as Majority Chair of the Committee.
* House Committee To Meet On Transmission Line, Waste Tire Other Bills
The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee meets on September 23 to consider legislation adopting an electric transmission line compact, establishing a Coal Methane Review Board, funding waste tire removal, brownfields redevelopment, encouraging reclamation of mine sites with biomass and a resolution to review the Growing Greener II bond program.
* DCNR Carbon Sequestration Plan Topic Of Senate Informational Meeting
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee will hold an informational meeting on September 24 on the Carbon Management Plan developed by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
* Senate Committee To Consider Water Bond Fix, Mercury Thermostat Ban
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee meets September 23 to consider legislation banning the sale of thermostats with mercury, making a fix to boilerplate language in the $400 million water bond referendum legislation and a resolution on federal natural gas shipment rules.
* Environmental Issues Forum on Emergent Water Pollutants, New Synopsis
On September 22 the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee will hold its next Environmental Issues Forum featuring a presentation on emerging water pollutants.
* DEP Invites Comments On TMDL Plans in Elk, Luzerne Counties
The Department of Environmental Protection is inviting comments on two Total Maximum Daily Load Plans for watersheds in Elk and Luzerne Counties. They include:
* Fish and Boat Commission Boating Facilities Grant Applications Due
The Fish and Boat Commission has announced that non-profit land trusts, conservancies, and watershed associations may now directly apply for grants through the agency’s Boating Facilities Grant Program.
* PUC Approves Voluntary Loss Of Water Pilot Program
The Public Utility Commission this week tentatively approved a voluntary pilot program to help its jurisdictional water companies better track and reduce levels of unaccounted-for water.
* Check Out the Fall Training Schedule, Pa Chapter American Water Works Assn.
The new fall training schedule is now available from the PA Chapter of the American Water Works Association.
* Gov. Rendell Appoints Westmoreland District’s Greg Phillips To ORSANCO
Gov. Rendell this week appointed Gregory M. Phillips, District Manager/CEO of the Westmoreland County Conservation District, to serve as one of three commissioners representing Pennsylvania on the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission.
* Go Green at Wildlands Conservancy’s Annual Dinner and Auction November 21
The Wildlands Conservancy will be hosting the Lehigh Valley’s premier eco-friendly event – the Green Gala - on November 21 at Brookside Country Club, Macungie, Pa.
* Two PA Organizations Receive EPA’s 2008 Energy Star Awards
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has selected two Pennsylvania organizations to receive one of the 13 2008 Energy Star Awards for Small Businesses for cutting utility costs significantly and making energy efficiency improvements that help make our nation's air cleaner.
* DEP Issues 73 Marcellus Shale Drilling Permits, Drilling Means Major Investment
The Department of Environmental Protection this week announced it issued 73 permits to drill for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale formation in 12 counties.
* Energy Conservation, Green Building Events In Philadelphia, Lehigh Valley
Pennsylvania residents will learn about energy conservation, renewable energy and green building benefits at a variety of upcoming community events in October--
* Get Energy Smarter Community Expo October 12 In Pittsburgh
Conservation Consultants and other partners are sponsoring a Get Energy Smarter Community Expo on October 12 on the South Side of Pittsburgh. (Don’t worry, it’s a Steelers bye week.)
* PA Resources Council 2008 “Going for Green” Annual Awards Dinner November 18
Going for Green: Going for Eco-Friendly Choices” is the theme of the Pennsylvania Resources Council’s annual awards dinner on November 13 at the Radisson Hotel Valley Forge in King of Prussia.
* Mine Families First Response and Communications Plan Available For Comment
The Department of Environmental Protection this week made available a draft Mine Families First Response and Communications Implementation Plan.
* PA Brownfields 2008 Conference Set For October 1-2 In Harrisburg
On October 1-2, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Team Pennsylvania Foundation, Hangley, Aronchick Segal & Pudlin, and the Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Brownfield Associations will hold its fourth annual Brownfield conference in Harrisburg.
* Joanne Denworth Recognized By PA Historical and Museum Commission
The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission this week presented Joanne Denworth with its first "Visionary in Historic Preservation" award to recognize her expertise in land use and the environment to further historic preservation efforts in Pennsylvania.
* DCNR Seeks Members For Recreational Trails Advisory Board
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is accepting nominations for three new appointments to the Pennsylvania Recreational Trails Advisory Board.
* DEP Bid Opportunity For Gas Well Plugging, Indiana County
The Department of Environmental Protection is inviting proposals to plug an orphan well in Creekside Borough, Indiana County. See the PA Bulletin notice for details.
* Spotlight - Indulge Your Senses in Pennsylvania This Fall
From the sounds of nature and flavors of harvest desserts and wine to exclusive screenings of independent films and pumpkin-carving contest, fall in Pennsylvania is best when all five senses are engaged.
* Grants & Awards
This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for grants and financial assistance as well as nominations for awards and other recognition programs. NEW means from last week—
* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state
* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
* Regulations
EQB Takes Action on Water, Hazardous Waste and Diesel Idling Measures
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of several proposed and final policy documents. See details below.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. NEW indicates new from last week. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .
* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

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