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Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
August 14, 2006
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 8/14/06
* Dents Run Renewal Celebration Attracts Over 85 Partners in Elk County
Over 85 people attended the “Dents Run Renewal Celebration” in the Bennett Branch Watershed, Elk County this week to celebrate the mine restoration work completed in the watershed over the last five years.
* Over $136,000 in Exelon Grants Awarded to Improve Schuylkill River Watershed
The Schuylkill River Heritage Area has awarded three grants totaling $136,106 from the recently established Exelon Schuylkill River Watershed Restoration Program.
* $2.7 million in Grants Announced for 11 Water Quality Projects
The Department of Environmental Protection announced $2.7 million in grants to fund 11 projects to improvement to aging water and sewer systems, encourage remining operations that help to reclaim abandoned mines, and plug abandoned and orphaned wells that are leaking oil, acid mine drainage or gas.
* Free Native Trees Available Through “Trees for Streams” Program
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is now accepting applications from watershed and community groups and private landowners for free native trees and shrubs under the Trees for Streams Program. Applications are due not later than September 15.
* Applications Now Being Accepted for Coastal Zone Management Grants
The Department of Environmental Protection is now accepting applications for 2007 Coastal Zone Management grants. Applications are due October 30.
* Bakerton Rod & Gun Club Dedicates Mine Drainage Treatment System
The Bakerton Rod and Gun Club this week dedicated an acid mine drainage treatment system along Chest Creek that feeds a fishing pond for youth members.
* Johnstown to Hold First Annual Riverfest August 19
Everyone’s invited to join the celebration of Johnstown’s resurgent rivers, August 19 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., at the Johnstown Riverfest.
* Rep. Smith Proposes Youth Fishing License
Rep. Bruce Smith (R-York) introduced legislation-- House Bill 2900 -- this week that would create a Youth Fishing License for persons 12 to 15 years old to promote youth fishing and a better appreciation for aquatic environments.
* 2nd Annual Pinchot Festival of Wood Set for August 12-13 at Grey Towers
The 2nd Annual Festival of Wood is being held a Grey Towers, the former home of Gifford Pinchot, the first head of the U.S. Forest Service and Governor of Pennsylvania, in Milford, Pike County.
* New Issue of Green Building Alliance Cornerstone Newsletter Now Available
The summer 2006 issue of The Cornerstone from the Green Building Alliance is now available and features a profile of The Pittsburgh Project Guest House.
* DEP Accepting Grant Applications for E85, Biodiesel Use
The Department of Environmental Protection announced it is accepting applications under its Alternative Fuels Incentive Program for grants to promote the use of E85 and biodiesel fuels through October 2.
* House Democratic Policy Committee Sets Hearing on Climate Change
The House Democratic Policy Committee will hold a public hearing in Harrisburg August 15 on House Bill 2744 (Vitali-D-Delaware) that would offer state financial assistance to municipalities that develop and implement local climate change action plans.
* Wilson Sponsors “Life After Cheap Oil” Conference September 15-16
Wilson College in Chambersburg will host an international conference on the topics of peak oil, global climate change, and sustainable energy called “Life After Cheap Oil: Sustainable Solutions to Global Crises.”
* Growing Greener Cities, Symposium on Urban Environmental Issues October 15-17
The Institute for Urban Research at the University of Pennsylvania and the Media and Policy Center Foundation along with the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society are sponsoring a Symposium on Urban Environmental Issues in Philadelphia.
* $2 Million in Land Use Planning, Technical Assistance Grants Available
The Department of Community and Economic Development announced this week that $2 million in grants are available from the Land Use Planning, Technical Assistance Grant Program. Applicants will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are exhausted.
* New Multi-State Guide to Farmland Preservation Published
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation has released a new guide that takes a comprehensive look at farmland preservation in the Chesapeake Bay region to enable both farmers and citizens to take action to slow the loss of farmland to development.
* ClearWater Conservancy Purchases Musser Gap, Centre County
The ClearWater Conservancy this week announced the purchase of the 423-acre Musser Gap for natural resource conservation from a private landowner who had planned to develop the property.
* House Environmental Committee Sets Informational Meeting on Mercury Control
The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee has scheduled an informational meeting for September 12 to gather information on the costs and benefits of a state-specific rule to reduce mercury emissions from power plants.
* New EPA, Industry Partnership Will Cut Mercury Emissions by 75 Tons
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, automakers, the scrap and steel industry announced a new National Vehicle Mercury Switch Recovery Program this week that will help cut mercury air emissions by up to 75 tons over the next 15 years.
* August Issue of EE Connections Newsletter Online From Environmental Ed Center
The August issue of EE Connections newsletter from the Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education is now available online. The highlights from this month’s issue include—
* DEP’s DePasquale to Resign to Run for House
Eugene DePasquale, DEP Deputy Secretary for Community Revitalization and Local Government Support, will resign from his position to run as the Democratic candidate to replace retiring Rep. Steve Stetler (D-York) in the House.
* See & Hear - Visit the American Water Hydro School Online
There are plenty of websites focused on water, but how many make learning about watersheds interactive and fun?
* Award-Winning Performance - Lancaster Business Wins 2005 Award for Environmental Excellence, You Can Too!
Granger Energy’s Lanchester Landfill Gas Utilization Project won a 2005 Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence for implementing the first multiple-customer landfill-gas-to-energy project in the Commonwealth. Apply now for a 2007 award.
* Opinion - Alternative Fuels: A Solution to the Energy Crisis, By Seth Obetz
Alternative fuels are the talk of the nation these days, but few people know where to access them or if their vehicle is compatible with these fuels. Even before the technical questions arise, however, we must wonder: are alternative fuels the way out of our energy crisis?
* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state.
* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
* Regulations
The Department of Environmental Protection published proposed revisions to the State Implementation Plan covering RACT under the 8-Hour Ozone Standard for comment and the Department of Agriculture published an advanced notice of final rulemaking on commercial manure hauler and broker certification extending the comment period to August 28.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published a notice of final the General Plan Approval/Operating Permit for Dry Abrasive Blasting Operations, a draft policy on locational data for water use systems and a final policy on radon certification. The Independent Regulatory Review Commission published comments on changes to DEP Storage Tank Regulations. See details here.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .

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