Scrapbook Photo 02/17/25 - 139 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
July 4, 2011
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* New State Budget Continues Severe Rendell Cuts To Environmental Protection

The Senate and House gave final approval and Gov. Corbett signed the FY 2011-12 General Fund budget bill-- House Bill 1485 (Adolph-R-Delaware)-- this week spending $27.1 billion, a 4.1 percent reduction in spending from the FY 2010-11 funding levels and without any tax increases.

* Marcellus Shale Impact Fee Loses Another Round In 3 Year Battle

Now in its third year, efforts to adopt a Marcellus Shale fee or severance tax lost another round this week as bipartisan initiatives in both the House and Senate fell apart after Gov. Corbett specifically threatened to veto any Marcellus Shale natural gas impact fee bill sent to his desk before the Governor's Marcellus Shale Commission submits its report on July 22.

* Over Last 9 Years: $1.5 Billion Cut/Diverted From Environmental Protection Programs

A total of $1.5 billion has been diverted or cut from environmental programs to help balance the state budget or to fund programs that could not get funding on their own over the last nine years.

* 3 Central PA Conservation Groups Urge Action On Marcellus Shale Drilling

* Farm Bureau Troubled By Major Cuts to Agriculture Programs, REAP Increased

* Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced

* Bills On Governor's Desk

* Senate/House Bills Moving

* Sen. Baker's Gas Wellsite Safety Bill Passes Senate

The Senate this week passed Senate Bill 995 (Baker-R-Luzerne) designed to maximize wellsite safety and improve community protections.

* Sen. Pileggi: Local Communities To Receive Fair Share Of Air Pollution Fines

Calling the bill's passage "a significant victory for communities across Pennsylvania," Sen. Dominic Pileggi (R-Delaware) this week announced his legislation-- Senate Bill 151-- to give local communities a share of air pollution fines to be used for environmental projects has been sent to the Governor.

* Keystone Fund Project Funding Report Bill Sent To Governor

Senate Bill 302, sponsored by Sen. Mary Jo White (R-Venango), Majority Chair of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, received final legislative approval and is now with the Governor for his action.

* Next Round Of Growing Greener Watershed, Mine Reclamation Grants Now Being Accepted

The Department of Environmental Protection is now accepting applications for the next round of Growing Greener watershed restoration, Section 319 and local mine reclamation grants.  A total of about $10 million will be available for all three types of grants.

* Call For Presentations: 2012 Keystone Coldwater Conference Feb. 24-25

* Janie French Nominated For Women Greening Pittsburgh Honor

* Friends of the Wissahickon Reduce Stormwater Erosion in Wissahickon Valley Park

The Friends of the Wissahickon are making substantial progress on the Wissahickon Stormwater Mitigation and Sediment Reduction Project, a two-year project in partnership with the Natural Resources staff of Fairmount Park, which will reduce sediment, improve water quality, protect drinking water sources, and restore critical wildlife habitat.

* PEC: New Marcellus Shale Conservation Guide Designed To Help In Gas Leasing

* DEP Fines Chief Oil & Gas $180,000 for Oil Spill, Waste Violations

* EPA Seeks $157,000 Penalty For Dumping Oil Well Brine

* Marcellus Commission Environmental Work Group Changes Meeting Time

The Governor's Marcellus Shale Commission Public Health, Safety and Environmental Protection Work Group meeting set for July 5 will now start at 2:00 in Room 105 Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg.

* Chesapeake Bay Foundation Opposes National Builders Lawsuit On Bay Restoration

* Spotlight - Penn State Extension: Feeding Cows Differently To Improve The Water

Improving local water quality and the Chesapeake Bay starts with feeding cows. The amount of nitrogen and phosphorus that goes in the front end of the cow directly impacts how much comes out the back end.

* Penn State's Ag Progress Days To Be Held August 16-18

* Gov. Corbett Proclaims July Lakes Awareness Month In PA

* 2011 Secchi Dip-In Now In Full Swing Until July 17

* DEP OKs Coffer Dam For PA General Energy Water Intake Project On Pine Creek

* Clinton County CleanScapes Sets July, August, September Cleanups

* Video Blog - Chester County Student Recycling Video Contest Winner Posted

The Chester County Board of Commissioners this week announced the video submitted by West Chester East High School students Christina Betz and Jeff Cindric who won the County High School Recycling Video Contest was posted online.  Click Here to watch the video.

* KPB: Applications Now Being Accepted For Fresh Paint Days PA

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful announced their new program, Fresh Paint Days Pennsylvania, and is currently accepting applications.  Applications must be received by July 31.

* PA Center For Environmental Education Summer Update

* EPA Offers Tips To Save Energy This Summer

* Students Share Their Bright Ideas With PPL Electric Utilities

* Penn State: Culture Influences People's Response To Environmental Concerns

* Commissioners Welcome Pam Witmer To Public Utility Commission

* Governor's Office Publishes Semi-Annual Regulatory Agenda

The Governor's Office published notice of its semi-annual Regulatory Agenda showing the status of major regulatory proposals and proposals in development, including the departments of Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. (PA Bulletin page 3614)

* Feature - Bald Eagle Nests Surpass 200 Mark In Pennsylvania

America’s symbol of freedom and strength, the bald eagle, has surpassed a milestone of 200 active nests this year in the Commonwealth, according to the Game Commission.

* New Episode Of The Barkleavies Available From

The conservation education website is now featuring a new episode of The Barkleavies, a family of trees with issues.  This episode "Hot Flashes" features information on how climate change is affecting the environment.   Click Here to watch this and other Barkleavies programs.

* Prowl The Sproul State Forest Hiking Events July 22-24

* PA State Parks, Gander Mountain Partnering To Help First-Time Campers

* Help Wanted: PA Council Of Trout Unlimited AmeriCorps Position

* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.

* Quick Clips

* Marcellus Shale NewsClips

* Watershed NewsClips

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

* Calendar Of Events

Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted.  NEW means new from last week.  Go to the online Calendar webpage.

* Stories Invited

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers AssociationPennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

Previous PA Environment Digests