46 New Stores - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA
Here are 46 new stories in the PA Environment Digest about individuals, groups, local governments, farmers, businesses, watershed groups and many more working all across Pennsylvania to restore and protect the environment and show others the beauty that surrounds us.
This Week’s Examples Of Going The WRONG WAY On Environmental, Energy Issues
While PA Environment Digest’s priority is to highlight positive examples of environmental and energy leadership, 2022 is an election year which demands accountability to voters.
All Articles & NewsClips In This Week’s Digest By Topic
PA Environment Digest Is Putting The Best Links To Environment & Energy Articles and NewsClips Here. Is Your Story Being Told?
DEP Outlines 2022 Priorities: Make Up Deficit In Oil & Gas Funding; Get Resources Needed To Invest New Federal Mine Reclamation, Oil & Gas Well Plugging Funds
On January 18, DEP Executive Deputy Ramez Ziadeh outlined the agency’s 2022 priorities to DEP Citizens Advisory Council, including finding a stable source of revenue to increase funding for the Oil and Gas Program and getting the resources needed to invest the unprecedented federal funding coming to Pennsylvania for mine reclamation and oil and gas well plugging.
IFO: 2021 Act 13 Drilling Impact Fee Revenue $233.8 Million; Still Short Of 2018 Revenue Of $251.8 Million
On January 18, the Independent Fiscal Office issued a report estimating the Act 13 drilling impact fee revenue will total $233.8 million for calendar 2021, an increase of $87.6 million from 2020.
Delaware River Basin Commission Adds Feb. 3 Hearing On Proposed Fracking Wastewater Regulations
On January 20, the Delaware River Basin Commission announced it will hold an additional public hearing on February 3, 2022, at 1:30 p.m. on proposed regulations it published in October 2021, concerning water importations and exportations and certain wastewater discharges.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation Calls For Greater Investments To Reduce Pollution As Number Of Impaired Streams Increases In PA
On January 18, Shannon Gority, executive director for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in Pennsylvania, said that an increase in the number of miles of impaired waters listed in the Department of Environmental Protection’s Draft 2022 Integrated Water Quality Report sends a clear message that not enough is being done to clean and protect Commonwealth rivers and streams.
DEP Announces $3.5 Million In Watershed Restoration Project Funding For Southeast PA
On January 20, the Department of Environmental Protection announced 14 projects in Southeast Pennsylvania, totaling more than $3.5 million, aimed at watershed restoration and protection will be funded through this year’s Growing Greener grants.
PennVEST Invests $168 Million In 15 Drinking Water, Wastewater, Stormwater Projects
On January 19, the PA Infrastructure Investment Authority announced the investment of $168 million for 15 drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater projects across 13 counties.
Penn State To Survey Farmers In 14 Counties On Their Use Of Conservation Practices
If you're a farm operator in 14 central Pennsylvania counties, you now have a chance to highlight what steps you have taken to protect and enhance water quality for your local streams and the Chesapeake Bay.
Stroud Water Research Center STREAM Girls Leader Mandy Nix Honored By Valley Forge Trout Unlimited
Chester County-based Stroud Water Research Center Watershed Education Specialist Mandy Nix received an award from the Valley Forge Chapter of Trout Unlimited for her outstanding work leading Trout Unlimited STREAM Girls at the Stroud Center since 2019.
PA Conservation Districts Oppose Bill Redefining Water Pollution, Letting Polluters Decide When To Report Spills
The PA Association of Conservation Districts wrote to members of the General Assembly opposing House Bill 1842 (Zimmerman-R-Lancaster) that redefines water pollution by letting companies decide when to report spills.
Applications Now Being Accepted For 2022 Schuylkill River Restoration Fund; Land Transaction Assistance Grants
The Schuylkill River Greenways Heritage Area is now accepting applications for the 2022 Schuylkill River Restoration Fund and Land Transaction Assistance Grants.
WeConservePA: Conservation Easement Transaction Assistance Grants Now Available
WeConservePA’s Conservation Easement Assistance Program (CEAP) provides grants to help organizations plan and complete conservation, trail, and other public access easements in Pennsylvania.
