DEP Posts Final Version Of Unconventional, Conventional Drilling Regulation Changes
The Department of Environmental Protection Tuesday posted the final version of proposed changes to Chapter 78 and 78A conventional and unconventional and drilling regulation changes on the Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board and the Conventional Oil and Gas Advisory Committee webpages.
Senate, House, Governor Owe Appointments To DEP, DCNR Citizen Advisory Councils
Five of the 18 positions on DEP’s Citizens Advisory Council are now vacant and a sixth position is held by an individual whose term expired in January. Appointments to the CAC are made by the Senate, House and the Governor. The DEP Secretary is a 19th member of Council by virtue of his position.
Senate, Governor Owe Appointments To DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee
There are three vacancies on DEP’s Climate Change Advisory Committee whose members are appointed by the Majority and Minority Leaders in the Senate and House and by the Governor.
Budget Impasse Day 48: Same As Every Other Day-- No Real Progress
At meetings this week between Gov. Wolf and Republicans Leaders, participants said they had a “good conversation” about pensions and education funding to the point of saying the issues would be addressed in the final budget agreement, according to House Majority Leader David Reed (R-Indiana).
PA Environment Digest Google+ Circle, Blogs, Twitter Feeds
PA Environment Digest now has a Google+ Circle called Green Works In PA. Let us join your Circle.
Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Gov’s Schedule
Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced--
Chesapeake Bay Watershed Champion: Kelly Gutshall, Landstudies, Inc.
The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay Friday announced it will recognize Kelly Gutshall, landscape architect and owner/president of LandStudies, Inc. in Lititz, Lancaster County, as one of its Watershed Champion award winners.
Highlights Of Suburban Philadelphia Delaware Watershed Tour
On August 6, the PA Environmental Council and the Upstream Suburban Philadelphia Cluster partners organized a watersheds tour for William Penn Foundation staff focusing on the Foundation’s Delaware River Watershed Initiative.
Correction: Penn State Extension, Stroud Riparian Buffer Workshop Sept. 24 Avondale
Penn State Extension and the Stroud Water Research Center will hold a Riparian Stream Buffer Workshop on September 24 starting at 9:00 a.m. at the Stroud Center, 970 Spencer Road, Avondale, Chester County.
Adaptive Grazing Farm Tour Sept. 4-5 Tionesta
The Natural Resource Conservation Service and Headwaters RC&D Council are sponsoring an Adaptive Grazing Farm Tour September 4-5 at the Wilson Land and Cattle Company, 1532 Stitzinger Road, Tionesta, Forest County.
Delaware Estuary Cleanups Set For Aug. 20, 21, 24-28, 31, Sept. 1
Chad Pregracke of Living Lands & Waters is bringing crews all the way from Illinois to help the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary clean up the Delaware River. This will be the nonprofit’s only East Coast stop in its quest to remove 1 million pounds of litter from waterways.
Capital Region Water Sponsors Aug. 18 Cleanup In Harrisburg
Capital Region Water is sponsoring a cleanup August 18 at Woodbine and 4th Streets in Harrisburg starting at 5:30 p.m.
Schools Invited To Join Keep PA Beautiful’s Litter Free School Zone Program
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful invites schools in Pennsylvania to participate in the Litter Free School Zone Program, a comprehensive program that can complement lessons designed around recycling, litter awareness, and community stewardship.
Keep PA Beautiful: 1st Issue Of Beautiful Resources Online Toolbox Now Available
The first issue of Keep PA Beautiful’s online toolbox called Beautiful Resources is now available. Here are some excerpt from the introductory message by Shannon Reiter, President, Keep PA Beautiful--
Clearfield County Successfully Defends Waste Disposal Fee In County Waste Plan
After more than two years and litigation before two separate courts, the Clearfield County Solid Waste Management Plan is officially final. Waste Management Inc. dropped its pending appeal of the Department of Environmental Protection’s approval of Clearfield County’s Solid Waste Management Plan.
Aug. 20 Hearing On Permit Changes To Yukon Landfill, Westmoreland County
Department of Environmental Protection will host a public hearing August 20 on a proposal from MAX Environmental Technologies for a permit modification allowing the company to increase the elevation by approximately 40 feet, of a portion of the Yukon facility.
Save The Date: Oct. 7-8 Celebrate 15 Years Of Sustainable Energy Funds
The West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund is coordinating a celebration of the 15th anniversary of the sustainable energy funds in Pennsylvania with special events on October 7-8 in State College.
