Environmental Issues Pending in the House and Senate
Here’s a quick overview of some of the major environmental issues pending in the Senate and House:
Unfinished Environmental Business
With the election out of the way, several pieces of unfinished environmental business are still on the agenda of the House, Senate and Rendell Administration. See the special note inside.
Senate Committee Set to Consider Advanced Energy Portfolio Standards
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee has scheduled a meeting for Tuesday to consider Senate Bill 1030 (Erickson-R- Delaware) setting an Advanced Energy Portfolio Standard requiring electric suppliers in Pennsylvania to have from 10 to 15 percent of their power generated from renewable sources.
Environmental Bills on House Calendar for Final Action
On the Calendar for final House action are several environmental bills--
Election Results Mean Special Elections for 3 Senate Seats
The winners in Tuesday’s election created three open state Senate seats—Jack Wagner (D-Allegheny), Allyson Schwartz (D-Philadelphia) and Charlie Dent (R-Lehigh)—for which special elections must be held.
Devastation and Renewal: An Environmental History of Pittsburgh
A unique new journalist's resource guide to the story behind Pittsburgh's dramatic environmental transformation was unveiled at the Society of Environmental Journalists Annual Conference in October.
$18.7 Million in State/Federal Watershed Restoration Grants Announced
The Department of Environmental Protection this week announced $18.7 million in watershed restoration grants funded by Growing Greener and other programs.
BufferNotes, Forestry Notes Two Good Watershed Resources
Two free resources are available to anyone interested in watershed, forestry and stream buffer issues. Check them out!
TMDLs Proposed for 9 Watersheds, Comments Requested
The Department of Environmental Protection has proposed Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for these watersheds. Public comments are all due January 5, 2005.
EPA Awards Environmental Justice Grants to PA Community
The Greater North Penn Area Transportation Management Association is one of 73 communities across the country to receive an Environmental Justice Hazardous Substance Research Small Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week.
Protecting Aquatic Resources
EPA Acts to Protect Aquatic Life From Cooling Intake Structures
EPA Releases Final Report on Clean Air Standards for Particulate Matter
EPA released the final scientific assessment document on airborne particulate matter, entitled Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter, in accordance with the requirements of the federal Clean Air Act to review the scientific basis for this standards.
Harvest Energy Grants, Wind, Solar Projects
$5 million in Energy Harvest Grants announced, status of wind and solar energy projects in Lancaster and in Pennsylvania's colleges.
Training Video Helps Health Care Providers Prevent Drinking Water Health Risks
EPA is releasing an educational training video intended to help health care providers recognize, report and prevent waterborne illness from drinking water sources.
Small Town Lights Its Way to Energy Savings
Marple Township, Delaware County teamed up with Rebuild America to tackle energy conservation projects that save the municipality and senior citizens in the community over $46,200 a year.
Two Major Reports on Green Building Experience, Costs Now Available
The Pittsburgh Green Building Alliance has just completed a survey of the Pittsburgh Region which catalogs the practical experience builders and building owners in using the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED green building standards.
National Weather Expert Helps PUC Prepare Consumers for Winter
Public Utility Commission (PUC) Chairman Wendell F. Holland this week released the following statement about a special visitor who will join the PUC on Nov. 18 to help urge Pennsylvanians to prepare for the winter months:
DCNR Warns Deer Hunters on Dangers of Transporting Firewood Into State
With the approach of Pennsylvania's main deer hunting season and its influx of thousands of out-of-state hunters, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources' Bureau of Forestry is combating the spread of forest insect pests by asking hunters to refrain from transporting firewood into the Commonwealth.
Rivers Conservation and Fly Fishing Youth Camp Registration Now Open
The Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited is again offering its award winning Rivers Conservation and fly Fishing Youth Camp in June 2005. The camp is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited and hosted by the Cumberland Valley Chapter.
ASCE Presents “Citizens’ Vision for Smart Growth” Program Nov. 10
The Pittsburgh Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers is presenting a special program November 10 in Mars, Butler County on two reports calling for adopting a sustainable growth policy for Pennsylvania.
Quick Clips
Here's a sampling of NewsClips on environmental topics across the state.
PPL’s “Green” Building Receives Two Environmental Awards
The Plaza at PPL Center, a state-of-the-art green office building in Allentown, has won the ARK Award in recognition of its innovations in environmentally friendly architecture from the Wildlands Conservancy and the Urban Land Institute’s 2004 Award for Excellence.
Watershed NewsClips
Here's what's making news with watershed groups across the state.
The latest on proposed and final regulations.
Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection posted notices on several proposed guidance documents this week.
Calendar of Upcoming Events
The scheduled of conferences, workshops, meetings and links to other calendars.
Helpful Web Links
Here are links to some helpful environmental resources.
Contributions Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - DHess@crisciassociates.com .