Scrapbook Photo 09/30/24 - 130 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
September 27, 2004
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 09/27/04
* Harrisburg Declared Disaster Area

* House Local Government Subcommittee Recommends Land Trust Bill
A Subcommittee of the House Local Government Subcommittee met this week to recommend the full committee consider House Bill 2189 (Ross-R-Chester), which amends an act providing for local taxing options for land trusts.
* Bill Authorizes $10 Million for Energy Development Authority
Legislation-- Senate Bill 1220-- was introduced this week by Sen. Stout (D-Washington) that would authorize the transfer of $10 million to the newly revitalized Energy Development Authority from the Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Program. The legislative implements a line-item inserted in the 2004-05 budget.
* Rain Gauge Network Records Record-Breaking Rainfall in Pittsburgh Region
While meteorologists reported a record overall 5.96-inch rainfall over a 24-hour period throughout the Pittsburgh region last Friday, the 3 Rivers Wet Weather rain gauge system recorded complete rainfall data for each of the communities throughout Allegheny County.
* How Did Your Stream Project Fair Through the Hurricane? Tell Us!
PA Environment Digest is looking for stories like this to share with our readers.   Stream Stabilization Project Opens in Perfect Conditions
* PA CleanWays Pilots Expanding Adoption Program to Fight Roadside Litter
Do you remember the area with trash on it that you drive by every day on your way to work? Or that trail on which you mountain bike that someone has used as a dumping ground? How about the area around the boat launch at the lake where litter floats up on shore?
* October 1 Deadline for Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Applications
A quick reminder, you have until October 1 to apply for this year’s round of Alternative Fuels Incentive Grants designed to help stimulate the purchase of clean fuel vehicles.
* PECO/Exelon Applaud Gamesa Decision to Locate in Pennsylvania
Spanish Wind Energy Company Will Open in Philadelphia
* Fourth Annual Westmoreland County Smart Growth Summit
The focus of this year’s Smart Growth Summit is “The Future of Agriculture in Westmoreland County.” The goal is to gather together all who are interested in the future of Westmoreland County and to provide an educational opportunity featuring the principles of Smart Growth. There is a $35 registration fee for the event.
* Chesapeake Bay Foundation Wins Award for Website
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) -- the largest conservation organization dedicated solely to saving the Chesapeake Bay watershed -- has won a 2004 Standard of Excellence WebAward for its Convio-powered website.
* Susquehanna Guardian Newsletter Now Available Online
Beginning with the fall 2004 issue of the Susquehanna Guardian, the Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) has significantly enhanced our on-line newsletter to make it more user-friendly.
* Still Time to Register for 5th Annual Statewide Watershed Conference
The Fifth Annual Pennsylvania Watershed Conference will be held September 30-October 2 in Emmaus with the theme of “Watersheds: The Air, Land, and Water Connection.”
* 2004 Pennsylvania Ground Water Institute for Teachers Set for October
The American Ground Water Trust’s Third Annual Pennsylvania Ground Water Institute for Teachers will be held in Allentown on October 27 & 28
* Clean Water Grant Application from Altria Group Due September 30
Altria Group, Inc., the parent company of Kraft Foods, Philip Morris International and Philip Morris USA, is pleased to announce the 2004 Environment Request for Proposal (RFP) to address clean water issues. Grant applications are due September 30.
* Moose Creek, Clearfield County TMDL Hearing Set
The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public meeting to discuss and accept comments on a proposed TMDL for the Moose Creek Watershed in Clearfield County on October 27, at 6:30 p.m. at the Clearfield County Multiservice Center, Daisy Street, Clearfield, PA. Comments are due by November 24.
* U.S. House Subcommittee OKs Bill to Control Waste Imports
U.S. House Subcommittee OKs Bill to Control Waste Imports
* Allegheny College: Linking Green Building & Certified Forestry in Pennsylvania
Allegheny College this week released a new directory to help link supply and demand for "green" forest products in Pennsylvania.
* Minard Run Oil Company Recognized for Good Work By EPA
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency presented Minard Run Oil Company of Bradford, PA with an award for its effort to protect underground sources of drinking water during the production of oil and gas.
* Shrewsbury Given EPA Source Water Protection Award
EPA Region 3 awarded a 2004 Pennsylvania source water protection award to the Shrewsbury Municipal Water Company at a township meeting on September 8.
* EPA Adds to Superfund Sites in Pennsylvania
EPA is continuing to make progress in protecting public health, cleaning up the nation's hazardous waste, and encouraging economic revitalization and land reuse by adding two final sites and proposing 14 more sites to the Superfund National Priorities List (NPL).
* Reliant Energy's Seward Plant Named POWER Magazine's 2004 Plant of the Year
Reliant Energy's 521-megawatt Seward Power Plant, a facility that utilizes state-of-the-art clean coal technology and waste coal as fuel, has been named 2004 Plant of the Year by Platts' POWER magazine.
* Voluntary Programs Prevent Greenhouse Gases, EPA Reports
ENERGY STAR and other voluntary programs prevented 48 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions in 2003, up from 43 million in 2002, EPA reports.
* Brownfields Funding
EPA Solicits Communities for Brownfields Funding Applications
* Fuel Suppliers Preparing to Meet Future Low-Sulfur Diesel Requirements
Refiners remain on target to supply significantly cleaner highway diesel fuel over the next five years, according to EPA's analysis of industry reports released today. EPA has been working collaboratively with both the engine manufacturers and fuel refiners in preparation for EPA's new clean diesel engine and fuel standards.
* Pennsylvania Dry Cleaner Gives Federal EPA Advice
Pennsylvania dry cleaner, Dale I. Kaplan estimates that he spent over 1500 hours providing free advice to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency between June 2002 and July 2004.
* Bugs Invade Pennsylvania! – Ladybugs That Is
The ladybugs that plague Pennsylvania homeowners during the fall and winter months will soon be migrating from trees and fields into houses, according to the Department of Agriculture.
* DEP Deputy Nick DiPasquale to Return to Delaware, Fidler Named Acting
Nicholas DiPasquale, DEP’s Deputy Secretary for Air, Recycling and Radiation Protection, announced he was leaving the department to return home to Dover, Delaware.
* Quick Clips
Here's a sampling of NewsClips on environmental issues from around the state-
* Taking Positive Action - EPA: Steps You Can Take to Celebrate Prevent Pollution Week All Year Round
Pollution Prevention Week (September 20-26) is the perfect time to try a new pollution prevention activity at home, at school, or at work.
* Helping Small Business
Small Business Development Centers Take on Environmental Assistance Role
* Watershed NewsClips
A sampling of NewsClips on watershed issues from around the state-
* Regulations
The latest on proposed and final regulations.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
DEP published notice of two final policy documents this week:
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, events, plus links to other calendars-
* Contributions Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - .

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