Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
Crisci Associates, Sept. 28, 2015
* C.O.G.E.N.T.: JKLM Energy Drilling Contaminates Water Wells In Potter County

The Connection for Oil, Gas & Environment in the Northern Tier (C.O.G.E.N.T.) Friday reported in a Google+ post that JKLM Energy, LLC acknowledged contaminating several water supply wells in Sweden Township, Potter county with a surfactant solution containing isopropanol used in drilling and completing natural gas wells.

* Sen. Hutchinson Introduces Bill To Kill Conventional Drilling Regulations

On Friday, Sen. Scott Hutchinson (R-Venango) introduced Senate Bill 1011 amends the Fiscal Code to prohibit the Department of Environmental Protection and the Environmental Quality Board from finalizing and adopting Chapter 78 conventional oil and gas drilling regulations now pending.

* House Environmental Committee Meets On Drilling Regulations Oct. 26

The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee will hold an informational meeting on the Chapter 78 and 78A drilling regulations on October 26 starting at 9:00 a.m., according to  Rep. John Maher (R-Allegheny), Majority Chair of the Committee.

* POWR, DCNR Now Accepting Nominations For 2016 River Of The Year

The PA Organization for Watersheds and Rivers and Department of Conservation and Natural Resources are now accepting nominations from nonprofit organizations for the 2016 Pennsylvania River of the Year.

* House Republicans Send Stopgap Budget Package To Governor For His Certain Veto

By party line votes of 117 to 83, 113 to 86 and 112 to 87, House Republicans approved the Senate-House Republican stopgap budget package and sent the package to Gov. Wolf for his action. 

* Agenda Set For 2nd Annual PA Environmental Council Policy Conference Oct. 13

A comprehensive list of environmental issues will be the focus of the second annual PA Environmental Council Policy Conference, set for October 13 in Harrisburg.

* PA Environment Digest Google+ Circle, Blogs, Twitter Feeds

PA Environment Digest now has a Google+ Circle called Green Works In PA.  Let us join your Circle.

* Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Gov’s Schedule/ Bills Introduced

Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced--

* Bills On Governor's Desk

The following bills were given final approval by the Senate and House and are now on the Governor's desk for action--

* Senate/House Bills Moving

The following bills of interest saw action this week in the House and Senate--

* Farm Bureau To Ask Supreme Court To Throw Out Chesapeake Bay Blueprint

The American Farm Bureau Federation and its allies, including the National Association of Homebuilders, made it clear that they intend to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn two lower court decisions upholding the Chesapeake Bay Clean Water Blueprint

* ARRIPA Awards $5,000 In Abandoned Mine Reclamation Grants

The Anthracite Region Independent Power Producer’s Association recently announced the award of its 6th Annual Abandoned Mine Land/Abandoned Mine Drainage Remediation Grants Program.

* PPL Electric Makes Donation To Brodhead Watershed Assn. For 26th Anniversary

The Brodhead Watershed Association received a $3,000 donation from PPL Electric Utilities in support of its Adopt-a-Stream Program and 26th Annual Membership Celebration.

* Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition 20th Anniversary Celebration Oct. 10

Join the Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition October 10 for a full day of events at the Jennings Environmental Education Center in Butler County as the Coalition celebrates its 20th Anniversary! This event is open to the public and free of charge!

* Aug., Sept. Catalyst Newsletters Available From Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition

The August and September editions of The Catalyst newsletter are now available from the Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition.

* Call For Presenters: 2016 Schuylkill Watershed Congress On March 12

A call for presenters has been issued for the 2016 Schuylkill Watershed Congress to be held on March 12 at the Montgomery County Community College campus in Pottstown.  The deadline for submissions is November 1.

* DEP Reminds Homeowners To Maintain Septic Systems

The Department of Environmental Protection Monday reminded Pennsylvanians about the importance of onlot septic system maintenance.

* DEP Reminds Pennsylvanians To Maintain Home Heating Oil Tanks

On the first day of autumn, the Department of Environmental Protection encourages residents to take precautions before filling their home heating oil tanks.

* PA Section American Water Resources Assn. Annual Conference Oct. 9 In State College

The PA Section of the American Water Resources Association will hold its Annual Conference on October 9 at the Days Inn-Penn State in State College.

