Scrapbook Photo 01/27/25 - 104 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
October 6, 2008
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 10/6/08
* Holds Special Election, Watch Special CNN* Video Coverage Online
Put off by that divisive and nasty national election? You can be part of a creative "special election" on websiteby voting for your favorite environmental candidates in the "Elect to Conserve" campaign.
* Video Blog Feature - Nearly 90 Groups Participate In The 2008 Ohio River Watershed Celebration
The2008 Ohio River Watershed Celebrationwas an overwhelming success this year with over 950 participants, and for the first time, not one but two Pittsburgh Gateway Clipper boats. But it would not have been a success without the dozens of groups actively involved in the education program and providing displays.
* Video Blog Feature - New Report Details Potential Impacts of Global Warming On PA Agriculture, Forests
The Union of Concerned Scientists, along with professors from Penn State and representatives of the Governor's Office and the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, this week release a new report detailing the potential impacts of global warming on Pennsylvania, in particular the agriculture industry and forests.
* Video Blog Feature - The Erie Times Profiles French Creek Watershed
Eire Times recently published a five-part series of articles and related videos profiling the environmental, historial and cultural significance of the French Creek Watershed in Erie and Crawford counties. Highlighted are efforts by thePennsylvania Environmental Counciland other groups to protect and restore the watershed.
* Online Video - Steelhead Run Offers Terrific Fishing Opportunity in Erie Region
The Fish and Boat Commission announced that steelhead are officially on the run in Erie after the heavy rain experienced this week.
* Guide To The PA Environment Digest Family Of Website Services
Crisci Associates is pleased to provide our clients and the public with the latest, most comprehensive news on environmental issues, legislation and accomplishments through a family of websites. Sign up now to get the latest news, whether you want it daily, weekly or in video form--
* On the Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced
The Senate and House committee schedules and floor calenders are listed here--
* House Committee Told DEP Needs 68 More Staff To Keep Up With Drilling
The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee was told by the head of the Department of Environmental Protection that he needs "dozens" more people to keep up with the pace of natural gas drilling in theMarcellus Shale formation.

* Keep PA Beautiful, PA Horticultural Society Announce Community Greening Champions
ThePennsylvania Horticultural SocietyandKeep Pennsylvania Beautifulannounced the winners of the2008 Community Greening Awards.
* President Bush Signs Great Lakes Water Resources Compact Into Law
TheGreat Lakes Governorsthis week applauded President George W. Bush for signing a joint resolution of Congress providing consent to the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact. The President’s action marks the final step in the Compact’s approval process thus enabling these historic protections to become law.
* Gov. Rendell Releases 2007-08 Annual Report On Growing Greener II Spending
Gov. Rendell this week released a series of reports detailing investments made during the third year of the Growing Greene II Program whichcommitted $142 million to 397 projects that will preserve farmland, reclaim abandoned mines, protect watersheds, and revitalize communities, among other projects throughout the state.
* DEP Invites Comments on Proposed TMDL Watershed Cleanup Plans
The Department of Environmental Protection is inviting public comments on Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Plans for three watersheds in five counties(PA Bulletin page 5500)
* DEP Invites Bids On Butler County Mine Reclamation Project
The Department of Environmental Protectionthis week invited bidson an abandoned mine reclamation project in Clay Township, Butler County.

* EPA Awards Grant to Drexel University for Water Research Project
A $559,999 grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is enabling a Drexel University professor to wrap up five years of research into a new device that can rapidly detect a harmful class of toxins that threatens drinking water.
* October 17 Environmental Forum to Examine Emerging Water Contaminants
The Department of Environmental Protection’s Bureau of Water Standards and Facility Regulation will host two experts on emerging contaminants at an Environmental Forum to be held October 17 in Harrisburg.

