Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
November 23, 2009
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* DEP, DCNR To Furlough Or Eliminate 333 Full Time Positions Due To Budget Cuts

* DEP Increasing Permit Fees By $23.4 Million To Offset Dramatic Budget Cuts
The Environmental Quality Board this week took the latest in a series of steps to adopt increases in permit review fees for the Department of Environmental Protection totaling about $23.4 million to help offset the dramatic cuts in the agency's General Fund budget.

* PA Congressman Announces Bill To Protect PA Water Resources Amid Layoffs
As the Department of Environmental Protection this week  laid off 138 workers and concludes its hearings on excessive water use in six major river basins in Pennsylvania, PA Congressman Joe Sestak (D-Chester) this week announced legislation to implement a comprehensive plan for Pennsylvania's watershed management.

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* Growing Greener Anniversary- Blackleggs Creek: When An AMD Treatment System Becomes A Park

* Growing Greener Anniversary Grant Applications Due December 20

The Growing Greener Watershed Restoration Program will be ten years old in December and to help celebrate 10 groups have come together to invite watershed groups to share their success stories on a special Growing Greener website.

* On the Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced

Here's the latest session schedule, Senate and House Calendars and Committee schedules--

* Senate/House Bills Moving

The following bill of interest saw movement this week-- 

* Governor Renominates John Quigley For DCNR Secretary

Gov. Rendell this week re-nominated John Quigley as Secretary for Conservation and Natural Resources. Quigley's nomination was recalled in July in the face of opposition by Senate Republicans who threatened to vote down the nomination over concerns about State Park funding.

* Fish & Boat Commission To Inspect Marcellus Shale Drilling Sites
Law enforcement officers and biologists with the Fish and Boat Commission will begin conducting field inspections of active drilling sites for Marcellus Shale gas wells beginning next month, the agency announced today.

* Allegheny Front Radio Discusses Plans To Lease State Forest Land For Drilling
Nearly 32,000 acres of state forest land in north-central Pennsylvania will be opened up next month to deep gas drilling. The state hopes to raise $60 million by leasing gas rights on this land.

* Foundation For Pennsylvania Watersheds Announces Fall Grant Awards
At its November 10 Board of Advisors meeting, the Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds awarded grants totaling $113,900 and leveraging more than $350,000 in local, state, and federal funds.

* 2010 Deadlines For Foundation For Pennsylvania Watershed Grants Announced
The Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds announced its schedule for considering grant applications in 2010.

* Video, Presentations Available From October Villanova Stormwater Symposium
Engineers, planners and water resource professionals gathered at Villanova University on October 14-15 to better understand the use of sustainable stormwater management practices at the PA Stormwater Management Symposium.

* EPA Awards Grant To Develop TMDL For Potomac River Watershed
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin a nearly $700,000 Clean Water grant to implement the water pollution control measures necessary to improve water quality in the Potomac Watershed.

* Green Side Up: Green Roofs Sprout Around PIttsburgh
In recent weeks, the Allegheny Front Radio Program has looked at problems Pittsburgh's rainy region has with keeping waterways free from polluted runoff.

* PA Farm Bureau Focused On Economic And Environmental Challenges

* Friends Of The Wissahickon Needs You To Be A Trail Ambassador
The Friends of the Wissahickon are looking for volunteers to work as Trail Ambassadors in Wissahickon Valley Park.

* ClearWater Conservancy Protects Tussey View Farm And Spring Creek Headwaters
On November 5, Mr. Fred A. Strouse, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and ClearWater Conservancy completed two land transactions protecting 260 acres of Mr. Strouse’s land located in Potter Township.

* Annual Awards Program Honors Individuals For Stewardship- ClearWater Conservancy

* $400 Million In Bonds Issued For H2O PA Water Infrastructure Projects, Deadline July 1
The Commonwealth Financing Authority has issued $400 million in bonds to fund water, water infrastructure and wastewater systems and high hazard dam projects, representing the first installment of the Commonwealth's H2O PA program, Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary George Cornelius said this week.