* B.F. Environmental Builds Expertise Into New Drinking Water Quality Mobile App

B.F. Environmental Consultants Tuesday announced the launch of a new mobile app that will make it possible for homeowners to get answers about the quality of their drinking water.

* Aqua Pennsylvania Reminds Low-Income Families There Is Help To Pay Water Bills

Aqua Pennsylvania is reminding customers that its Helping Hand Assistance Program is available to low-income families who find it difficult to pay their water bills.

* Latest Update Available From Capital Region Water

The latest update from Capital Region Water in Harrisburg is available featuring articles on--

* Students Learn Good Water = Good Life With PA American Water Grant

At the recent Columbia County Water Education Day held at Briar Creek Lake Pennsylvania -- an event supported by a grant from PA American Water to the Columbia County Conservation District -- more than 500 eighth-grade students from throughout Columbia County learned about the important concept of 'Good Water = Good Life.'

* PA Green & Health Schools Webinar On Creating A Healthy School Environment Oct. 1

The Department of Environmental Protection, Healthy Schools PA, the PA Green & Healthy Schools Partnership and Women for a Healthy Environment will host a free webinar on October 1 starting at 10:00 a.m. on Creating a Healthy School Environment.

* DEP Revokes Lab Accreditation For Cedar Grove Environmental, Inc. In Chester County

The Department of Environmental Protection Thursday announced it has revoked accreditation in-full for Cedar Grove Environmental Inc., an environmental laboratory in Chester County, PA.

* PennEast Pipeline Files Application With Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

PennEast Pipeline Company LLC, Thursday announced it submitted its application September 24, 2015, to FERC for a permit to proceed with construction of the proposed PennEast Pipeline, signaling the next critical step in offering eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey energy consumers locally produced natural gas.

* Sunoco Mariner East Pipeline Public Forum Sept. 29 In Chester County

Chester County-based Pipeline Safety Coalition is hosting a free pipeline safety public forum at the Downingtown East High School, 50 Devon Drive in Downingtown, on September 29 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.

* DEP Held 3rd Meeting Of Pipeline Infrastructure Task Force

The Department of Environmental Protection held the third meeting of its Pipeline Infrastructure Task Force Wednesday hearing a presentation from The Nature Conservancy on tools minimizing landscape impacts and others on regulation and permitting pipelines in Pennsylvania and pipeline emergency response resources.

* Groups Demand Wolf Shutdown Pipeline Task Force, Enact Fracking Ban

Citing harm to their states and communities, representatives of 115 organizations delivered a letter to Gov. Wolf at his DEP Pipeline Infrastructure Task Force on Wednesday demanding that the Task Force of industry representatives be shut down, and that Gov. Wolf enact a statewide moratorium on fracking and help Pennsylvania residents harmed by fracking.

* Public Hearing On Emission Reduction Credits At York County Energy Plant Sept. 29

The Department of Environmental Protection Friday announced it will host a public hearing on September 29, regarding a proposed plan approval to allow Calpine Mid-Merit, LLC to transfer and use emission reduction credits at its electric power generation facility located in Peach Bottom Township, York County.

* DEP To Host Public Hearing On Falls Township Waste Facility Sept. 30

The Department of Environmental Protection will host a public hearing on September 30  regarding the proposed Elcon Recycling Services, LLC (Elcon) facility, a hazardous waste treatment facility to treat liquid waste from the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.

* Keep PA Beautiful Affiliates In 4 Counties Collect Nearly 4,000 Tires

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful would like to congratulate its local affiliates in Huntingdon, Juniata, Mifflin and Perry counties on a successful 10th Annual Tire War which resulted in collecting nearly 4,000 tires earlier this month.

* PA Resources Council Composting, Vermicomposting Workshops In Allegheny County

The PA Resources Council will host a series of Backyard Composting and Vermicomposting workshops in Allegheny County during October and November.

* New Recycling Opportunity In Walker Township, Centre County

The Centre County Recycling & Refuse Authority has placed a recycling container at the Walker Township Fire Hall, Howard, PA. 

* PA Resources Council To Hold 2 Final Collection Events In Western PA

The PA Resources Council will hold its two final collection events in Western PA on October 3 in Allegheny County and on October 10 in Beaver County.

* EPA Awards Allentown $400,000 Brownfields Grant

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Wednesday announced $400,000 in supplemental funding to the city of Allentown to support an ongoing brownfields cleanup project at the Allentown Metal Works Site.

