Fish & Boat Commission: Special Fishing Opportunities Offered On Labor Day
The Fish and Boat Commission Wednesday announced it is offering two special fishing opportunities to entice adults and kids to fish on Labor Day, September 4. The first is a $1 license for adult residents and nonresidents. The license - good for Labor Day only - provides an easy and affordable way for everyone to enjoy a special day with family and friends while fishing on the Commonwealth’s waters, says Steve Kralik, Director of the Bureau of Outreach, Education and Marketing. “This is a great opportunity for lapsed anglers to renew their interest in the sport, and for first-timers to give fishing a try,” he said. The second opportunity is the Mentored Youth Panfish Day. This provides youth anglers who have obtained a free mentored youth permit or have purchased a voluntary youth license an opportunity to fish on 19 Panfish Enhancement lakes. The Panfish Enhancement lakes were chosen as mentored youth fishing opportunities because the waters are managed to increase the number and size of fish. Panfish include bluegill, pumpkinseed, and redear sunfish, which are collectively called sunfish; black and white crappies; and yellow perch. “Kids should catch a lot of sunfish, crappies and perch, which makes the day fun,” said Kralik, who noted that as an added incentive, minimum size limits have been lifted for kids and their mentors on this day. The 19 lakes will be open to all anglers all day, but only mentored youth participants (adults and kids) may keep fish under the minimum size. The lakes included in the program are, by county: -- Berks- Blue Marsh Reservoir -- Cambria- Beaverdam Run Reservoir, Hinkston Run Reservoir, Wilmore Dam -- Centre- Foster Joseph Sayers Lake -- Chester- Chambers Lake -- Fayette- Bridgeport Reservoir -- Monroe- Bradys Lake, Gouldsboro Lake -- Montour- Lake Chillisquaque -- Pike- Lower and Upper Promised Land Lakes -- Somerset- Quemahoning Reservoir -- Washington- Cross Creek Lake, Peters Twp. Lake (Reservoir #2) -- Westmoreland- Bridgeport Reservoir, Indian Lake, Lower Twin Lake, Northmoreland Lake, Upper Twin Lake Kralik added that these opportunities are a way to remind anglers that fishing is a sport which can be enjoyed throughout the year and doesn’t end after trout or bass seasons or when school starts and kids return to the classroom. “We want to show families where they can go to fish and how easy it can be to fit fishing into their fall schedules,” he said. To participate in the mentored youth program, adult anglers (16 years or older) must have a valid Pennsylvania fishing license and be accompanied by a youth. Accompanying youth anglers must have either a free PFBC-issued permit or a purchase a voluntary youth fishing license. Both permits and licenses can be obtained at the Gone Fishing PA website. NewsClips: Straight Talk: The Politics Of Science Or The Science Of Politics, John Arway What Will Keep Asian Carp Out Of The Great Lakes? Crank Up The Noise AP: Asian Carp Found Near Lake Michigan Got Past Barriers Venesky: Loss Of Dam In Solomon Creek A Challenge That Can Be Overcome Corps Of Engineers: Clarify Intent Of Aug. 30 Meeting On F.J. Sayers Reservoir [Posted: August 16, 2017] |
8/21/2017 |
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