* Growing a Garden of Future Environmental Leaders, EPA Awards Student Fellowships
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week awarded54 student research fellowshipsto undergraduate and graduate students around the country, including one from Pennsylvania.
* Entries Invited For Youth Video Conference on Science and Environment
Lights, camera, action! TheNational Council for Science and the Environmentis hosting a video contest, Voices and Visions from the Next Generation of Conservationists, as part of the Biodiversity in a Rapidly Changing World conference December 8-10 in Washington, D.C.
* Championing Upper Merion Area School District To Go Green
Frederick Remelius is determined to make his school district buildings operate the way they should-- clean and green. He is on a daily campaign to solve the district's potential indoor air concerns and save energy and money.
* Carnegie Mellon University Receives AT&T Environmental Fellowship Grant
AT&T Inc. this week announcedCarnegie Mellon Universityreceived a $25,000 environmental research grant and that university faculty membersH. Scott MatthewsandDeanna H. Matthewswere named AT&T Faculty Fellows in Industrial Ecology.
* Natural Gas Utilities, Suppliers And Experts Brief PUC On Reliability For Winter
The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission this week held its annual Winter Reliability Assessment meeting, which provides a snapshot of various conditions that may affect natural gas supply, price and service reliability for the upcoming winter.
* Dollar Energy Fund Utility Assistance Grants for Gas, Electric and Water Now Available
Dollar Energy Fund, Pennsylvania's largest hardship fund, began taking applications over $3.4 million in utility assistance grants for the 2008-2009 heating season this week. Low-income households throughout the state will be able to apply for utility assistance for gas, electric and water bills.
* PUC Announces More Details On November 13 Hearing On Alternative Energy, Conservation
The Public Utility Commission this week announced more details on a special public hearing November 13 to gather information on alternative energy resources, energy conservation and efficiency, and demand side response tools and programs to assist consumers.
* Pennsylvania Energy Summit II Set For December 9
The Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry will host "Pennsylvania Energy Summit II: Practical Steps You Can Take Now" on December 9 at the Radisson Penn Harris Hotel, Camp Hill, Pa.
* Allegheny Health Department Offers Grants to Retrofit Diesel School Buses
TheAllegheny County Health Departmentis offering school districts fundingto retrofit diesel school buseswith devices that not only cut tailpipe emissions, but also the air pollution that seeps inside a bus.
* DEP OKs Voluntary Registry For Greenhouse Gas, Advisory Committee Chair Named
The Department of Environmental Protection this week formally designatedThe Climate Registryand three other organizations for offset registries to help businesses voluntarily track climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions.
* Lancaster County Waste Authority Winner Call2Recycle Battery Recycling Honor
TheCall2Recyclerechargeable battery recycling program this weekannounced the recipients of the eighth annual "Recycling Leadership Awards. They included theLancaster County Solid Waste Authoritywhich recycled almost 30,000 pounds of batteries.
* Volunteers Remove Nearly 1,000 Tires from the Susquehanna River In Wyoming County
Staff from the Department of Environmental Protection’s Northeast Regional Office joined community volunteers last weekend to complete a two-year project that removed hundreds of tires from the Susquehanna River in Mehoopany Township, Wyoming County.
* DCNR, Partners Sign Pennsylvania Water Trail Agreement
An agreement to encourage the development and enhancement ofPennsylvania Water Trailswas signed this week by officials from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Fish and Boat Commission,PennsylvaniaEnvironmental Counciland the National Park Service.
* The Nature Conservancy Expands Pocono Plateau Protected Area
A 522-acre site in Monroe County that each spring explodes with the brilliant purple flowers of the shrub rhodora has been protected through a conservation easement byThe Nature Conservancy.

* PA Assn. Of Environmental Education 2009 Conference, Award Nominations Due
ThePA Association of Environmental Educationwill hold its2009 conferencefrom March 19-22 at the Resort and Conference Center in Entriken, Pa.

* October 19 ENVIROFEST, Black Bear Film Festival Features Free Films At Grey Towers
The annualBlack Bear Film FestivalandENVIROFESTwill be held on October 19 at theGrey Towers Historic Sitein Milford, Pa.

* Commonwealth Court Decision on Ethics Act Ruling Sides With Gov. Rendell
Commonwealth Court issued a decision Friday saying two Rendell cabinet secretaries did not violate the state's Public Official and Employee Ethics Acts when their agency's gave grants to non-profit groups employing their spouses.
* Spotlight - Municipal Authorities Assn. Urge Vote YES! For Clean Water November 4
On behalf of the six million Pennsylvania citizens whose water and sewage treatment is provided by municipal authorities, the Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association endorses the infrastructure referendum on the November 4 ballot.
* Spotlight - Western PA Conservancy And Partners Protect Tributary to Little Mahoning Creek
TheWestern Pennsylvania Conservancyand several partner organizations recently completed a streambank stabilization project that will improve water quality and reduce pollution levels in Straight Run, a headwater tributary to Little Mahoning Creek.
* Opinion - Harvest Time - Sustainable Agriculture
By Sen. Rob Wonderling
* Grants & Awards
This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for grants and financial assistance as well as nominations for awards and other recognition programs. NEW means from last week—
* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state
* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
* Regulations
The Department of Environmental Protection providednotice of availabilityof proposed and approved nutrient credits, the Susquehanna River Basin Commissionpublished proposed rulesfor reviewing natural gas drilling projects involving the Marcellus Shale and other deep formations and the PA Historical and Museum Commissionpublished noticeof nominations to be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Board.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The PA Housing finance Agency published program guidelines for the Home Energy Efficiency Loan Program.(PA Bulletin page 5449)
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. NEW indicates new from last week. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions toPA or go
* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited
PA Environment Digestis a supporting member of thePennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association,Pennsylvania Trout Unlimitedand theDoc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited .

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