* PennTAP Pollution Prevention, Energy Efficiency Evaluation Webinar Oct. 15

PennTAP will hold a webinar on October 15 starting at noon on the process for completing a Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency Review at a facility and outline the benefits for your company.

* Penn State Students Excel In Pollution Prevention, Energy Efficiency Assessments

Penn State engineering students work alongside PennTAP senior engineers performing pollution prevention and energy efficiency assessments for industrial manufacturing facilities.  In this way, students receive the opportunity to work on real-world engineering projects.

* Chesapeake Bay Foundation Issues Statement On Pope Francis’ Visit

Chesapeake Bay Foundation President William C. Baker issued this statement Wednesday regarding the visit of Pope Francis to the United States this week.

* Sustainable Pittsburgh Partners With 4 Business Districts On Sustainable Restaurants

Sustainable Pittsburgh Monday announced a new two-year partnership among four business districts within the City of Pittsburgh to support the introduction of the Sustainable Pittsburgh Restaurant Program to restaurants and consumers: Lawrenceville Corporation, Oakland Business Improvement District, Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, and Uptown Partners of Pittsburgh.

* PA Clean Power Climate Plan Comments: PA Environmental Council

DEP held its second listening session on EPA’s Clean Power Climate Plan requirements Monday in Pittsburgh and heard from a variety of groups, including these comments from the PA Environmental Council--

* PA Clean Power Climate Plan Comments: PA Coal Alliance

DEP held its first listening session on EPA’s Clean Power Climate Plan requirements September 15 in Harrisburg and heard from a variety of groups, including these comments from the PA Coal Alliance--

* Action Alert: One Small Program, One Big Investment In Lands, Waters, Communities

By Bill Kunze, Pennsylvania Chapter Executive Director, The Nature Conservancy

* DCNR Sets 12 Public Meetings To Review Draft State Forest Management Plan

A series of 12 statewide meetings have been scheduled by DCNR’s Bureau of Forestry to seek continued public input on changes to its Draft 2015 State Forest Resource Management Plan charting the course of Pennsylvania’s state forests for future generations.

* Sustainable Forestry Initiative Sets World’s Record For Planting Trees: 7,248 In PA

The Sustainable Forestry Initiative, with the support of volunteers from across the U.S. and Canada, officially set a new Guinness World Record for the most trees planted in one hour by small teams, planting a total of 202,935 trees.

* First Fall Foliage Report Showing Peak Color Times Now Available From DCNR

The first Fall Foliage Report is now available from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources showing expected peak color times across Pennsylvania.

* Nature Abounds Seeking Volunteers For 2015-16 IceWatch USA Season

Nature Abounds is seeking volunteers for the 2015-16 IceWatch season. IceWatch USA engages volunteers from across the United States to monitor local waterways over the winter season.

* DCNR Secretary Invites National Public Lands Day Participation

Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Cindy Adam Dunn Tuesday extended an invitation to state park visitors to join her in a day of volunteer service to improve state parks by taking part in National Public Lands Day events across Pennsylvania on September 26.

* Inaugural Lehigh Valley Greenways Festival Set For Sept. 26

On September 26 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 .p.m, Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center, 400 Belfast Road, Nazareth, Northampton County, will host the inaugural Lehigh Valley Greenways Festival organized by Lehigh Valley Greenways Conservation Landscape partners. 

* Sept. 23 Resource Newsletter Now Available From DCNR

The September 23 edition of the Resource newsletter is now available from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources featuring articles on--

* Wissahickon Valley Watershed Assn. Preserves Open Space In Montgomery County

Since 1957, the Wissahickon Valley Watershed Association has worked to protect and preserve ecologically sensitive properties around the Wissahickon Creek in order to improve water quality and to address the dangers of flooding.

* DCNR To Host Natural Connections State Recreation Plan Webinars In October

With Pennsylvania’s new five-year Outdoor Recreation Plan seeking to connect citizens to healthy outdoor recreation now released, a series of webinars this fall aims to inform Pennsylvanians of how "natural connections" can be made.

* State Park Trail Named In Honor Of First DCNR Secretary, John C. Oliver

 Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn Thursday joined other state and Bureau of State Parks officials in naming a multi-use trail at Maurice K. Goddard State Park in Sandy Lake, Mercer County in honor of DCNR's first secretary, John C. Oliver.

