Chesapeake Bay Foundation Urges States To Use Federal Stimulus For Green Infrastructure

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation last week wrote to the Governors of Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia to use the expected federal stimulus funding to finance green infrastructure that reduces nitrogen and phosphorus discharges from wastewater plants, farm operations and stormwater runoff.

CBF President William Baker said, "The currently proposed (federal) package will add $6 billion to the (Clean Water State Revolving) Fund nationally, with the state match requirement waived and 50 percent of these dollars available in the form of grants. If this number holds with final passage, the six Bay states will receive approximately $1.3 billion in new dollars. $504 million for Virginia, Pennsylvania and Maryland ($122 million, $237 million and $145 million, respectively).

"The (Chesapeake Bay) Executive Council at its 2007 meeting made a commitment to accelerate restoration of the Chesapeake and the rivers which feed it. The federal stimulus package provides a unique opportunity for you to honor that commitment by directing the stimulus package funds each state will receive to pollution reduction projects. You can both stimulate local economies and improve water quality by doing such."

Gov. Rendell sits on the Chesapeake Bay Executive Council.

Baker pointed to several potential uses of the funding.

"In Pennsylvania, these stimulus package dollars could, through PennVEST, fund non-point source pollution reduction projects that generate nutrient trading credits. The Commonwealth should promote this nutrient trading opportunity by encouraging and enabling counties and county conservation districts to apply for stimulus package dollars to implement non-point source reduction projects.

"As with all other states, Pennsylvania should continue to prioritize funding wastewater treatment plant dollars for nitrogen pollution reductions in the Bay's Susquehanna and Potomac River watersheds.

"The Chesapeake Bay Commission has recently passed a resolution advising Congress of the need to ensure that the stimulus package include dollars for upgrading sewage treatment plants throughout the watershed with nitrogen pollution reduction technologies as well as dollars for restoration projects that protect habitat and reduce farm pollution.

"We support the Commission's resolution and the partnership role it has played with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in advocating for the Bay in the stimulus package. However, it will take Executive leadership to ensure that targeting of these new dollars to go to projects that reduce pollution to the Chesapeake and its rives and streams.

"We respectfully urge your attention to ensuring that the appropriate policies, guidance, and legislation are in place to make restoration of the Bay and rivers from the Susquehanna to the Potomac to the York priority for economic environmental recovery."

A copy of the letter is available online.


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