More Appointments Announced to DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee
House Majority Leader Bill DeWeese (D-Greene) and Minority Leader Sam Smith (R-Jefferson) this week announced appointments to the new DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee created by the Pennsylvania Climate Change Act signed into law in July 9. The committee comprises six members appointed by the Governor, six by the Senate and six by the House of Representatives. The secretaries of the departments of Conservation and Natural Resources, and Community and Economic Development and the chair of the Public Utility Commission are ex officio voting members of the committee. The advisory committee is charged with advising the Department of Environmental Protection on implementing the act and creating a report on potential climate change impacts and economic opportunities for the Commonwealth. Rep. DeWeese appointed the following individuals: Rep. Bud George (D-Clearfield), Rep. Greg Vitali (D-Delaware), Nathan Wilcox, PennEnvironment and Ed Yankovich, United Mine Workers. Rep. Smith appointed George Ellis, PA Coal Association and James T. Volanski, Environmental Affairs Manager with U.S. Steel Corporation. Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi (R-Delaware) and Gov. Rendell announced their appointments in mid-August. Senate Minority Leader Robert Mellow (D-Lackawanna) has not yet made his appointments. The Climate Change Advisory Committee will meet for the first time from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., September 5, in Room 105 of the For more information, visit the webpage for DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee. |
8/29/2008 |
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