Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
May 18, 2009
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* Connecting Communities To Creeks Conference Attracts 395 Attendees In State College
The PA Land Trust Association and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation Pennsylvania "Connecting Communities To Creeks" Conference attracted 395 participants in State College last week.

* DEP Now Accepting Applications For Growing Greener Watershed, Flood Protection Grants
The Department of Environmental Protection this week announced it is now accepting applications for watershed protection and restoration as well as flood protection grants under the Growing Greener Program.

* Video Blog - Sewickley Creek, Iron Oxide Recovery, Inc. Receive Governor's Environmental Award

* May 20 First Deadline For $250 Grants To Celebrate 10 Years Of Growing Greener Watersheds
The Growing Greener Watershed Restoration Program will be ten years old in December and to help celebrate 10 groups have come together to invite watershed groups to share their success stories on a special Growing Greener website.

* On the Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced
The House and Senate return to voting session on June 1.
* Senate/House Bills Moving
These bills of interest saw action this week--

* Legislators Express Concern Over Lack Of State Park Lifeguards At Hearing
The House Tourism and Recreational Development Committee this week held a hearing on House Bill 719 (Helm-R-Dauphin) requiring lifeguards at Pennsylvania's State Parks.

* DEP Secretary, Sen. White Spar Over Senate, Governor's Environmental Funding Cuts
Department of Environmental Protection Secretary John Hanger and Sen. Mary Jo White (R-Venango), Majority Chair of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, exchanged words this week over proposed cuts in environmental funding by both the Senate Republicans and the Governor.

* DCNR: 35 State Parks Would Close Under GOP Budget, Sen. White - Use Gas Drilling Funds
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Acting Secretary John Quigley this week said the budget adopted by Senate Republicans would force the agency to close at least 35 state parks and 1,000 miles of state forest roads, which would sharply reduce access for anglers, hunters and hikers.

* House Environmental Committee To Take Testimony On Climate Change Bill
The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee will hold a hearing Thursday on House Bill 80 (Vitali-D-Delaware) to increase the amount of electricity generated from clean and renewable sources and provide incentives for carbon sequestration to reduce greenhouse gases.

* May Environmental Synopsis Newsletter Now Available From Joint Conservation Committee
The May issue of the Environmental Synopsis newsletter is now available from the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee.

* EPA To Help Lead New Era Of Partnership, Accountability In Chesapeake Bay Restoration
President Barack Obama signed an executive order this week creating a Federal Leadership Committee for the Chesapeake Bay to be chaired by the Environmental Protection Agency.

* Executive Council Sets New Goals for Reducing Chesapeake Bay Pollution

* DEP Will Bring No New Financial Resources To Cleanup Chesapeake Bay

* Chesapeake Bay Commission Highlights Successes, Urges Public Pressure For More Action
The Chairman of the Chesapeake Bay Commission, Virginia Delegate John Cosgrove, highlighted recent Bay restoration successes during the annual Chesapeake Executive Council meeting held in Virginia this week.

* Water Resources Education Network Awards Grants For Community Water Education Projects
The Water Resources Education Network Project, a program of the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania Citizen Education Fund, this week announced the award of $49,805 in funding to community partnerships across the state.

* Ohio River Watershed Celebration Set For September 24
The Ohio River Watershed Celebration will be held on September 24 starting from Pittsburgh's Gateway Clipper dock.

* Save The Date, Sponsorship Opportunities: Lehigh Valley Watershed Conference October 9
The Third Annual Lehigh Valley Watershed Conference will be held on October 9 at DeSales University near Allentown. The theme of this year's conference is "Planting Seeds for a Green Future."

* DEP Requesting Comments On Stoney Run TMDL Westmoreland County
The Department of Environmental Protection is now accepting comments on a proposed total maximum daily load plan for the Stoney Run Watershed in Westmoreland County.

* DEP Awards 13 Contracts To Reclaim 340 Acres Of Dangerous Abandoned Mine Lands
Approximately 340 acres of dangerous abandoned mine lands containing steep cliffs, piles of waste coal that pollute streams, and exposed coal seams that can catch fire from burning trash will be cleaned up under 13 contracts awarded during the first four months of this year, according to Environmental Protection Secretary John Hanger.

* DEP Rejects Application For Beneficial Use Of Tennessee Valley Ash For Mine Reclamation
The Department of Environmental Protection this week denied a request by the Tennessee Valley Authority to bring coal ash that spilled into the Emery River in Tennessee in December to Pennsylvania for reclamation of abandoned coal mines because the ash does not meet Pennsylvania's strict environmental standards, according to Environmental Protection Secretary John Hanger.

* Allegheny County Health Department Begins Daily Water Advisories
The Allegheny County Health Department will issue daily river water advisories for the 2009 recreational boating season through September 30.

* Commonwealth Finance Agency Approves First H2O Flood Control Project Funding
The Commonwealth Finance Agency this week announced the first grants under the H2O Water Infrastructure Program- $57.4 million for 17 dam projects and 5 flood control projects.

