Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition To Rehab 2 Of Oldest Passive Mine Drainage Treatment Systems In Butler County

The Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition and its partners will rehabilitate two of the oldest passive mine treatment systems it constructed using the Growing Greener and OSM funded Slippery Rock Passive Treatment Rehab & Maintenance Project for passive systems SR114B and SR114D.

The systems were designed by Hedin Environmental and CDS Associates, Inc., and constructed in 1995 in Washington Township, Butler County. The systems now are 25 years old and have required very little maintenance during this time!

They should be seen as prime examples of the benefits of Anoxic Limestone Drain technology when used for the proper water quality.

Even after 25 years, the systems are producing net-alkaline water with low iron concentrations in the effluent. Depressions in the area of the ALDs indicate a large portion of the limestone has likely been consumed and the settling ponds and wetlands are quite full of iron sludge.

The 114B system does appear to be experiencing some sort of issue with a large portion of the flow bypassing the ALD, which then mixes with ALD effluent and the final effluent is still good quality.

As part of the rehab project, the limestone in the ALDs will be replaced and the accumulated treatment sludge will be removed.

Other Updates

The August Catalyst newsletter from the Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition also included articles on--

-- SRWC Receives U.S. Office Of Surface Mining Watershed Cooperative Agreement Grant

-- Keep Your Eyes On The Skies For Comet Swift-Tuttle

-- The KIDS Catalyst - Picnic Word Search

Click Here to read the entire newsletter.

Visit the Slippery Rock Creek Watershed Coalition website for more information on programs, initiatives, upcoming events and how you can get involved!

(Photo: SR114B system earlier this summer.)

(Reprinted from the latest The Catalyst newsletter from the Slippery Rock Creek Watershed Coalition.  Click Here to sign up for your own copy.)

[Posted: August 11, 2020]


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