Gov.-Elect Corbett Names Agency Transition Teams
Gov-elect Tom Corbett this week announced more than 400 members of his transition team. The transition team is made up of 17 different committees, each examining a specific area of state government.
Environment-Related Bills Signed Into Law In 2010
Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule
Auditor General, Treasurer Issue Warnings On Rendell's New $1 Billion Bond Issue
Auditor General Jack Wagner said he would not give his approval for a $1 billion General Obligation bond Gov. Rendell wants to float to finance Capital Budget projects.
State Revenues Slightly Below Estimates For Year
CBF Applauds Changes In DEP Chesapeake Bay Cleanup Plan, But Job Isn't Finished
Matthew Ehrhart, Chesapeake Bay Foundation PA Executive Director, released the following statement regarding the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s final Watershed Implementation Plan submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on November 29.
Chesapeake Bay Cleanup Would Create Thousands Of Jobs
A new report from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation examines the broad economic benefits of clean water in Pennsylvania and across the watershed and found that investing in clean water technologies creates jobs, generates economic activity and saves money in the long run.
Vote Now For Pennsylvania River Of The Year
Cast a vote for Pennsylvania’s River of the Year from six finalists – Clarion River, Conewango Creek, Delaware River, Kiskiminetas River, Pine Creek, and the Stonycreek River. Voting ends January 3.
DCNR Approves Five Watershed Conservation Plans, Adds To Rivers Registry
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources this week published notice it has approved five Watershed Conservation Plans. They include--
2011 Port Of Pittsburgh Ohio River Watershed Celebration September 22
Spotlight- Penn State: Publication Addresses Water Withdrawals For Marcellus Gas Drilling
Penn State Cooperative Extension has released an updated version of a publication that addresses the rapidly changing topic of water withdrawals for Marcellus Shale gas drilling.
Keystone Wild! Notes Looks At Science Behind Marcellus Shale Development
Chester Conservation District Breakfast Highlights Economic Benefits Of Conservation
Westmoreland Conservation District Offers Multiple Education Opportunities In 2011
PA American Water Works Associations Holds Security Training In 2011
Agriculture Secretary Urges Christmas Tree Buyers To Support Local Growers
Rendell Announces Grants For Flood Control Projects
Centre County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events April 29-30
The Centre County Solid Waste Authority is sponsoring Household Hazardous Waste Collection events on April 29-30 in 2011. For more information, call 814-238-7005.
CHEMSWEEP Provides Safe Pesticide Disposal In 21 Counties In 2011
December Issue Of Environmental Ed Connections Now Available From PCEE
PPL Appliance Recycling Program Exceeds 15,000 Mark
Corbett Agenda: Growing Pennsylvania's Coal, Renewable, Energy Resources
As part of his campaign platform, Gov.-elect Tom Corbett laid out a series of commitments on protecting the environment, developing Pennsylvania's energy resources, enhancing agriculture and promoting sportsmen's issues.
Updated Time-of-Use Rate OK'd For PPL Residential, Small Business Customers
PUC Sustainable Energy Board To Highlight Sustainable Energy Projects December 7
A green hotel in Philadelphia, a solar photovoltaic system on a science pavilion at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, aiding economic development in the Lehigh Valley with green jobs, exploring energy efficiency in Berks Co. and other sustainable energy projects across Pennsylvania will be showcased at the December 7 meeting of the PUC's Sustainable Energy Board.
EPA Calls For Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award Nominations
Developing Effective Invasive Species Laws, Programs Webcast December 8
Grants & Awards
This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.
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Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn/PA Trout Unlimited
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.