Pasa Sustainable Agriculture, Partners Launch New Dairy Grazing Project To Improve Herds, Soil Health, Water Quality In Chesapeake Bay Watershed

Pasa Sustainable Agriculture and its partners have launched a new Dairy Grazing Project designed to improve dairy herds, soil health and water quality in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

Whether you’re an experienced grazier seeking a better price for your milk, a conventional farmer only beginning to think about how grazing might support your operation, or fall anywhere in between, Dairy Grazing Project can help.

If you are a Pennsylvania dairy farmer in Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, or York Counties, you may be eligible to receive a variety of free or reduced-cost mentorship, technical assistance, business, and financial services.

If you are a dairy farmer located in other areas near the Chesapeake Bay Watershed you may also be eligible for these services.

Services are provided by a team of farmers and professionals at Center for Dairy Excellence, Ephrata National Bank, Mad Agriculture, Origin Milk Company, Pasa Sustainable Agriculture, Rodale Institute, and TeamAg.

This project is supported by a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

Visit the Dairy Grazing Project webpage for all the details.

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[Posted: March 22, 2022]


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