Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
Nov. 7, 2011
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* Senate Delays Marcellus Bill, House Republicans Field Governor's Proposals, Plus

The Senate this week delayed action on bipartisan Marcellus Shale legislation after Senate Republicans and Democrats failed to resolve differences in and between their Caucuses over a drilling fee proposal and suggestions on whether or not to preempt local ordinances regulating drilling.

* New Poll: Fix Roads, Bridges, Adopt Natural Gas Extraction Tax

A new poll released Thursday by Franklin & Marshall College asked participants to identify the most important problems the state should address: 54 percent-- adopt a plan to fix roads and bridges, 43 percent-- pass a tax on natural gas extraction, 39 percent-- adopt a tuition voucher plan, 30 percent-- change the way electoral votes are distributed, 17 percent-- selling state liquor stores.

* Armstrong, Butler, Huntingdon Counties Join Renew Growing Greener Coalition

The Renew Growing Greener Coalition Friday applauded Armstrong, Butler and Huntington counties for passing resolutions calling for the renewal of Growing Greener, the state’s primary source of funding to help local communities protect water quality, preserve open space and farmland, and enhance parks, trails and other recreational opportunities.

* Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced

* Senate/House Bills Moving

* PA Federal Abandoned Mine Reclamation Funds Threatened By OSM Reorganization

* Free Pre-Drilling Private Drinking Water Testing Offered In 8 Northcentral Counties

* DEP To Issue New Drilling Wastewater Treatment, Handling Guidance

* Final Delaware River Basin Marcellus Drilling Regs Expected To Be Posted Nov. 7

* Delaware River Honored As 2011 River Of The Year

The Delaware River Basin Commission, along with the Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau, the Pennsylvania 2011 Delaware River of the Year Steering Committee, and The Shawnee Inn and Golf Resort, recently hosted the “Delaware River Celebration” on October 19. 

* Penn State: What is The Potter County Triple Divide Watershed Coalition?

* 2011 Westminster College Symposium On The Environment December 8

* Input Invited On Draft Plan For Brokenstraw Creek Watershed In Northwest

* White Deer Drinking Water Treatment Plan Receives National Award

* Volunteers Needed By Friends Of The Wissahickon For Park User Survey

* Conservation District Staffers Get Hands-On Training On Logging BMPs

* Environmental Stewardship Projects Eligible Under PennSERVE AmeriCorp Grants

* Opinion- Pennsylvania Farmers Need Your Help With Federal Farm Bill

By Matthew Ehrhart, PA Executive Director, Chesapeake Bay Foundation

* USDA To Visit Selected PA Farmers For Conservation Assessment Survey

* Attorney General Charges Sewage Plant Operator With Environmental Crimes

* Housing Finance Agency Study Documents Impact Of Marcellus Development On Housing

* Natural Biodiversity Announces Partnership With Greater Johnstown High School

* Rivers Conservation & Fly Fishing Youth Camp Set For June 17-22

* NARA And EPA Launch Documerica-Inspired Student Multimedia Contest

* 9th Annual Green Roof & Wall Conference Nov. 30-Dec. 3 In Philadelphia

* Philadelphia Eagles Fans Recycle-A-Lot This Season

Throughout the 2011 Philadelphia Eagles season, the PA Resources Council, and other partners are conducting a Recycle A Lot campaign to collect materials in Lincoln Financial Field parking lots. 

* Western PA 2011 Hard to Recycle Season Recap

* EPA OKs Petition To Reduce PA Power Plant Emissions To Help New Jersey

* DCED Secretary Tours Weatherization Project To Tout Job Creation, Training

* State Spends Nearly $5 Million To Build Windmills, Fund Energy Efficiency Projects

* State Invests $3.2 Million In 15 Cambria County Windmills

* $400,000 State Grant Helps Install 45 Electric Recharging Stations Along I-376

* Chatham University Receives Green Power Award

* Franco Harris, Pittsburgh Gas Utilities, PUC Kick Off LIHEAP Promotion

* PUC Reminds Electric, Natural Gas Utilities To Help Customers Prepare For Winter

* Electric Rates Reduced For PJM Interconnect Members

* PRC Helps Residents Win Standing On Billboard Issue

* DCNR, City Officials To Unveil West Philadelphia Greenways Plan

* South Mountain Lecture Nov. 10 Focuses On Locally Grown Food

* Game Commission Expands Its Social Media Outlets

* Help Wanted: Director Of Water Resource Programs, PEC

* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.

* Quick Clips

* Marcellus Shale NewsClips

* Watershed/Flooding NewsClips

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

The DEP Board of Coal Mine Safety published notice of proposed regulations covering automated external defibrillators for comment.

* Calendar Of Events

Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted.  NEW means new from last week.  Go to the online Calendar webpage.

* Stories Invited

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers AssociationPennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

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