Scrapbook Photo 01/27/25 - 104 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Senate/House Bills Moving

The following bills of interest saw action this week in the House and Senate--


Acceptable Data: Senate Bill 263 (Erickson-R-Delaware) requiring data to support rulemakings was debated on the Floor with all amendments defeated and referred into and out of the House Appropriations Committee and was passed without amendment by the House.  The bill now goes to the Governor for his action.

Air Penalties: Senate Bill 151 (Pileggi-R-Delaware) sharing Air Pollution Control Act fines with municipalities was reported from the House Appropriations Committee, was passed by the House and concurred in by the Senate.  The bill now goes to the Governor for his action.

Keystone Fund Report: Senate Bill 302 (MJ White-R-Venango) further providing for annual reports from the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund was passed by the House without amendment and now goes to the Governor for his action.

Leaf Waste: House Bill 1691 (Godshall-R-Montgomery) further dealing with leaf waste under Act 101 was amended and reported from the House Rules Committee and was referred into and out of the House Appropriations Committee and was passed by the House.  The bill now goes to the Senate for consideration.

Conservation Corps: House Bill 1683 (Culver-R-Northumberland) transferring the PA Conservation Corps Program from the Department of Labor and Industry to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources passed the House.
            The bill went to the Senate for consideration and was amended and reported from the Senate Rules Committee and referred to Senate Appropriations Committee amended and was Tabled.

Waste Reuse: House Resolution 70 (Harhart-R-Lehigh)  requesting PennDOT to conduct a study of the slate industry for the purpose of developing the best means of using slate waste for highway construction was removed from the Table and is now on the House Calendar for action.

Fiscal Code: Senate Bill 907 (Browne-R-Lehigh) the Fiscal Code was amended by the House to include an omnibus amendment designed to implement the budget agreement, including Harrisburg takeover language, and reported from the House Appropriations Committee, considered on the House Floor and was again referred into the House Appropriations Committee amended and was passed by the House.  The bill was returned to the Senate and the Senate concurred.  The bill was signed by the Governor and is now Act 26.
            The bill includes provisions related to:
-- Filing returns for certain sales and use taxes;
-- Neighborhood Improvement Zone Fund;
-- Financially Distressed Municipalities;
-- Creating a new Keystone Special Development Zone;
-- Vocational Rehabilitation Fund applications;
-- Tobacco Settlement Fund deposits;
-- Transfer from PennVEST to H2O Water Infrastructure Program; and
-- Audits of Race Horse Development Fund.


Recreation Liability: House Bill 870 (Everett-R-Lycoming) further providing for recreation liability for opening land to recreational noncommercial aircraft operations was passed by the Senate without amendment and now goes to the Governor for his action.

Bluff RecessionSenate Bill 791 (Earll-R-Erie) further defining bluff under the Bluff Recession Setback Act was removed from the Table and passed by the Senate.  The bill went to the House and was referred into and out of the House Appropriations Committee and passed by the House without amendment.  The bill now goes to the Governor for his action.

Ag Security Areas: House Bill 562 (Cillen-R-Berks) further providing for the purchase of conservation easements under the Agricultural Area Security Law was reported from the Senate Appropriations Committee and passed by the Senate.  The bill returned to the House and was concurred in by the House and now goes to the Governor for his consideration.

Gas Well Emergency:  Senate Bill 995 (Baker-R-Luzerne) requiring the posting of certain emergency information for each gas well was amended and passed by the Senate.  It now goes to the House for consideration.

Conservation Corps: Senate Bill 1128 (Gordner-R-Columbia) transferring the PA Conservation Corps Program from the Department of Labor and Industry to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources was amended and reported from the Senate Appropriations Committee and was passed by the Senate.  The bill now goes to the House for consideration.

Marcellus Fee: Senate Bill 1100 (Scarnati-R-Jefferson) establishing a Marcellus Shale Impact fee and requiring the development of a model local zoning ordinance to control drilling activities was referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Trails: Senate Bill 469 (Argall-R-Schuylkill) allows walking, jogging, bicycling, exercising and horseback riding on nature trails as a recreational purpose by limiting liability was Tabled.

Open Space: Senate Bill 394 (Brubaker-R-Lancaster) further providing for local authority to preserve open space was referred to Senate Appropriations Committee.


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