* Sign Up For Fall Wildlands Conservancy Tours, Annual Green Gala Nov. 20

The Wildlands Conservancy is offering tours of the Trexler Nature Preserve and the Coplay Creek Stream Restoration Project and other educational programs for all ages in October.  Click Here for a guide to upcoming events.

* Lacawac Sanctuary Offers Fall Run, Young Geezers Concert, Book Swap, Holiday Tea

The Lacawac Sanctuary & Biological Field Station in Wayne County offers a Fall 8K Run, Young Geezers Concert, free book swap and a holiday tea over the next few months. Click Here for a list of upcoming events.  Click Here to read a copy of the Fall Lacawac Sanctuary newsletter.

* Find Treasure On West Creek Rail Trail In Cameron, Elk Counties

A husband and wife team from Elk County have adopted the West Creek Rail to Trail and so far have placed 23 geocaches along a 3 mile section of the trail. The gps coordinates for the hiding places can be found at under the name WCRT. 

* Wildlife For Everyone: Clermont Habitat Improvement Progress In McKean County

A significant wildlife habitat restoration project continues to progress on the 25,000-acre Clermont Tract in southern McKean County.

* Businesses Can Support Wildlife For Everyone Foundation, Get Tax Credit

The PA Wildlife For Everyone Endowment Foundation invites businesses and supporters to participate in The Pennsylvania State Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program. The program provides tax credits to eligible businesses that make charitable contributions to an approved tax-exempt charitable organization.

* Act Now To Include Your Ad In 2016 Fish & Boat Summary Book

What do more than 1 million licensed anglers in Pennsylvania do before their first cast of the season? They pick up a copy of the Fish and Boat Commission’s Summary of Fishing Laws and Regulations.

* Fish & Boat Commission Currents Newsletter Now Available

The September/October edition of the Currents newsletter from the Fish and Boat Commission is now available featuring articles on--

* Game Commission Celebrating 1.5 Million Acres Of State Game Lands, New Video

Call it a “square-milestone.”  Pennsylvania’s state game lands system, which since 1919 has provided critical habitat for wildlife statewide, and a network of lands open to public hunting and trapping, now tops 1.5 million acres.

* Chester County Open Land Conservancy Larimer Nature Preserve Bird Walk Oct. 3

The Open Land Conservancy of Chester County and the Tredyffrin Township Bird Town are hosting a bird walk October 3 starting at 8:00 a.m. at the George Larimer Nature Preserve.

* Upper Perkiomen Bird & Wildlife Festival Sept. 26 In Montgomery County

PA Audubon Bird Town Program and Montgomery County Parks will host the Upper Perkiomen Bird and Wildlife Festival on September 26 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Green Lane Park, 2298 Green Lane Rd., in Green Lane, Montgomery County.

* Opportunity To Bid On DEP Mine Reclamation Project In Somerset County

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of an opportunity to bid on an abandoned mine reclamation project in Somerset County.

* Governor’s Council Looks To Fill Game, Fish & Boat Commission Board Openings

The Governor’s Advisory Council for Hunting, Fishing and Conservation is seeking qualified candidates to fill a vacancy on the board of the Fish and Boat Commission in District Six, which includes Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry and York counties. The district was represented by Robert A. Bachman of Denver, Lancaster County, whose term has expired.

* Help Wanted: DEP Mining Program

The Department of Environmental Protection Thursday announced numerous employment opportunities in its mining programs. Current workforce planning projections highlight the potential for upcoming retirements to open up more than 50 positions across the Commonwealth by 2017. 

* Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events

This section lists House and Senate Committee meetings, DEP and other public hearings and meetings and other interesting environmental events.

* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs.  NEW means new from last week.

* Environmental NewsClips - All Topics

Here are NewsClips from around the state on all environmental topics, including General Environment, Budget, Marcellus Shale, Watershed Protection and much more--

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

No new regulations were published this week.  Pennsylvania Bulletin - September 26, 2015

* CLICK HERE To Print Entire PA Environment Digest

CLICK HERE to Print The Entire PA Environment Digest.

* Stories Invited

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout UnlimitedSponsor: 2016 Keystone Coldwater Conference, State College, Feb. 26-27.

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