DEP Invites Comments On Changes To NPDES General Permit For Stormwater Discharges - PAG-03
The Department of Environmental Protection invites comments on proposed changes to the NPDES Water Quality General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater Associated With Industrial Activities (PAG-03). (formal notice)
Delaware River Basin Commission Hearing Feb. 9, Business Meeting March 9
The Delaware River Basin Commission will hold a virtual hearing February 9 on water withdrawal requests and a virtual business meeting on March 9. (formal notice)
Susquehanna River Basin Commission Hearing Feb. 3, Business Meeting March 17
The Susquehanna River Basin Commission will hold a public hearing on February 3 on water withdrawal requests and other docket items. A business meeting is tentatively scheduled for March 17. (formal notice)
DEP: Public Urged To Take Precautions - Deer Tick Virus (DTV) Detected At High Levels In Clearfield County Park
On January 20, Department of Environmental Protection’s Vector Management Program announced it has detected an unusually high infection rate of the dangerous and rare Deer Tick Virus (DTV) in adult tick samples recently taken from Lawrence Township Recreational Park in Clearfield County.
PA Resources Council Invites Municipalities In Western PA To Host Traveling Glass Recycling Bin Program
The Pennsylvania Resources Council Traveling Glass Recycling Bin Program provides a free recycling service to residents by rotating through a variety of western Pennsylvania locations.
DEP Invests Over $2.7 Million In Alternative Fuel Transportation Projects To Improve Air Quality & Public Health, Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
On January 21, the Department of Environmental Protection announced funding for more than $2.7 million in Alternative Fuel Incentive Grants (AFIGs) to 18 cleaner fuel transportation projects statewide that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants.
Post-Gazette Editorial: Sale Of Last Coal-Fired Power Plant In Allegheny County Good Sign For Post-Coal Economy
This editorial first appeared in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on January 23, 2022--
DCNR Conservation & Natural Resources Advisory Council Meets Jan. 26 With New Director Of Outdoor Recreation, Broadband, 2022 Priorities
The DCNR Conservation and Natural Resources Advisory Council will hold a virtual meeting January 26 on a variety of topics. (formal notice)
DCNR’s 2022 Application Season Opening For Community Conservation Partnership, Riparian Buffer, Trails, ATV & Snowmobile Grants
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources 2022 grant application season for Community Conservation Partnership, riparian buffer, land conservation, trails and ATV and snowmobiles is opening--
Coldwater Heritage Partnership Now Accepting Applications For 2022 Coldwater Conservation Grants
The Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited is pleased to announce applications are now being accepted for Round 27 of the Coldwater Heritage Partnership’s Coldwater Conservation Grant Program. The deadline is March 4.
Jan. 21 Take Five Fridays With Pam Now Available From PA Parks & Forests Foundation
The January 21 Take Five Fridays With Pam is now available from the PA Parks & Forests Foundation.
Foundation For Sustainable Forests Awarded $5,000 MTN DEW Outdoor Grant For Recreation Access Project
The Crawford County-based Foundation for Sustainable Forests has received one of forty $5,000 MTN DEW Outdoor Grants in support of the organization’s ongoing commitment to champion the great outdoors.
Landforce Receives $15,000 Grant From Hydro Flask Parks For All Program
On January 18, Hydro Flask announced the award of over $400,00 in grants and product donations through its Parks for All Program to support projects such as building and maintaining parks, community education and more.
In Memoriam: Greg Wilson Donegal Chapter Of Trout Unlimited, Lancaster County - ‘One Stream At A Time’
On January 19, Greg Wilson, one of the driving forces behind the restoration of streams in Lancaster County and a long-time member and leader in the Donegal Trout Unlimited Chapter, passed away.
Environment & Energy Educational Opportunities For Students & Adults
Opportunities to learn more about environmental and energy issues affecting Pennsylvania for students and adults--
Call For Proposals: 9th Annual Sustainability Symposium At Bucknell University April 22-23
The Bucknell Center for Sustainability and the Environment has issued a call for proposals for the 9th Annual Sustainability Symposium on April 22-23 at the Elaine Langone Center on the Bucknell campus in Lewisburg. Proposals are due March 25.
Protect PT Hosts Jan. 25 Lunch & Learn Program With CMU's Nicholas Muller On Cumulative Impacts Of Shale Gas Boom
Westmoreland County-based Protect PT is hosting an online Community Lunch & Learn Program Jan. 25 with Carnegie Mellon University's Nicholas Muller about the cumulative environmental and employment impacts of the shale gas boom in Pennsylvania and the Appalachian Basin.
Stroud Water Research Center Feb. 11 Webinar - Forever Chemicals (PFAS) In Our Water: Threats And Solutions
The Chester County-based Stroud Water Research Center 2022 Science Seminar Series What's In Our Streams and Rivers: The Good, the Bad, And the Ugly begins February 11 with a webinar on Forever Chemicals (PFAS) In Our Water: Threats and Solutions from Noon to 1:00 p.m.
Southwest PA Commission Water Resource Center Hosts Upcoming Webinars On Green Infrastructure, Solar Energy Siting Starting Feb. 24
The Southwest PA Commission Water Resources Center will host a series of webinars on green infrastructure and solar energy siting starting February 24.
