Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
October 4, 2004
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 10/04/04
* They’re Back!
The House will join the Senate October 4 for the first voting sessions for both Chambers since they adjourned on July 4. No meetings yet scheduled for the Green Ribbon Commission to consider environmental funding proposals.
* House Committee Hears Comments on Infrastructure Needs
The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee chaired by Rep. Bill Adolph (R-Delaware) held an informational meeting to review the current state of Pennsylvania's water and wastewater infrastructure needs and issues.
* Environmental Bills on House Calendar for Final Action
The House returns to voting session October 4 for the first time since they adjourned early on the morning of July 4. On its Calendar for final action are several environmental bills--
* Statewide Watershed Conference Attracts Over 400
The 5th Annual Statewide Watershed Conference in Emmaus attracted over 400 people, including about 100 students, interested in learning more about how to protect their watersheds.
* Federal Mine Reclamation Fees
Congress Acts to Continue AML Fees for Short Time
* Mini-Watershed Grants
Watershed Mini-Grants Available from Western PA Conservancy
* Education Proposals Due
Chesapeake Bay Environmental Education Proposals Due
* World Monitoring Day
Reminder: World Water Monitoring Day – October 18
* Stroud Study Proves Riparian Forest Buffers Work to Improve Water Quality
A study of 16 streams in eastern North America shows that riparian deforestation causes channel narrowing, which reduces the total amount of stream habitat and ecosystem per unit channel length and compromises in-stream processing of pollutants.
* Small Businesses Can Learn to Cut Energy Costs by Attending Workshops
Seven regional “Energy Management Workshops for Small Businesses” have been scheduled to help small businesses learn how to cut costs and improve their bottom line through energy efficiency.
* Air Quality Improved
PA Has Record Low Number of Ozone Exceedences
* Clean Bus Grants
Applications Due on Clean Buses for Kids from EPA
* Wyeth Labs Honored
Wyeth Labs PA Locations Honored for Environment Friendly Commuting
* Penn State Receive $6.7 Million from NSF for Environmental Kinetics Center
The National Science Foundation has awarded a team of Penn State researchers $6.7 million to establish a new center for the study of environmental kinetics.
* PA Conservation Corps Program Solicits Grant Applications
Political subdivisions and certain state agencies can start applying for grants under the Pennsylvania Conservation Corps Program.
* EPA Solicits Environmental Education Grants
EPA has issued the official solicitation notice for the 2005 Environmental Education Grants Program published in the Federal Register on September 15. In addition, grant solicitation period notifications have been distributed to almost 400 environmental educators and organizations throughout the region.
* Water Registration Due
DEP Urges Water Users to Complete Water Registration
* 2005 MSI Engineering Sustainability Conference Call for Papers
The 2005 MSI Engineering Sustainability Conference will be held in Pittsburgh on April 10-12, 2005. The Conference is now soliciting papers in all subject areas dealing with green construction and the sustainable use of water. To qualify for acceptance, you must submit a one-page abstract by e-mail to on or before October 15, 2004. (from Green Building Alliance of Pittsburgh)
* CMU Partner Researching New Process for Creating Biodiesel
Capital Technologies out of Carnegie Mellon University has developed a new process for creating biodiesel that is more efficient than previous methods. This method doesn't use a caustic catalyst and reduces the processing cost to 13-19 cents per gallon above the cost of the organic oil. The end result meets ASTM and European Union specs. Capital Technologies' customers in the EU have already offered to purchase 120 million gallons of biodiesel per year, the equivalent to 24 five million gallon per year factories! For more information contact Bruce Polatnick. (from Green Building Alliance of Pittsburgh)
* Green Building Tour Kicks Off on Saturday, October 2
The NESEA Green Buildings Open House happens this Saturday, October 2 from 10 am to 4 pm providing the public with the opportunity to see hundreds of green homes and buildings. This annual event offers a unique opportunity for people to see firsthand how clean energy and green building practices can be put to work. The North East Solar Energy Association (NESEA) is organizing the Green Buildings Open House for the North East, with the Green Building Alliance of Pittsburgh as a local organizer.
* October 25 is Hydrogen Day at Penn State
On October 25, Hydrogen Day at Penn State will feature more than 30 poster presentations offering details on the latest research results on hydrogen production, storage and use as well as related topics.
* Measuring Progress: EPA’s Environmental Indicators Initiative
EPA's "Environmental Indicators Initiative" was started in 2003 to improve the Agency's ability to report on the status of and trends in environmental conditions and their impacts on human health and the nation's natural resources.
* Piñero Appointed as Federal Environmental Executive
President Bush has appointed Edwin Piñero to serve as the Federal Environmental Executive (FEE) the White House announced on September 23. Mr. Piñero had served as Deputy FEE since January 2003, and had assumed the role of Acting Federal Environmental Executive in June 2004 upon the departure of John Howard.
* Quick Clips
Here's a sampling of NewsClips on environmental topics across the state.
* Taking Positive Action - Groups Honored, Fall Projects
Two PA Groups Honored for Conservation Work by U.S. Dept. of Interior
* Watershed NewsClips
A sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around the state.
* Regulations
The latest on proposed and final regulations.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
DEP provided notice this week that it is removing one policy from its inventory:
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, events, plus links to other calendars
* Helpful Links
Useful links to environmental information-
* Contributions Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - .

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