Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
May 19 Native Plant Sale in York, Take a Walk on the Wildside

The Mid-Atlantic Ecological Landscapes Partnership (MAEscapes) announced it is sponsoring the 11th Annual Native Plant Sale on May 19, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at Nixon County Park, York County.

Why native plants? Mid-Atlantic native plants occurred here before settlement by Europeans, are adapted to the region’s climate, soils, and moisture conditions, and include: grasses, sedges, rushes, ferns, clubmosses, wildflowers (annuals, biennials, perennials), and herbaceous and vines, shrubs and trees.

You can create beautiful landscapes of native plants that conserve water, reduce the needs of fertilizer and pesticide uses, provide wildlife habitat, and help MAEscapes conserve native plants for future generations.

Over 75 species of native ferns, flowers, herbs, shrubs, and trees are available for purchase. All plants are hardy, well rooted nursery grown plants from established local growers. Plan to find your old favorites or “take a walk on the wildside” and expand your landscape and gardens with new species of native plants adapted to the Mid-Atlantic region.

Why shop here? Opportunity to “ask the expert,” Master Gardeners will be onsite all day to answer your questions, provide planting, growing and maintenance information, and assist you with choosing “the right plant for the right place.”

MAEscapes is a public-private partnership between Doyle’s Farm Nursery, GardenScapes Inc., Mary Kline RLA, Penn State Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Susquehanna Piedmont Preservation Society, The Garden’s Edge, and the York County Conservation District . The purpose of the native plant sale is to raise funding for MAEscapes public education and outreach programs..

Come see our public Demonstration Landscapes located at the Pleasant Acres York County ANNEX, in Springettsbury.

For more information, visit the MAEscapes webpage or call the Penn State Cooperative Extension at 717-840-7408.

Video Blog: Go Native With Wild Plants!


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