Autumn Lecture Series Features Global Conservation Voices At Hawk Mountain Sanctuary
September 9th will kick off the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Autumn Lecture Series with a free lecture by British ornithologist Jemima Parry-Jones. She will be the first of the Series’ “global voices,” speaking about old world vulture conservation and what is being done to stop the decline of the important raptor. This year’s impressive line-up features conservationists and birders from around the world, all brought to Kempton, Berks County to tell their story and inform the public of their important efforts. A different expert will offer a free lecture most Saturdays at 5:30 pm through the end of October, and most will be held in the Hawk Mountain Visitor Center. The schedule is as follows-- -- September 9: Old World Vulture Conservation, Presented by Jemima Parry-Jones, MBE, British Ornithologist. Vultures are now listed as one of the most threatened groups of birds in the world according to IUCN. How can a group of birds that were very numerous have been brought so low in such a short space of time, and why? What is being done to save such an important group of birds from further declines and potential extinction? -- September 30: Birding without Borders, Held in the Hamburg Area High School Auditorium, Presented by Noah Strycker, Big Year Birder. In 2015, birding guru Noah Strycker of Oregon became the first human to see more than half of the planet’s bird species in a single, year-long, round-the-world birding trip. Anything could have happened, and a lot did.He shared the adventure in real time on his daily blog, and now he reveals the inside story. This humorous and inspiring presentation about Strycker’s epic World Big Year will give you a real appreciation for the birds and birders of the world. -- October 14: Arctic Raptors: Adaptations to an Extreme Environment, Presented by Jean-Francois Therrien, Hawk Mountain Senior Research Biologist. Join JF as he reviews recent results from some of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary's research programs, with an emphasis on Arctic raptor ecology. The audience will witness how we manage to study and monitor raptors living in this extreme environment via a slide show depicting field work situations. JF will discuss arctic species including snowy owls, peregrine falcons, and rough-legged hawks. -- October 21: Veracruz River of Raptors: Stories from one of the largest migratory corridors in the world, Presented by Elisa Peresbarbosa, Executive Director of Pronatura Veracruz. The Veracruz River of Raptors Project in one of the International Programs of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary. Join Elisa as she talks about the migration ecology in Veracruz, show photos and videos of this wonderfull migration. -- October 28: Migrating Birds Know No Boundaries: The Middle East Test Case, Presented by Yossi Leshem, Senior Researcher & Professor, Tel Aviv University. Yossi Leshem will show video clips and slides emphasizing how peace can be advanced by using raptor migration and other species as a platform for people-to-people activities in Israel and the Middle East. In Yossi's lecture you will hear about his research using radars, a motorized glider, UAVs, satellite transmitters and a network of ground observers. After a Saturday of hawkwatching, hiking, and taking in scenic views, Visitors are encouraged to stay for an entertaining and informative talk by Hawk Mountain staff or other wildlife experts. No one can turn down the completely FREE and interesting opportunity. For more information on programs, initiatives and upcoming events, visit the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary website or call 610-756-6961. Click Here to sign up for regular updates from the Sanctuary, Like them on Facebook, Follow on Twitter, visit them on Flickr, be part of their Google+ Circle and visit their YouTube Channel. Click Here to support Hawk Mountain. NewsClips: Lead Poisoning Found In Kiski Twp Bald Eagle Kiski The Eagle Fights Effects Of Lead Poisoning Pittsburgh National Aviary: Let’s Talk About Guam Kingfishers Related Story: Celebrate Vulture Awareness, Raptor Conservation Education At Hawk Mountain Sept. 2 [Posted: August 17, 2017] |
8/21/2017 |
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