Conservation Districts Announce End Of Assistance To Watershed Groups, Farmers
The PA Association of Conservation Districts this week announced it was discontinuing its Engineering Assistance Program due to the lack of funding from the Department of Environmental Protection's Growing Greener Watershed Grant Program.
Since 2001, the PACD Engineering Assistance Program has provided help to over 500 water quality projects with a total value of $22.2 million in environmental improvement.
Design and technical assistance was provided to conservation districts, watershed organizations, Resource Conservation and Development Councils and many others on projects.
Susan Fox Marquart, Executive Director of PACD, said there is a chance the program could be re-established if a new Growing Greener Grant is announced by February 20. An application for funding was submitted to DEP one year ago.
Groups interested in writing Gov. Rendell on this topic can download a draft letter. Contact Susan Fox Marquart for more information by sending email to:


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