* Fish & Boat Commission Secures Grant For Pittsburgh Riverfront
The Fish and Boat Commission has been awarded $985,991 in federal funding through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Boating Infrastructure Grant program to construct transient docks on the Allegheny River along the Convention Center Riverfront Park in Pittsburgh.

* Paddle On The Lehigh River With Wildlands Conservancy This Summer, Fall
Abandon your televisions, turn off your iPods, and let go of your handheld game consoles! Its time to get up from in front of your computer monitors! Stop clicking buttons and tapping on keyboards! Take a break and get outdoors!

* Environmental Teacher Workshops Set For June And July In Western PA
Several teacher workshops have been schedule on aquatic and amphibian topics for June and July. They include:

* DEP And Partners To Host Alternative Energy Educator Workshops
The Department of Environmental Protection and its partners, the Department of Education, Juniata College, the Winnie Palmer Nature Reserve at St. Vincent College and Westmoreland Conservation District, this week announced a series of three workshops for educators, "Introductory Alternative Energy," to be held on the following dates and locations across the state--

* PA School In Running For America's Greenest School Contest May 11-17

* State Envirothon Set For May 19 At Bald Eagle State Park
The 26th annual Pennsylvania State Envirothon will take place on May 19 at Bald Eagle State Park, Centre County. Sixty-six teams of high school students are expected to compete at this year’s event.

* EPA Administrator Visits West Philly High Students Who Designed Award-Winning Hybrid Cars
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson made a special trip this week to West Philadelphia High School where students have designed two hybrid vehicles that may one day hit the commercial market.

* EPA Recognizes Students For Environmental Projects, Including A Moscow, PA Student
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson recognized young people from across the country at the 2008 President’s Environmental Youth Awards ceremony this week, including Ryan Morgan from Moscow, Pa.

* First-Ever Center For Green Technology Established At Harrisburg Area Community College
Mayor Stephen R. Reed and HACC President Edna V. Baehre this week announced the establishment of a first-ever institute for the development, teaching and application of green technologies.

* Video Blog - Report: Green Buildings Could Save $500 Billion, Cut Global Warming Pollution 30 Percent
A comprehensive plan to make our nation’s buildings more efficient could save enough energy by 2030 to power all of the nation’s cars, homes and businesses for a year and a half, while saving Americans more than $500 billion, according to a new report by PennEnvironment.

* DEP Now Accepting Applications For Solar Photovoltaic, Hot Water System Rebates
The Department of Environmental Protection announced it will be accepting applications for the PA Sunshine Program which will provide $100 million in rebates to homeowners and small businesses installing solar photovoltaic and hot water systems.

* DEP Extends Comment Period On New Energy Use Reduction Grant Program
The public has two additional weeks to comment on the criteria on the proposed Energy Use Reduction Grant Program funded by federal stimulus monies. The new deadline is May 29.

* Hydrogen Expo And EBW Expo Will Be Held In Pittsburgh April 13-15, 2010

* PUC Asks For Comments On Changes To Improve Electric Competition In PPL Territory
The Public Utility Commission this week issued for comment a proposed order designed to remove barriers to a competitive retail electric market in the PPL service territory.

* Request By Allegheny Power To Accelerate Power Purchases Approved By PUC
The Public Utility Commission this week approved an Allegheny Power Co. plan to increase the amount of electricity purchased in an upcoming procurement for use in 2011.

* Mid-Atlantic Invasive Plant Conference Set For August 11-12 In Johnstown
The 2009 Mid-Atlantic Invasive Plant Conference will be held on August 11-12 at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. The theme this year is Complicating Factors In Invasive Plant Management Circumstances Beyond Our Control.

* Governor Proclaims Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week In Pennsylvania
Gov. Rendell has proclaimed May 17-23 as "Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week" in Pennsylvania to help draw attention to the devastating, non-native invasive beetle that has been killing trees in six Pennsylvania counties during the past two years.

* Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania: John Frederick Resigns To Pursue Other Interests
The Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania this week announced the resignation of their long time Executive Director, John J. Frederick. Mr. Frederick is leaving to pursue other opportunities and will remain with the organization to assist with transition until mid-June.

* PA CleanWays Hiring 2 Environmental Program Specialists
PA CleanWays is now accepting applications for two environmental program specialists to help coordinate the cleanup of illegal dumps and related programs.

* Kathleen Paul PA Center For Environmental Education To Have Surgery
Kathleen Paul, Director of the PA Center for Environmental Education, is due to have surgery on Monday, May 18. If you have a minute, drop by Kathleen's webpage at the Caring Bridge website and wish her well.
* Feature - Philadelphia Zoo-Hatched Eaglet Put Into Active Wild Nest... Again

* Grants & Awards

* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state--

* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.

* Regulations
The Department of Environmental Protection published notice requesting comments on a proposed nutrient credit trading proposal fro Bion Environmental Technologies, Inc. The Environmental Quality Board published final regulations under the Triennial Review of Water Quality Standards.

* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of the final Water Quality Toxics Management Strategy Statement of Policy and changes to list of firms certified to perform radon-related activities(Pa Bulletin page 2490). The Public Utility Commission formally published its order related to federal stimulus funding.

* Calendar Of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. NEW indicates new from last week. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions toPA Environment Digest-
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