* $2.2 Million In Sewage Facility Enforcement Grants For Local Municipalities Awarded
The Department of Environmental Protection this week awarded $2.2 million in sewage facilities enforcement grants to 281 local agencies to reimburse costs associated with permitting on-lot sewage systems during 2008.

* Pennsylvania Resources Council Celebrates 70th Anniversary
The Pennsylvania Resources Council hosted a milestone event on November 12 marking PRC’s 70th anniversary as the Commonwealth’s oldest, grassroots, environmental advocacy organization.

* ING Receives Chester County Solid Waste Authority Green Business Award
The Chester County Board of Commissioners and the Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry, with the support of the Chester County Solid Waste Authority, recognized the 2009 Green Business Award recipients at this year’s Annual Dinner.

* Zero Waste Pittsburgh Really Cleans Up
Zero Waste Pittsburgh is a one-stop shop for recycling and waste minimization resources and assistance in Southwestern PA.

* Lake Erie Cleanup Clears Nearly 19,400 Pounds of Trash With More Than 1,200 Volunteers
An impressive 1,257 volunteers picked up 72,763 pieces of trash adding up to 19,395 pounds during the seventh Pennsylvania-Lake Erie International Coastal Cleanup, according to the Department of Environmental Protection.

* PA CleanWays To Serve As Interim Management For Keep PA Beautiful
PA CleanWays and Keep PA Beautiful announced that PA CleanWays will serve as interim management of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful. Shannon Reiter, will serve as Interim Executive Director of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful.

* EPA Issues Call For 2010 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award Nominations
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is now accepting nominations for the 15th annual  Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards.

* Westmoreland, York County Schools Join Clean Indoor Air Program
The Hempfield Area School District, Westmoreland County and the South Eastern School District, York County, have joined U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 3's Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program to improve their indoor air quality, protect student health, and enhance the learning environment.

* $22 Million In Energy Conservation Project Stimulus Grants Announced
Gov. Rendell this week announced Pennsylvania's Conservation Works! grant program will save more than 570 million kilowatt hours of electricity, generate an additional 14.4 million kilowatt hours, and reduce natural gas use by 2.1 million thousand cubic feet over the lifetimes of the various projects.

* Game Commission Offers Wild Gift Giving Ideas
Does the thought of Black Friday shopping crowds make you want to go into hibernation? Do the traffic jams near the malls get unbearable? Dozens of "wild" holiday gifts for that hunter, trapper or wildlife fan on your list are just a click away at "The Outdoor Shop" on the Game Commission's website.

* National Wildlife Federation, PennFuture Formally Join Forces In Pennsylvania
Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future has been selected as the Pennsylvania affiliate of National Wildlife Federation. The unanimous decision was made at NWF’s Board of Directors meeting this past weekend.

* Opinion- Proposed Pennsylvania Law to Require Drill Operators to Reimburse Surface Owners for Damages

* Feature- PA Landowners Get Big Payments As Marcellus Shale Bidding Escalates
By Penn State Cooperative Extension

* Making Of The H1N1 Flu Virus Video
The state Department of Health is fighting the H1N1 flu with what it hopes will be a viral video produced by students at Lincoln Park Performing Arts Charter School in Midland, Beaver County.

* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for grants and financial assistance as well as nominations for awards and other recognition programs.  NEW means from last week— 

* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state--

* Marcellus Shale NewsClips
Here's a selection of NewsClips on topics related to Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling--

* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits
The Environmental Quality Board this week approved proposed regulations for comment to increase NPDES permit fees (see separate story), establish a Nutrient Credit Trading Program in regulation, changes to Air Quality New Source Review regulations and other air quality regulations.   Click here for the agenda.
* Calendar Of Events

Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars.  Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. NEW indicates new from last week.   Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page 

* Stories Invited

Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - 

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* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

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