Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
June 20, 2005
PDF Version- PA Environment Digest 6/20/05
* Enviro. Ed, Biodiversity, Dramatic Recycling Results, Growing Pollution Controls
This week’s Digest is filled with great stories of environmental successes that you can copy.
* On the Senate, House Agenda
Senate and House have a variety of bills on their agendas for this week. Here’s a quick rundown--
* Senate and House Bills Moving
A variety of environmental bills moved in and out of Committees and the Senate--
* House Environment Committee Reports Lateral Funding, Tank, Composting Bills
The House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee this week reported out legislation that would fund water and drinking water lateral connections, provide a credit for animal composting and resolutions urging more federal money be earmarked to states for storage tank regulation and creating a sewage issues task force. Here are the details—
* New State Senator Will Serve on Environmental Resources Committee
The newest member of the state Senate – Sen. Wayne Fontana (D-Allegheny) will serve on the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee replacing Sen. Costa (D-Allegheny).
* Pennsylvania Celebrates 300,000 Acres of Preserved Farmland
Overlooking a beautiful view of open space and productive farmland in Lancaster County, Agriculture Secretary Dennis Wolff this week celebrated Pennsylvania’s milestone of preserving 300,000 acres of farmland.
* Philadelphia/RecycleBank Triple Recycling in Pilot Areas
Representatives of RecycleBank and the City of Philadelphia Recycling Office told the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee their new program to provide residents with incentives to recycle has tripled both the amount of recyclables collected and the participation rate in pilot areas of the City.
* PennFuture Calls for DEP to Adopt Maximum Protection for Mercury
Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future (PennFuture) this week filed its response to the Department of Environmental Protection asking DEP to adopt regulations to reduce mercury emissions from the state’s power plants by 90 percent.
* Chesapeake Bay Commission Hosts Legacy Sediments Presentation
Pennsylvania members of the Chesapeake Bay Commission sponsored a presentation this week on how legacy sediments—sediments left over from thousands of mill dams – are having a significant impact on sediment and nutrient loading in the Chesapeake Bay.
* PEC Endorses Peterson Bill to Accelerate Cleanup of Abandoned Mines
The Pennsylvania Environmental Council is endorsing a bill introduced by U.S. Congressman John Peterson (R-PA/5) that would reauthorize the Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) program and speed up the reclamation of thousands of hazardous abandoned coal mines across the country. Peterson was joined by a bipartisan coalition of 16 House Members from Pennsylvania, Ohio, Tennessee and Maryland.
* Mine Water Treatment Technology Conference Features National Experts
The 2005 Mine Water Treatment Technology Conference will be held in Pittsburgh on August 16-18 featuring presentations by nationally recognized experts on mine water treatment.
* Monongahela Mine Pool Study Now Complete
A five-year intensive research study lead by West Virginia University entitled "EPA Region III Mine Pool Project," was completed and is credited in preventing very serious acid mine drainage (AMD) pollution of the Monongahela River.
* Mid-Atlantic Green Highways Initiative Now Underway, Forum Set
On June 2, EPA Region 3 kicked-off the Mid-Atlantic Green Highways Initiative with an executive level planning charrette, attended by a diverse group of government and private sector leaders and innovators.
* Primer: Future Fuel? On the Road to a Hydrogen Economy
It's the most abundant element in the universe, but can it meet Earth's energy needs for the 21st century? For clean, renewable hydrogen to replace oil, some tough hurdles--technological and economic--have to be overcome.
* 2005 Native Plant Conservation Grants Available
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is offering grants from the 2005 Native Plant Conservation Initiative, which provides federal dollars to nonprofit organizations and government agencies to promote the conservation of native plants.
* DCNR Hosts Environmental Careers Camps for Students
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources this week announced that the first of two summer residential camps for high school students interested in pursuing environmental careers will begin June 19, at Kings Gap Environmental Education and Training center, near Carlisle, Cumberland County.
* They Grow Up Fast – Peregrine Falcons Fledged, One Has Health Problems
The Department of Environmental Protection reported this week all three young peregrine falcons took their first flights this week from their nest on the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg. On a sad note, one of the falcons has health problems.
* Game Commissioners Approve Important Wildlife Projects
The Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners recently approved three projects that will be funded through the State Wildlife Grants and Landowner Incentive programs for bat research and wetlands preservation.
* Feature: Environmental Education is Alive and Well in Armstrong County

By Jonathan Szish, School and Community Relations Coordinator

* Feature: Guided by Water - Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity in Pennsylvania

From Penn’s Woods, The Nature Conservancy

*, Steinbrenner’s Recognized in Awards Program
The Pennsylvania Environmental Council announced the winners of the Western Pennsylvania Environmental Awards Program which were included in the May 30 Digest. But, the finalists selected in that program also deserve recognition for their good work.
* Opinion - Farms- A Good Place to Grow Pollution Controls

By Matthew Ehrhart, Executive Director, Chesapeake Bay Foundation in Pennsylvania

* Quick Clips
A sampling of NewsClips on environmental topics from across the state-
* Watershed NewsClips
NewsClips on watershed issues from around Pennsylvania--
* Regulations
The Environmental Quality Board this week published final regulations making changes to the handling and storage of explosives. The Fish and Boat Commission published several notices about program changes related to endangered species and designating wild trout waters. They include--
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of organizational changes within the agency.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .

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