Making Homes Energy Efficient Before High Heating Bills Hit

With the cost of heating homes expected to hit record levels this winter, the Department of Environmental Protection is urging residents to make their homes as energy efficient as possible before the heating season begins.

Cooling and heating a home uses more energy than any other system in a house. The typical American family spends close to $1,862 a year on their home’s utility bills and the U.S. Energy Information Agency predicts residential heating costs will rise more than 30 percent in 2009.

Unfortunately, a large portion of that energy is wasted. By using a few inexpensive energy-efficiency and conservation measures, residents can reduce their energy bills by 10 percent to 50 percent--

· Keep your thermostat at a low but comfortable temperature throughout the winter and opt to wear a sweater or use an extra blanket if you are chilly. You can also set the temperature lower on your thermostat when you are away from home for extended periods.

· Close any vents or openings that you may have used in the summer. You can also close all windows and storm windows at the start of the heating season, but keep shades, blinds and curtains open to let winter sun in during the day, especially on the east and south sides of your home to create extra heat. Close coverings at night to slow heat escaping back out of the home.

· Check furnace air filters each month, and clean or replace them as needed. Dirty filters block air flow through your heating and cooling systems, increasing your energy bill and shortening the equipment’s life. You should also avoid blocking warm-air supply and return registers with furniture, carpets or drapes.

· Seal up your fireplace if not in use: Keep existing glass fireplace doors closed or seal-up the fireplace tightly with insulated foam board to help stop heat from being lost up the chimney. Remember to remove any insulation and open dampers next time you operate the fireplace.

· Lower the temperature on your water heater to 120°F and wrap it with an insulation blanket.

More tips for energy conservation are available at DEP’s website.

Information is also available at , including conservation tips and resources for getting financial assistance with utility bills and home weatherization.


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