DCNR Names Lackawaxen 2010 River Of The Year
Steeped in a wealth of natural bounties and historical significance shaping northeast Pennsylvania's ecology and communities for centuries, the Lackawaxen River this week was named the Commonwealth's River of the Year for 2010 by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
IConservePA Website Issues Earth Day 40 Challenge To Schools, Register Now
The IConservePA website urges your school to commemorate the 40th Earth Day on April 22 by undertaking a meaningful conservation project at your school! Register now for the Earth Day 40 School Challenge and undertake a project to improve the environment and conserve natural resources at your school or in the nearby community.
Layoffs Avoided For Now, December Revenue Collections Below Estimates
With the passage of the table games bill this week, the General Assembly avoided, for now, the threatened layoff of 55 employees from the departments of Environmental Protection and Conservation and Natural Resources as part of 1,000 workers Gov. Rendell said he would furlough if the bill was not passed.
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On the Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced
Here's the latest session schedule, Senate and House Calendars and Committee schedules--
Senate Committee Sets Hearing On Marcellus Shale Wastewater Issues For January 27
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee will hold a public hearing January 27 on Marcellus Shale natural gas wastewater treatment issues.
Environmental Groups Appeal DEP Dunkard Creek Mine Discharge Permit
The Friends of Dunkard Creek and PennFuture this week filed an appeal of a decision by the Department of Environmental Protection to allow the discharge of mine water into Dunkard Creek from the Shannopin Mine Dewatering Project.
Nutrient Credit Trading Workshops Set For January 25, February 1
2010 Schuylkill Watershed Congress Set For March 13
Source Water Protection Workshop Set For January 13 In York County
A workshop on source water protection for York County water systems and municipalities will be held on January 13 at the York Water Company Employee Center in York, Pa from 9:00 a.m. to approximately 2:30 p.m.
DEP Fines Atlas For Violations At 13 Well Sites In Fayette, Washington, Greene Counties
Allegheny Front: Overseeing Deep Shale Drilling In Pennsylvania
The Allegheny Front radio program recently did a program on overseeing Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling in Pennsylvania.
Susquehanna River Heartland Coalition Science Of Marcellus Shale Program Jan. 29
Reminder: Keystone Coldwater Conference Set For February 19-20 In State College
The 2010 Keystone Coldwater Conference will be held on February 19-20 in State College. This year the theme is, "Responsible Energy Development: Protecting Our Coldwater Resources."
National Abandoned Mine Reclamation Programs Conference Sept. 19-24 In Scranton
Penn State: Water-Our Resource Our Future Exhibit At Farm Show
DCNR Issues 2009 Annual Report With Special Message From Acting Secretary Quigley
Saying the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources faced significant challenges during 2009 like many families, Acting Secretary John Quigley said reduced funding in the 2009-10 budget forced the agency to make difficult choices and endure the painful separation of employees furloughed as a result of budget issues.
Community Conservation Partnership Grants Now Being Accepted, Workshops Set
Western PA Conservancy Introduces Colcom Revolving Fund For Local Land Trusts
Save The Date: PA Land Trust Assn. Annual Conference April 8-10
The PA Land Trust Association will hold its annual conference on April 8-10 in Malvern, Pa. For early registration and agenda information, visit the Conference webpage.
67 Turbine Armenia Wind Farm Starts Operation In Tioga, Bradford Counties
AES Wind Generation announced the start of commercial operations for its 101 MW Armenia Mountain wind farm in Tioga and Bradford counties. One of the Commonwealth’s largest wind farms, it is comprised of 67 1.5 MW GE SLE wind turbines.
Online Video: PPL Energy Efficiency Video Contest Has $5,000 First Prize
DEP Seeks Applicants To Manage Home Heating Equipment Rebate Program
Central PA Middle School Students In Annual Future City Competition Regional Finals
What do engineering, economics, math and the environment have in common? They’re all topics middle schoolers from nearly 40 regions across the U.S. are tackling in the 2009-2010 National Engineers Week Future City Competition.
fiberAmerica Launches Green Seal Cellulose Fiber Insulation Product Line
Allentown-based fiberAmerica this week announced the launch of its 'Green Seal' cellulose fiber insulation product line. This environmentally-friendly family of insulation products provides homeowners with a cost-effective, healthier and more energy-efficient option than fiberglass products.
Chester County Offers Free Certified Master Composting Classes
Illegal Dump Cleanups Held In Mingo Creek Park, Washington County
Community Eco-Expo Set For January 31 In Montgomery County
Maple Glen, Montgomery County, will host a Community Eco-Expo on January 31 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to help the public learn about ways to protect the environment.
CONSOL, Partners Develop Largest U.S. Methane Abatement Project In PA
CONSOL Energy Inc. and Green Holdings Enlow, Inc., a greenhouse gas abatement company, have entered into an agreement to develop the largest ventilation air methane emission abatement project in the United States at CONSOL's Enlow Fork Mine in southwestern Pennsylvania.
Grant To Support Penn State Research On Climate And Infectious Disease
Regional Info Meetings Will Highlight Need For Alternative Energy, Climate Bills
Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future is sponsoring a series of information breakfasts across the state to inform residents of the need to pass House Bill 80 (Vitali-D-Delaware) and Senate Bill 92 (Erickson-R-Delaware) to increase alternative energy standards and create a carbon sequestration network in Pennsylvania.
January Is Radon Action Month, Act Now To Reduce Your Cancer Risk
Although testing for radon is easy and inexpensive, 80 percent of the homes in the U.S. have not been tested. Radon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that EPA has reported as causing 20,000 lung cancer deaths nationwide every year.
Small Natural, Cultural Resources Grants Now Available
The Henry A. Jordan, M.D. Preservation Excellence Fund is accepting application for small grants to protect natural and cultural resources in the Mid-Atlantic region. Applications are due February 1.
Commissioner Lenny Lichvar Sworn In As District 4 Fish & Boat Commission Representative
DEP Advisory Committee, Board Meetings Added To Upcoming Events Calendar
The 2010 meetings of committee and board meetings related to the Department of Environmental Protection has been added to the Upcoming Events pages of the PA Environment Digest webpage. Click here to go to the Calendar.
Opportunity To Bid On DEP Stream Rehabilitation Project In Lackawanna County
The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of an opportunity to bid on a stream rehabilitation project in Lackawanna County.
Feature- PA Environmental Council Turns 40, Celebrates With Special Events, Photo Contest
The Pennsylvania Environmental Council, one of Pennsylvania’s oldest and most respected voices on environmental issues, will mark its 40th anniversary of service this year with a series of special events, including recognizing 40 environmental leaders under 40, a photo contest and a futures campaign.
Grants & Awards
This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for grants and financial assistance as well as nominations for awards and other recognition programs. NEW means from last week—
Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state--
Marcellus Shale NewsClips
Here's a selection of NewsClips on topics related to Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling--
Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania--
Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits
No regulations were published this week. Pennsylvania Bulletin - January 9, 2010
Calendar Of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. NEW indicates new from last week. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - DHess@CrisciAssociates.com.
Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited