Calendar Of Events

Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted.  NEW means new from last week.  Go to the online Calendar webpage.

Click on Agenda Released on calendar entries to see the NEW meeting agendas published this week.

August 30-- Environmental Quality Board meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  9:00.  (formal notice)

September 7-- DEP Mining and Reclamation Advisory Board meeting.  10th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building.  12:00.  (formal notice)

September 8-NEW.  House Consumer Affairs Committee holds a hearing on House Bill 1817 (Schroder-R-Chester) adopting the Mid-Atlantic Natural Gas Pipeline Corridor Compact.  Room G-50 Irvis Building.  1:00.

September 9-- NEW.  House Consumer Affairs Committee holds a hearing on House Bill 2619 (Preston-D-Allegheny) providing for municipality-based electric generation aggregation.  Bethlehem City Hall. 9:30.

September 13-- DEP Mine Families First Response And Communications Advisory Council meeting.  Lancaster Host Hotel.  3:00.  (formal notice)

September 14-- NEW.  House Consumer Affairs Committee holds a hearing on Senate Bill 168 (Brubaker-R-Lancaster) authorizing boroughs to contract for electric service.  Room 39 East Wing.  9:00.

September 14-- CANCELED. DEP Storage Tank Advisory Committee meeting.  Next scheduled meeting is December 7.  (formal notice)

September 15-- DEP Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee meeting.  2nd Floor Training Room, Rachel Carson Building.  9:15.  (formal notice)

September 15-- CANCELED. DEP Sewage Advisory Committee meeting.  Next scheduled meeting is November 10.  (formal notice)

September 16-- House Labor Relations Committee holds a hearing on workplace and safety issues relating to Marcellus Shale operations.  Career Technology Center of Lackawanna County, Scranton.  1:00.

September 16-- NEW.  Susquehanna River Basin Commission meeting/hearing on water resources projects, compliance issues and actions on water diversions and consumptive uses.  Radisson Hotel Corning, NY.  8:30.  (formal notice)

September 16-- Location Change.  DEP Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board meeting.  DEP Southcentral Regional Office, Harrisburg.  10:00.  (formal notice)

September 24-- Location Change.  DEP Board for Certification of Water and Wastewater System Operators now a regular meeting, not a conference call.  10th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building.  10:00.  (formal notice)

November 17-- CANCELED. DEP Small Water Systems Technical Assistance Center Advisory Board.  There are no further meetings scheduled in 2010.  (formal notice)

You can watch the Senate Floor Session and House Floor Session live online.


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