Republican Tsunami Takes Governor's Office, Returns GOP To Power In State House
The voters have spoken and they gave the nod to Republican Tom Corbett for Governor and gave Republicans at least a 111 to 92 seat majority in the House, reversing the 104 to 99 Democratic majority.
Governor-Elect Tom Corbett's Energy, Environmental, Conservation Positions
House Ends Legislative Session In A Whimper, No Chance For A Severance Tax
Sen. Corman Calls October State Revenue Report Sobering
The Department of Revenue this week reported Pennsylvania collected $1.8 billion in General Fund revenue in October, which was $57.3 million, or 3.2 percent, less than anticipated. Fiscal year-to-date General Fund collections total $7.6 billion, which is $18.5 million, or 0.2 percent, above estimate.
Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule
Bills On Governor's Desk
Sen. Mary Jo White Calls Permit Policy For Gas Wells On DCNR Lands Ill-Conceived, Illegal
In a letter to Gov. Rendell this week, Sen. Mary Jo White (R-Venango), Majority Chair of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, called the new policy announced by the Department of Environmental Protection last week on permitting natural gas wells on State Park and State Forest lands "ill-conceived, most likely illegal and could potentially cost Pennsylvania taxpayers tens of millions of dollars."
PA Resources Council Announces Winners Of 2010 Environmental Awards
WPCAMR: Severance Tax, Where Do We Go From Here?
Scarce Public Infrastructure Dollars To Replace Drilling-Affected Water Supplies In Dimock
Penn State Webinars Look At Water Management For Marcellus Shale Production
Marcellus Shale FracTracker Training Workshop On November 12
DEP Report On Air Quality Impacts From Marcellus Shale Operations In Southwest
Gas Well Production, Compliance Information Available Thru DEP Website
People’s Oil And Gas Summit In Pittsburgh November 19-20
WPC And Dominion Resources Seek Proposals For Watershed Mini Grants
The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy is now accepting proposals for the 2010-2011 Watershed Mini Grant Program, which provides assistance to the region’s grassroots watershed groups. Funding for the program is provided by Dominion.
PennVEST Announces 21,000 Pounds Of Nitrogen Credits Sold At First Auction
Spotlight- Columbia County Farmers Make Headway On Conservation Efforts
Five Columbia County farmers are demonstrating that by making changes to their daily operations that they can improve their bottom line and herd health by keeping soil on the fields, livestock out of the streams, and at the same time improving local water quality.
Video Blog: Video Diary - What Do Poultry, Paper Abandoned Mine Lands Have In Common?
What do Poultry farms, paper mills, and abandoned mine lands have in common? Aside from the fact that each produces pollution and waste, combined they may be able to solve one another's problems while providing energy. How is this possible?
Schuylkill Action Network Launches Student Video, Education Contests
November Issue Of Environmental Ed Connections Now Available From PCEE
New PA Center For Environmental Ed Website Goes Live November 15
Friends Of Wissahickon Hosts Public Meeting On Trail Work In The Watershed
Western PA Conservancy Completes Savan Dam Removal On The Little Mahoning
The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, with the assistance of several partners, removed a 100-foot dam on Little Mahoning Creek on October 4.
PA Environmental Council, American Water Co. Sponsor Streamside Tree Planting
Looking To Redesign Your Watershed Website, Attend The Website Sprint November 11-14
Bedford County Environmental Fair Set For November 18
DCNR Opens New Community Conservation Partnership Grant Round, Sets Webinars
DCNR Awards $400,000 Grant For Anthracite Outdoor Adventure Area
DEP Orders Consol Pennsylvania Coal Co. To Repair Ryerson Station Dam
Public Urged To Heed Emerald Ash Borer Quarantine When Hauling Firewood
PUC Approves Environmentally Friendly Plan To Make Telephone White Pages By Verizon
Natural Gas Utilities, Suppliers, Experts Brief PUC On Winter Availability
PECO Customers Save $68 Million In Energy Costs With Smart Energy Ideas
Dickinson Earns Climate Leadership Award For Institutional Excellence
PUC Finalizes Guidelines On Transmission Line Siting
Opportunity To Bid On DEP Well Plugging In Allegheny County, Engineering Services
Elm Street Program Recognized By Harvard University
PA Environmental Council Names Paul M. King President
The Pennsylvania Environmental Council this week named Paul M. King, QEP, to the position of president and chief executive officer, succeeding Donald S. Welsh, who has resigned to pursue other interests.
Grants & Awards
This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.
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PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.