Sept. 2 Hearing On Proposed Natural Gas Power Plant In Lackawanna County
The Department of Environmental Protection will host a public hearing about a proposed natural gas power plant in the Borough of Jessup, Lackawanna County, from 6-9 p.m. on September 2 at Valley View High School, 1 Columbus Drive, Archbald, PA.
Report: Fracking Could Harm Delaware River Basin If Moratorium Lifted
A new study funded by the Delaware Riverkeeper, an opponent of drilling in the Delaware River Basin, shows lifting an active moratorium on fracking in the Delaware River Basin would have devastating impacts on water and air quality; would cause irreversible damage to agricultural lands and forests that are critical to communities, wildlife, and local economies; and would threaten the health of residents in the Delaware River watershed if drilling were permitted there.
Aug. 29 Invisible River Festival On The Schuylkill In Philadelphia
The Invisible River Festival will be held on August 29 from 2 to 8 p.m. in East Fairmount Park in Philadelphia to bring together the community with aerial arts performance and dance on and above the Schuylkill River.
Updated DEP Schedule For Mosquito Spraying
The Department of Environmental Protection and West Nile Programs across the state announced mosquito spray dates in the coming week. They include--
Agriculture: August Designated Asian Longhorned Beetle Month
By taking a few minutes to inspect trees for unusual insect damage this month, Pennsylvanians can help safeguard the state from a non-native, invasive threat to the state's forests.
PA Farmland Preservation Program Protects 2,857 More Acres Of Farmland
During the August meeting of the PA Agricultural Land Preservation Board, an additional 29 farms in 16 counties were added to the state’s nation-leading farmland preservation program – totaling 2,857 acres of additional farmland.
Sustainable Forestry Initiative Community, Conservation Partnership Grants Due Oct. 2
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative is pleased to announce the opening of the Request For Proposals for the SFI Conservation and Community Partnerships Grant Programs. The deadline for proposals for this nationwide program is October 2.
DCNR Renames Lackawanna State Forest District In Honor Of Gifford Pinchot
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Tuesday renamed Lackawanna State Forest District in honor of Gifford Pinchot in a move marking the 150th anniversary of the conservation pioneer's birth and saluting his creation of forestry practices that continue to shape and benefit Pennsylvania's forests to this day.
Op-Ed: Gov. Gifford Pinchot Left His Mark On Our Natural Heritage
By Char Miller and Kevin C. Brown
August 12 Resource Newsletter Now Available From DCNR
The August 12 edition of the Resource newsletter is now available from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources featuring articles on--
PA Wilds Artisan Trail Brands Workshops Aug. 19 Clarion, Aug. 21 Lycoming Counties
The PA Wilds Artisan Trail will be holding free “Make the Brand Work for You” workshops in Clarion County on August 19 and Lycoming County on August 21 for small batch producers, independent retailers, artisans and other creative entrepreneurs looking to learn more about joining the Artisan Trail and using the “Proudly Made in the Pennsylvania Wilds” brand and networks to grow their operations.
Friends Of Wissahickon Ice Cream Social Aug. 19
The Friends of the Wissahickon in Philadelphia and Montgomery counties invites neighbors and friends to enjoy free ice cream at its 9th annual ice cream social on August 19, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. outside of its offices at 8708 Germantown Avenue in Chestnut Hill.
Game, Fish Commissions Seek Comments On PA Wildlife Action Plan
The Game Commission and Fish and Boat Commission are seeking public input through September 11 on the draft 2015-2025 Pennsylvania Wildlife Action Plan.
Help Wanted: Stroud Water Research Center Director Of Environmental Education
The Stroud Water Research Center in Avondale, Chester County, is looking for qualified candidates to fill the position of Director of Environmental Education. August 31 is the deadline for applications. Click Here for all the details.
Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events
This section lists House and Senate Committee meetings, DEP and other public hearings and meetings and other interesting environmental events.
Grants & Awards
This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.
Environmental NewsClips - All Topics
Here are NewsClips from around the state on all environmental topics, including General Environment, Budget, Marcellus Shale, Watershed Protection and much more--
Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits
No new regulations were published this week. Pennsylvania Bulletin - August 15, 2015
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CLICK HERE to Print The Entire PA Environment Digest.
Stories Invited
Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to: DHess@CrisciAssociates.com.
Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited. Sponsor: 2016 Keystone Coldwater Conference, State College, Feb. 26-27.