Manada Conservancy Hosts Feb. 10 Webinar On Volunteers In Land Stewardship & Community Outreach
Dauphin County-based Manada Conservancy will host a February 10 webinar on Volunteers In Land Stewardship & Community Outreach from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Susquehanna River Basin Commission Winter Guardian Newsletter Now Available
The Winter Guardian newsletter is now available from the Susquehanna River Basin Commission featuring articles on--
PA Organization For Watersheds & Rivers Hosts Hybrid Wild & Scenic Film Festival On Tour Special Event In April
The PA Organization for Watersheds and Rivers will host the Wild and Scenic Film Festival On Tour as an in-person and virtual screening event.
Rodale Institute Launches Online Course For Regenerative Organic Agriculture Consumers
Berks County-based Rodale Institute, the global leader of regenerative organic agriculture, has launched “Being a Regenerative Consumer,” a new educational course for anyone interested in learning the basics about farming, food, and the future of our health, as part of their Virtual Campus.
Register Now For PA Chapter American Water Works Assn. Annual Conference April 25-27 In State College
The PA Chapter of the American Water Works Association is accepting registrations for its 2022 Annual Conference at the Penn Stater Conference Center in State College on April 25-27.
News From PA House & Senate
The information you need to follow legislation in the House and Senate- starting with articles and NewsClips from last week--
House Committee To Hold Info. Meeting Jan. 24 On Bill To Use Some American Rescue Plan Funding To Clean Up Water Pollution
The House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee is scheduled to hold an information meeting January 24 on House Bill 1901 (Hershey-R-Juniata) allocating $250 million from federal American Rescue Plan funding to a new state Clean Water Fund to improve water quality in the Commonwealth.
Senate Committee Set To Meet Jan. 25 On Bills To Redefine Water Pollution, Prohibit State From Owning Clean Energy Credits; Hold Hearing On Stormwater Fees
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee is scheduled to meet January 25 on legislation to redefine water pollution, prohibit the state from owning clean energy credits and other bills.
‘Trust The People’- Amend The State Constitution To Authorize Citizens To Establish New Laws Without The General Assembly
There are lots of proposals to amend the state constitution moving in the Senate and House, but the most important proposal has not seen any action this session-- Senate Bill 538 that would recognize the power inherent in the people by authorizing voters to directly propose and vote on amendments to the state constitution, establish new laws or repeal existing laws, without action by the General Assembly.
The Feds
Articles and NewsClips about federal actions impacting Pennsylvania--
U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers Receives $62 Million For Infrastructure, Disaster Relief Projects In Chesapeake Bay Region, Including PA
On January 20, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Baltimore District announced it will receive approximately $62 million in supplemental funding to support critical missions over several years across the Chesapeake Bay region.
Pittsburgh, Philadelphia Join White House Building Energy Performance Standards Coalition
On January 21, the White House announced the Biden Administration is teaming up with states, cities, labor, and industry to launch the Building Performance Standards Coalition, a first-of-its-kind partnership between 33 state and local governments dedicated to delivering cleaner, healthier, and more affordable buildings.
EPA Invites Proposals On Research Into Drivers & Environmental Impacts Of Energy Transitions In Underserved Communities
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is inviting proposals for research into the drivers and environmental impacts of energy transitions in underserved communities. The deadline for proposals is April 28.
U.S. EIA: U.S. Electricity Generation From Natural Gas Now Falling Like Coal In Face Of New, Cheaper Renewable Power Plants
On January 18, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reported-- in our January Short-Term Energy Outlook, we forecast that rising electricity generation from renewable energy resources such as solar and wind will reduce generation from fossil fuel-fired power plants over the next two years.
Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events
Click Here for a list of public participation opportunities and a calendar of events.
Grants & Awards
Click Here for grants, awards, recognition programs and contest deadlines.
PA Bulletin
Highlights of the environmental and energy notices in the latest PA Bulletin--
Stories Invited - About PA Environment Digest
Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to: PaEnviroDigest@gmail.com.
Registration Open! Keystone Coldwater Conference + PA Chapter Of American Fisheries Society Feb. 25-26
PA Environment Digest is a proud sponsor of the 2022 Joint Meeting of the Keystone Coldwater Conference and PA Chapter of the American Fisheries Society on February 25-26, 2022, at the Ramada Conference Center in State College. Registration Open!
Supporting Member PA Organization For Watersheds & Rivers; PA Outdoor Writers Assn.; PA Trout Unlimited
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the PA Organization for Watersheds & Rivers, PA Outdoor Writers Association, PA Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.