Scrapbook Photo 02/17/25 - 139 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
July 25, 2011
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* Lt. Gov. Cawley: Marcellus Shale Commission Issues Final Report

Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley Friday released the final report of the Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission, taking the first step toward developing a comprehensive and strategic plan for responsible natural gas drilling in Pennsylvania.

* PA Environmental Council Calls For Special Session On Marcellus Shale Issues

* CBF Urges Passage Of Science-Based Measures To Protect Environment From Drilling

* Enviro. Groups On Marcellus Commission Call Report Meaningful First Step, More Needed

* Marcellus Shale Coalition: Ready To Work To Modernize Drilling Laws

* Sen. Scarnati Outlines His Fall Priorities: Marcellus Shale Legislation

Sen. Joe Scarnati (R-Jefferson), President Pro Tempore of the Senate, outlined his priorities for the Fall legislation session Thursday-- reapportionment, Marcellus Shale legislation and transportation funding.

* Rep. George: Marcellus Shale Commission Falls Short Of Its Responsibilities

Rep. Camille “Bud” George (D-Clearfield), Minority Chair of the House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee, Thursday pushed for ProtectPA legislation that features responsible environmental regulations that exceed those recommended by Gov. Tom Corbett’s Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission.

* Sen. Yudichak: A Responsible Natural Gas Tax Or Fee Will Be On Governor's Desk

Sen. John Yudickak (D-Luzerne), Minority Chair of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, said the General Assembly would put a responsible severance tax or impact fee on the Governor's desk in the Fall.

* Other Industry, Legislative, Group Reactions To Marcellus Commission Report

There were a variety of other groups, legislators and industry reactions to the Governor's Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission final report released Friday. Here's a sampling--

* Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced

* House Democrats To Hold Hearing On Marcellus Shale Issues July 27 In Newtown

* Legislative Forestry Task Force Releases Report, Recommendations

* July Environmental Synopsis Newsletter Now Available Online

* SRBC Suspends 36 Water Withdrawals Used By Natural Gas Drilling Companies, Others

* Proposed Rules On Drilling Water Withdrawals Published By Susquehanna River Commission

* Temple Researchers Will Investigate Methane Gas Leaking From Marcellus Wells

* Marcellus Industry Study: PA Could Lead Nation In Natural Gas Production By 2020

* DEP To Hold Chesapeake Bay Phase 2 Implementation Plan Summit August 3

* Conservation District Staff Recognized For Work To Improve PA’s Environment

The State Conservation Commission recently recognized two individuals and four county conservation districts for their work to improve Pennsylvania’s environment through sound and innovative conservation practices.

* EPA Orders Farmer to Provide Drinking Water To Nearby Residence

* Penn State: New Farm Mapping Website To Aid In Nutrient Management

Pennsylvania farmers looking to meet the state's regulatory requirements for erosion and sediment control and nutrient-management planning can find help at PaOneStop, an online service from Penn State Extension that enables farmers to produce required maps of their farms.

* Lancaster County Manure Treatment Project Will Improve Health Of Chesapeake Bay

* DEP Invites Comments On Proposed Armstrong Creek TMDL In Dauphin County

* Friends Of Wissahickon Experiments With Use Of Goats For Invasive Plant Control

The Friends of the Wissahickon have launched a pilot project to explore the possibility of using goats to control the growth of invasive plants in Wissahickon Valley Park.

* Junior Paddlers Float On First Yellow Breeches Youth Sojourn

* PennVEST Approves $99 Million In Water Infrastructure Project Funding

* Keep PA Beautiful Accepting Greenways Mini-Grant Applications

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful this week announced they are now accepting applications until August 15 for a new Greenways Mini-Grant Program.  

* Spotlight - Penn State Extension: Are You Keeping PA Beautiful?

It takes a lot of work to clean up a watershed area and keep it clean. If your watershed is facing a lot of illegal dumps, or abandoned tire piles you will want to learn about an organization called “Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful.”

* Findings of Six County Illegal Dump Surveys Now Available

* New PA Recycling Markets Center Program To Certfiy Recycled Content Products

* PRC, Partners Hold Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event July 30 In Venango County

The PA Resources Council and Zero Waste Pittsburgh will sponsor a household hazardous waste collection event on July 30 at the Cranberry Mall, Route 322, Cranberry Township, Venango County.  For more information, download the event flyer.

* Chester County Waste Authority: You Have Questions, We Have Answers

* Transportation Commission Recommends New Fees, Higher Taxes To Fund Improvements

* PECO Customers Save $131 Million In Energy Costs With Smart Ideas

* Yards Brewing Co. Goes Green By Using 100 Percent Wind Energy

* PJM, Members Set New Record For Peak Power Use Thursday

PJM Interconnection, the grid operator that manages the high voltage transmission system in all or parts of 13 states and Washington, D.C., set a new record for peak power use Thursday at 5 p.m. by meeting the demand for 158,450 megawatts (MW) of power. One megawatt of power is enough to power about 1,000 homes.

* Friends Of The Wissahickon Conduct New Park User Survey

* Azavea Releases Source Code For

* DCNR Program Encourages City Teens To Explore State Parks

* Feature - Thought Of Visiting All 117 State Parks? These Folks Have

* Opportunity To Bid On DEP Projects In Allegheny, Columbia, Erie, Lawrence Counties

The Department of Environmental Protection published notices offering an opportunity to bid on five projects: abandoned well plugging in Allegheny County, a second abandoned well plugging in Allegheny County, a dam breach project in Columbia County, a landfill remediation project in Erie County and an abandoned mine reclamation project in Lawrence County.

* Environmental Heritage - Quecreek Mine Rescue To Be Remembered On July 23

On July 23 the Quecreek Mine Rescue Foundation will host the 9th Anniversary of the July 2002 Quecreek Mine Rescue at the rescue site on the Arnold Farm in Somerset County beginning at 10:00 a.m.

* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.

* Quick Clips

* Marcellus Shale NewsClips

* Watershed NewsClips

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

The Susquehanna River Basin Commission published notice of proposed changes in its regulations on reviewing Marcellus Shale water withdrawal approvals.  Two public hearings will be held on the proposal-- August 2 in Harrisburg and August 4 in Binghamton, NY.  Comments are due August 23.

* Calendar Of Events

Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted.  NEW means new from last week.  Go to the online Calendar webpage.

* Stories Invited

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers AssociationPennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

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